You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

80 lines
2.4 KiB

import {} from 'styled-components/cssprop';
import { LocalizerType } from '../ts/types/Util';
import { LibsignalProtocol } from '../../libtextsecure/libsignal-protocol';
import { SignalInterface } from '../../js/modules/signal';
4 years ago
import { LibTextsecure } from '../libtextsecure';
import { Store } from 'redux';
import { ConversationCollection, ConversationModel } from './models/conversation';
import { ConversationType } from './state/ducks/conversations';
We declare window stuff here instead of global.d.ts because we are importing other declarations.
If you import anything in global.d.ts, the type system won't work correctly.
declare global {
interface Window {
Events: any;
Lodash: any;
SessionSnodeAPI: any;
Session: any;
Signal: SignalInterface;
StubAppDotNetApi: any;
StringView: any;
StubMessageAPI: any;
Whisper: any;
clearLocalData: any;
clipboard: any;
dcodeIO: any;
getSettingValue: (id: string, comparisonValue?: any) => any;
setSettingValue: (id: string, value: any) => void;
i18n: LocalizerType;
libsignal: LibsignalProtocol;
log: any;
sessionFeatureFlags: {
useOnionRequests: boolean;
useCallMessage: boolean;
SessionSnodeAPI: SessionSnodeAPI;
onLogin: any;
persistStore?: Persistor;
restart: any;
getSeedNodeList: () => Array<any> | undefined;
setPassword: any;
storage: any;
4 years ago
textsecure: LibTextsecure;
toggleMediaPermissions: () => Promise<void>;
toggleCallMediaPermissionsTo: (enabled: boolean) => Promise<void>;
getCallMediaPermissions: () => boolean;
updateZoomFactor: () => boolean;
toggleMenuBar: () => void;
toggleSpellCheck: any;
setTheme: (newTheme: string) => any;
isDev?: () => boolean;
userConfig: any;
versionInfo: any;
getConversations: () => ConversationCollection;
readyForUpdates: () => void;
MediaRecorder: any;
contextMenuShown: boolean;
inboxStore?: Store;
openConversationWithMessages: (args: {
conversationKey: string;
messageId: string | null;
}) => Promise<void>;
LokiPushNotificationServer: any;
getGlobalOnlineStatus: () => boolean;
confirmationDialog: any;
callWorker: (fnName: string, ...args: any) => Promise<any>;
setStartInTray: (val: boolean) => Promise<void>;
getStartInTray: () => Promise<boolean>;
libsession: any;