yidakee 4 years ago
parent 382c91e4c1
commit d745a3ddba

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
## How To Setup A Lokinet Exit Node for "Normies" aka newbies aka non-developers.
_by: yidakee (aka "@super_duderino")_
_by: yidakee (aka @ super_duderino)_
if you appreciate this tutorial and you'd like to buy me a beer, feel free to send some loki love
over to my wallet `L58ck1CcByFHaQu18c4YQg6UkH1vTX1SBKYL6ecRxY87if4iNKcBAH55GS9ahVt6hS6oLP7LC5TA1Lmdb8B8o5MuSyohRJ4`
@ -71,3 +72,66 @@ apt-get install -y gnupg gnupg2 policykit-1 htop build-essential cmake git libca
Now we'll create a system user. Right now you are logged in as `root`, but typical linux good practice is to set up stuff as a user. You can use whatever name you want, but for this tutorial we will use a user called `user123`
adduser user123
You will be prompted for a password and some extra info. Select your pssword, but you can simply skip the extra info by pressing `Enter`all the way to the end.
Next, add user to sudoers list, and change from `root` over to `user123`
usermod -aG sudo user123
su - user123
Next, we'll install jagerman42's (aka Professor Podnocker, aka Jason) public keys that is used to sign binaries.
curl -s | sudo apt-key add -
Next, we'll find the packages
echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
Now to resync package repositories...
sudo apt update
... and install Lokinet
sudo apt install lokinet
Congrats! Lokinet is now running in the background, but we're not done just yet. Lokinet is running
and you can find your Lokinet address, but it will not be persistant in case of a Lokinet restart or server reboot. So let's go ahead and create a persistant Lokinet address.
Lets edit the file `lokinet.ini` and add an entry.
sudo nano /etc/loki/lokinet.ini
Copy the following and add to the [network] section
To save, press `CTRL+x`and confirm with `Y`and press `Enter`
Now, we can restart Lokinet, and it will create a persitant Lokinet addressed
sudo systemctl restart lokinet
You can check your Lokinet address by issuing this commands
dig @ -t cname +short localhost.loki
