52 Session Closed Groups
ianmacd edited this page 2 years ago

Session's Closed Groups are completely private and support up to 100 members only. To join a Closed Group you have to send a private / direct message to the group owner (Session IDs or ONS* listed below).

'* ONS stands for 'Oxen Name Systems', see https://docs.oxen.io/products-built-on-oxen/session/loki-name-system-for-session and https://docs.oxen.io/using-the-oxen-blockchain/using-oxen-name-system

Closed Groups

Qubes OS

Welcome Qubes OS newbies and experts! Feel free to share and read news, tips and tricks related to Qubes OS. Off-topic chats will be deleted and members will be warned any illegal content will be immediately deleted and members banned.

Contact: whoami (05ce62d575b31e2b3629fba5b9ae7f92fa33eda2d346e6995e5eb8444d68f5bb13)

see also: https://forum.qubes-os.org (official Qubes OS Forum) https://www.qubes-os.org

+21 Dating Sessions (NSFW)

Everybody +21 is welcome:) Treat each other with respect, No insults, no racial hatred, no child porn Upload your images, post links. Always use your head before posting private stuff.

Contact: Daniela (05be3aad341f693285c50a1fe269a055d4d290180e6e18f54ec17327fdc6a2834c)

Religion/Philosophy/Life - VidarReturns

Pro family, community, self-excellence, connecting with nature. Respect others as you would be respected. Rediscover your Life Purpose. Unleash the Superior Human within yourself.

Contact: VidarReturns (05a3e56b415d89a6e67c210de3164cde95b843ba65ad2d2529be96dcea97474912)


I like to talk about strange and unusual things, energy manipulation, things that take place on the ethereal plane. If you do as well, this group may be for you. Break your love; Fortify your soul.

Contact: _ (05461da15175abe3fdd0ae4f3d8e0c44ec3bff41281e2fd7d2667eb629b6da4461)


Welcome GrapheneOS newbies and experts! Feel free to share and read news, tips and tricks related to GrapheneOS. Off-topic chats will be deleted and members will be warned any illegal content will be immediately deleted and members banned.

Contact: whoami (05ce62d575b31e2b3629fba5b9ae7f92fa33eda2d346e6995e5eb8444d68f5bb13)

see also: https://grapheneos.org (official GrapheneOS website)


This group is for freethinkers and no politics are allowed.

Contact: Asher (055e2bc8e0dd07d8ceb2494f975b34a25cb91c70c4d8514054c10599c4af54d466)


For anything paranormal, and anything horror irl and fantasy, and posting anything that is moral.

Contact: Asher (055e2bc8e0dd07d8ceb2494f975b34a25cb91c70c4d8514054c10599c4af54d466)

Chess Club

For anyone who is interested to play chess, and just want to talk about anything related to chess.

Contact: Asher (055e2bc8e0dd07d8ceb2494f975b34a25cb91c70c4d8514054c10599c4af54d466)

Alt Aesthetic

For anyone who is interested in alt punk, grunge, emo, goth, and metalhead. Alternative (alt) is an umbrella term that can describe anything that sits outside of the mainstream.

Contact: Asher (055e2bc8e0dd07d8ceb2494f975b34a25cb91c70c4d8514054c10599c4af54d466)

Content Creators

This is a group where all can share their favorite YouTuber, Tiktoker and other content creators.

Contact: Asher (055e2bc8e0dd07d8ceb2494f975b34a25cb91c70c4d8514054c10599c4af54d466)

Modern Survival

The Art of Modern Survival - the purpose of this group is to discuss, debate, and dispute on how we the people can circumvent modern surveillance without the need to disconnect from society. Please read below link to know about the purpose of this group's existence - https://telegra.ph/Modern-Survival-09-08

Contact: MECsan (053917350255e46182e568a2a2a0b163dae21bad3be9a8cdddcf1cb146c611896b)

BlackHat Discussion

This group is for discussing anything related to BlackHat hacking.

Contact: Dedicated (0529b338c6f35ab370c36a6cac327677406eb75c6bbce4e1771f765a7dbb617a63)


A closed group for agorism, voluntaryism and anarcho-capitalism. No white nationalism and no left wing anarchism please.

Contact: Evoker of Ewoks (05d55fe96c6fcf1bf6c369ba16865776d947fca47cf58e0a414ed22a2a28c49d43)

Drugs [Harms Reduction]

A group for harms reduction related to drug and alcohol (ab)use.

Contact: Warlock (05a357eb98e45e07322472a2decc3cfd221953f75480e90e6996322a5fee2cf81a)

Left-Wing Anarchists

Contact: Skylar (055f8ce4956896a11d58e485d48cc1c695f4406009f5c9d4834f7c1d48efc9da17)


Monero related conversation.

Contact : RandomWizardDotI2P (it is an ONS*, just copy & paste the name as SessionID)


Groupe français de résistants à l'effondrement. French group of resistors to the collapse. Both languages are supported french and english.

Contact: LSB (05cabad3aff7642026e7ba958c5b2fb2bff122808544a531267b718e5721148615)


A closed group for Iranians to circumvent censorship by the Iranian government.

Contact: houdini (0588ca763b15dc2dd5d4d7e8a2569053ff5a5e2b73097b0f1fd6d2684ef297667b)

Arch Linux

This group is for discussing anything related to Arch Linux

Contact: Sergi (058f38f19588ebef2c078ecaa0285011cc88ba89e3fc2132393c5d722341d42e35)