You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
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/* global window */
const { ipcRenderer } = require('electron');
const url = require('url');
2 years ago
const i18n = require('./ts/util/i18n');
2 years ago
const config = url.parse(window.location.toString(), true).query;
const { locale } = config;
const localeMessages = ipcRenderer.sendSync('locale-data');
window._ = require('lodash');
window.React = require('react');
window.ReactDOM = require('react-dom');
window.getVersion = () => config.version;
window.theme = config.theme;
window.i18n = i18n.setupi18n(locale, localeMessages);
// got.js appears to need this to successfully submit debug logs to the cloud
window.nodeSetImmediate = setImmediate;
window.getNodeVersion = () => config.node_version;
window.getEnvironment = () => config.environment;
const os = require('os');
window.getOSRelease = () => `${os.type()} ${os.release} ${os.platform()}`;
window.getCommitHash = () => config.commitHash;
window.closeDebugLog = () => ipcRenderer.send('close-debug-log');
window.saveLog = logText => ipcRenderer.send('save-debug-log', logText);