You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Contribution guidelines
## Development environment
### Prerequisites
- PHP (version TBD)
- `make`
- `entr` to watch for file changes
- `xdg-open` link handler to invoke browser
- patience
### Cloning or updating the repository
Ensure the consistency of the `languages` submodule by using the following options:
- `git clone --recurse-submodules <repository-url>`
- `git pull --recurse-submodules`
### Development
Run at least once: `make fetch` to query servers. This can take around 5 minutes.
Run when developing: `make dev` to watch for changes & serve HTML locally in browser.
Does not respond to new files.
See [`Makefile`](Makefile) for more details.
### Running your own copy
- point your webserver at the `output` folder
- install systemd services from the `systemd` folder or an equivalent timer
- `session_sudoers`: TBD
## Code style guidelines
### General
**Indentation**: Tabs (4-wide)
**Filename seperator**: Hyphen (`-`)
### PHP
**Identifier casing**: `snake_case` and `CONSTANT_CASE`
**Comments and documentation**: TBD
### HTML & CSS
**Identifier casing**: `kebab-case`, occasional `snake_case`
**Comments and documentation**: TBD
### JavaScript
**Identifier casing**: `camelCase` and `CONSTANT_CASE`, occasional `snake_case`
**Comments and documentation**: [JSDoc](
## Contact
- Web Development Session Community on [](
- Project lead, querying logic, deployment, community filtering: `someguy` on Session
- Documentation, code quality, HTML generation, CSS, JS: `gravel` on Session