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package org.session.libsession.messaging.file_server
import nl.komponents.kovenant.Promise
import okhttp3.Headers
import okhttp3.HttpUrl
import okhttp3.MediaType
import okhttp3.RequestBody
import org.session.libsession.snode.OnionRequestAPI
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.HTTP
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.JsonUtil
import org.session.libsignal.utilities.Log
object FileServerApi {
private const val serverPublicKey = "da21e1d886c6fbaea313f75298bd64aab03a97ce985b46bb2dad9f2089c8ee59"
const val server = ""
const val maxFileSize = 10_000_000 // 10 MB
* The file server has a file size limit of `maxFileSize`, which the Service Nodes try to enforce as well. However, the limit applied by the Service Nodes
* is on the **HTTP request** and not the actual file size. Because the file server expects the file data to be base 64 encoded, the size of the HTTP
* request for a given file will be at least `ceil(n / 3) * 4` bytes, where n is the file size in bytes. This is the minimum size because there might also
* be other parameters in the request. On average the multiplier appears to be about 1.5, so when checking whether the file will exceed the file size limit when
* uploading a file we just divide the size of the file by this number. The alternative would be to actually check the size of the HTTP request but that's only
* possible after proof of work has been calculated and the onion request encryption has happened, which takes several seconds.
const val fileSizeORMultiplier = 2 // TODO: It should be possible to set this to 1.5?
sealed class Error(message: String) : Exception(message) {
object ParsingFailed : Error("Invalid response.")
object InvalidURL : Error("Invalid URL.")
data class Request(
val verb: HTTP.Verb,
val endpoint: String,
val queryParameters: Map<String, String> = mapOf(),
val parameters: Any? = null,
val headers: Map<String, String> = mapOf(),
val body: ByteArray? = null,
* Always `true` under normal circumstances. You might want to disable
* this when running over Lokinet.
val useOnionRouting: Boolean = true
private fun createBody(body: ByteArray?, parameters: Any?): RequestBody? {
if (body != null) return RequestBody.create(MediaType.get("application/octet-stream"), body)
if (parameters == null) return null
val parametersAsJSON = JsonUtil.toJson(parameters)
return RequestBody.create(MediaType.get("application/json"), parametersAsJSON)
private fun send(request: Request): Promise<ByteArray, Exception> {
val url = HttpUrl.parse(server) ?: return Promise.ofFail(Error.InvalidURL)
val urlBuilder = HttpUrl.Builder()
if (request.verb == HTTP.Verb.GET) {
for ((key, value) in request.queryParameters) {
urlBuilder.addQueryParameter(key, value)
val requestBuilder = okhttp3.Request.Builder()
when (request.verb) {
HTTP.Verb.GET -> requestBuilder.get()
HTTP.Verb.PUT -> requestBuilder.put(createBody(request.body, request.parameters)!!)
HTTP.Verb.POST ->, request.parameters)!!)
HTTP.Verb.DELETE -> requestBuilder.delete(createBody(request.body, request.parameters))
return if (request.useOnionRouting) {
OnionRequestAPI.sendOnionRequest(, server, serverPublicKey).map {
it.body ?: throw Error.ParsingFailed
}.fail { e ->
Log.e("Loki", "File server request failed.", e)
} else {
Promise.ofFail(IllegalStateException("It's currently not allowed to send non onion routed requests."))
fun upload(file: ByteArray): Promise<Long, Exception> {
val request = Request(
verb = HTTP.Verb.POST,
endpoint = "file",
body = file,
headers = mapOf(
"Content-Disposition" to "attachment",
"Content-Type" to "application/octet-stream"
return send(request).map { response ->
val json = JsonUtil.fromJson(response,
val hasId = json.containsKey("id")
val id = json.getOrDefault("id", null)
Log.d("Loki-FS", "File Upload Response hasId: $hasId of type: ${id?.javaClass}")
(id as? String)?.toLong() ?: throw Error.ParsingFailed
fun download(file: String): Promise<ByteArray, Exception> {
val request = Request(verb = HTTP.Verb.GET, endpoint = "file/$file")
return send(request)