var fs = require('fs'); var _ = require('lodash'); var execSync = require('child_process').execSync; const updateLocalConfig = () => { var environment = process.env.SIGNAL_ENV || 'production'; var configPath = `config/local-${environment}.json`; var localConfig; var hash = ''; try { // this was tested on windows, linux and macOS builds through the CI and works fine, but might require to make git available in the PATH when building unofficial builds. // this is used to udpate the hash of the commit in the UI at the bottom of the settings screen, and in the about view var stdout = execSync('git rev-parse HEAD').toString();'"git rev-parse HEAD" result: ', stdout && stdout.trim()); if (!_.isEmpty(stdout)) { hash = stdout.trim(); } var rawdata = fs.readFileSync(configPath); localConfig = JSON.parse(rawdata); } catch (e) { console.error('updateLocalConfig failed with', e.message); } localConfig = { ...localConfig, commitHash: hash, }; var toWrite = `${JSON.stringify(localConfig)}\n`; fs.writeFileSync(configPath, toWrite); }; updateLocalConfig();