import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { channels } from './channels'; const channelsToMakeForOpengroupV2 = [ 'getAllV2OpenGroupRooms', 'getV2OpenGroupRoom', 'saveV2OpenGroupRoom', 'removeV2OpenGroupRoom', 'getAllOpenGroupV2Conversations', ]; const channelsToMake = new Set([ 'shutdown', 'close', 'removeDB', 'getPasswordHash', 'getGuardNodes', 'updateGuardNodes', 'createOrUpdateItem', 'getItemById', 'getAllItems', 'removeItemById', 'getSwarmNodesForPubkey', 'updateSwarmNodesForPubkey', 'saveConversation', 'getConversationById', 'removeConversation', 'getAllConversations', 'getPubkeysInPublicConversation', 'searchConversations', 'searchMessages', 'searchMessagesInConversation', 'saveMessage', 'cleanSeenMessages', 'cleanLastHashes', 'updateLastHash', 'saveSeenMessageHashes', 'saveMessages', 'removeMessage', '_removeMessages', 'getUnreadByConversation', 'getUnreadCountByConversation', 'getMessageCountByType', 'removeAllMessagesInConversation', 'getMessageCount', 'getMessageBySenderAndSentAt', 'filterAlreadyFetchedOpengroupMessage', 'getMessageBySenderAndTimestamp', 'getMessageIdsFromServerIds', 'getMessageById', 'getMessagesBySentAt', 'getMessageByServerId', 'getExpiredMessages', 'getOutgoingWithoutExpiresAt', 'getNextExpiringMessage', 'getMessagesByConversation', 'getLastMessagesByConversation', 'getOldestMessageInConversation', 'getFirstUnreadMessageIdInConversation', 'getFirstUnreadMessageWithMention', 'hasConversationOutgoingMessage', 'getSeenMessagesByHashList', 'getLastHashBySnode', 'getUnprocessedCount', 'getAllUnprocessed', 'getUnprocessedById', 'saveUnprocessed', 'updateUnprocessedAttempts', 'updateUnprocessedWithData', 'removeUnprocessed', 'removeAllUnprocessed', 'getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs', 'saveAttachmentDownloadJob', 'resetAttachmentDownloadPending', 'setAttachmentDownloadJobPending', 'removeAttachmentDownloadJob', 'removeAllAttachmentDownloadJobs', 'removeAll', 'removeAllConversations', 'removeOtherData', 'cleanupOrphanedAttachments', 'getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments', 'getMessagesWithFileAttachments', 'getAllEncryptionKeyPairsForGroup', 'getLatestClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPair', 'addClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPair', 'removeAllClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPairs', 'fillWithTestData', ...channelsToMakeForOpengroupV2, ]); const SQL_CHANNEL_KEY = 'sql-channel'; let _shutdownPromise: any = null; const DATABASE_UPDATE_TIMEOUT = 2 * 60 * 1000; // two minutes export const jobs = Object.create(null); const _DEBUG = false; let _jobCounter = 0; let _shuttingDown = false; let _shutdownCallback: any = null; export async function shutdown() { if (_shutdownPromise) { return _shutdownPromise; } _shuttingDown = true; const jobKeys = Object.keys(jobs); window?.log?.info(`data.shutdown: starting process. ${jobKeys.length} jobs outstanding`); // No outstanding jobs, return immediately if (jobKeys.length === 0) { return null; } // Outstanding jobs; we need to wait until the last one is done _shutdownPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { _shutdownCallback = (error: any) => { window?.log?.info('data.shutdown: process complete'); if (error) { // tslint:disable: no-void-expression return reject(error); } return resolve(undefined); }; }); return _shutdownPromise; } function getJob(id: number) { return jobs[id]; } function makeChannel(fnName: string) { channels[fnName] = async (...args: any) => { const jobId = makeJob(fnName); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ipcRenderer.send(SQL_CHANNEL_KEY, jobId, fnName, ...args); updateJob(jobId, { resolve, reject, args: _DEBUG ? args : null, }); jobs[jobId].timer = setTimeout( // tslint:disable: no-void-expression () => reject(new Error(`SQL channel job ${jobId} (${fnName}) timed out`)), DATABASE_UPDATE_TIMEOUT ); }); }; } export async function callChannel(name: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ipcRenderer.send(name); ipcRenderer.once(`${name}-done`, (_event, error) => { if (error) { return reject(error); } return resolve(undefined); }); setTimeout( () => reject(new Error(`callChannel call to ${name} timed out`)), DATABASE_UPDATE_TIMEOUT ); }); } export function initData() { // We listen to a lot of events on ipcRenderer, often on the same channel. This prevents // any warnings that might be sent to the console in that case. ipcRenderer.setMaxListeners(0); channelsToMake.forEach(makeChannel); ipcRenderer.on(`${SQL_CHANNEL_KEY}-done`, (_event, jobId, errorForDisplay, result) => { const job = getJob(jobId); if (!job) { throw new Error( `Received SQL channel reply to job ${jobId}, but did not have it in our registry!` ); } const { resolve, reject, fnName } = job; if (errorForDisplay) { return reject( new Error(`Error received from SQL channel job ${jobId} (${fnName}): ${errorForDisplay}`) ); } return resolve(result); }); } function updateJob(id: number, data: any) { const { resolve, reject } = data; const { fnName, start } = jobs[id]; jobs[id] = {[id],, resolve: (value: any) => { removeJob(id); if (_DEBUG) { const end =; const delta = end - start; if (delta > 10) { window?.log?.debug(`SQL channel job ${id} (${fnName}) succeeded in ${end - start}ms`); } } return resolve(value); }, reject: (error: any) => { removeJob(id); const end =; window?.log?.warn(`SQL channel job ${id} (${fnName}) failed in ${end - start}ms`); return reject(error); }, }; } function removeJob(id: number) { if (_DEBUG) { jobs[id].complete = true; return; } if (jobs[id].timer) { global.clearTimeout(jobs[id].timer); jobs[id].timer = null; } // tslint:disable-next-line: no-dynamic-delete delete jobs[id]; if (_shutdownCallback) { const keys = Object.keys(jobs); if (keys.length === 0) { _shutdownCallback(); } } } function makeJob(fnName: string) { if (_shuttingDown && fnName !== 'close') { throw new Error(`Rejecting SQL channel job (${fnName}); application is shutting down`); } _jobCounter += 1; const id = _jobCounter; if (_DEBUG) { window?.log?.debug(`SQL channel job ${id} (${fnName}) started`); } jobs[id] = { fnName, start:, }; return id; }