ignore embedded fields used in reflection (#768)

Fixes #765.
xuannv 10 months ago committed by GitHub
parent 47296634f1
commit 404b2ce128
No known key found for this signature in database

@ -14,3 +14,4 @@ Zachary Wasserman <zachwass2000@gmail.com>
lu4p <lu4p@pm.me>
pagran <pagran@protonmail.com>
shellhazard <shellhazard@tutanota.com>
xuannv <xuan11290@gmail.com>

@ -406,32 +406,27 @@ func (ri *reflectInspector) recursivelyRecordUsedForReflect(t types.Type) {
// TODO: consider caching recordedObjectString via a map,
// if that shows an improvement in our benchmark
func recordedObjectString(obj types.Object) objectString {
// For exported fields, "pkgpath.Field" is not unique,
// because two exported top-level types could share "Field".
// Moreover, note that not all fields belong to named struct types;
// an API could be exposing:
// var usedInReflection = struct{Field string}
// For now, a hack: assume that packages don't declare the same field
// more than once in the same line. This works in practice, but one
// could craft Go code to break this assumption.
// Also note that the compiler's object files include filenames and line
// numbers, but not column numbers nor byte offsets.
// TODO(mvdan): give this another think, and add tests involving anon types.
// Note that fields are never top-level.
pkg := obj.Pkg()
if obj, ok := obj.(*types.Var); ok && obj.IsField() {
// For exported fields, "pkgpath.Field" is not unique,
// because two exported top-level types could share "Field".
// Moreover, note that not all fields belong to named struct types;
// an API could be exposing:
// var usedInReflection = struct{Field string}
// For now, a hack: assume that packages don't declare the same field
// more than once in the same line. This works in practice, but one
// could craft Go code to break this assumption.
// Also note that the compiler's object files include filenames and line
// numbers, but not column numbers nor byte offsets.
// TODO(mvdan): give this another think, and add tests involving anon types.
if pkg.Scope() != obj.Parent() {
pos := fset.Position(obj.Pos())
return fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s - %s:%d", pkg.Path(), obj.Name(),
filepath.Base(pos.Filename), pos.Line)
// Names which are not at the top level cannot be imported,
// so we don't need to record them either.
// Note that this doesn't apply to fields, which are never top-level.
if pkg.Scope() != obj.Parent() {
return ""
// For top-level exported names, "pkgpath.Name" is unique.
return pkg.Path() + "." + obj.Name()
@ -442,20 +437,44 @@ func (ri *reflectInspector) recordUsedForReflect(obj types.Object) {
if obj.Pkg().Path() != ri.pkg.Path() {
panic("called recordUsedForReflect with a foreign object")
objStr := recordedObjectString(obj)
if objStr == "" {
// If the object can't be described via a qualified string,
// do we need to record it at all?
if obj, ok := obj.(*types.Var); ok && obj.IsField() {
ri.result.ReflectObjects[recordedObjectString(obj)] = struct{}{}
if !obj.Embedded() {
embeddedType, ok := obj.Type().(*types.Named)
if !ok {
embeddedObj := embeddedType.Obj()
if embeddedObj.Pkg().Scope() == embeddedObj.Parent() {
// not local type
if embeddedObj.Pkg() == nil || embeddedObj.Pkg() != ri.pkg {
// not from the specified package
ri.result.ReflectObjects[recordedObjectString(embeddedObj)] = struct{}{}
ri.result.ReflectObjects[objStr] = struct{}{}
// we don't need to record the local type names
if obj.Pkg().Scope() != obj.Parent() {
ri.result.ReflectObjects[recordedObjectString(obj)] = struct{}{}
func usedForReflect(cache pkgCache, obj types.Object) bool {
objStr := recordedObjectString(obj)
if objStr == "" {
return false
_, ok := cache.ReflectObjects[objStr]
_, ok := cache.ReflectObjects[recordedObjectString(obj)]
return ok

@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import (
@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ func main() {
printfWithoutPackage("%#v\n", variadic)
// Very complex reflection used by gorm
user := StatUser{}
@ -175,13 +176,54 @@ type FmtType struct {
// copied from github.com/davecgh/go-spew, which reaches into reflect's internals
var _ = func() uintptr {
field, ok := reflect.TypeOf(reflect.Value{}).FieldByName("flag")
if !ok {
panic("reflect.Value has no flag field")
func testGoSpew() {
flagValOffset := func() uintptr {
field, ok := reflect.TypeOf(reflect.Value{}).FieldByName("flag")
if !ok {
panic("reflect.Value has no flag field")
return field.Offset
type flag uintptr
flagField := func(v *reflect.Value) *flag {
return (*flag)(unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(v)) + flagValOffset))
type t0 int
var t struct {
A t0
a t0
vA := reflect.ValueOf(t).FieldByName("A")
va := reflect.ValueOf(t).FieldByName("a")
vt0 := reflect.ValueOf(t).FieldByName("t0")
flagvA := *flagField(&vA)
flagva := *flagField(&va)
flagvt0 := *flagField(&vt0)
if flagvA&flagva&flagvt0 == 0 {
panic("reflect.Value read-only flag has changed semantics")
return field.Offset
type T0 int
var T struct {
A T0
a T0
vA = reflect.ValueOf(T).FieldByName("A")
va = reflect.ValueOf(T).FieldByName("a")
vt0 = reflect.ValueOf(T).FieldByName("T0")
flagvA = *flagField(&vA)
flagva = *flagField(&va)
flagvt0 = *flagField(&vt0)
if flagvA&flagva&flagvt0 == 0 {
panic("reflect.Value read-only flag has changed semantics")
// encoding/x509 uses encoding/asn1, which uses reflect.
// In one place it depends on field names; that used to be broken by garble.
