import chai, { expect } from 'chai'; import Sinon, { useFakeTimers } from 'sinon'; import { handleMessageReaction, sendMessageReaction } from '../../../../util/reactions'; import { Data } from '../../../../data/data'; import * as Storage from '../../../../util/storage'; import { generateFakeIncomingPrivateMessage, stubWindowLog } from '../../../test-utils/utils'; import { DEFAULT_RECENT_REACTS } from '../../../../session/constants'; import { noop } from 'lodash'; import { UserUtils } from '../../../../session/utils'; import { SignalService } from '../../../../protobuf'; import { MessageCollection } from '../../../../models/message'; import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised'; chai.use(chaiAsPromised as any); describe('ReactionMessage', () => { stubWindowLog(); let clock: Sinon.SinonFakeTimers; const ourNumber = '0123456789abcdef'; const originalMessage = generateFakeIncomingPrivateMessage(); originalMessage.set('sent_at',; beforeEach(() => { Sinon.stub(originalMessage, 'getConversation').returns({ hasReactions: () => true, sendReaction: noop, } as any); // sendMessageReaction stubs Sinon.stub(Data, 'getMessageById').resolves(originalMessage); Sinon.stub(Storage, 'getRecentReactions').returns(DEFAULT_RECENT_REACTS); Sinon.stub(Storage, 'saveRecentReations').resolves(); Sinon.stub(UserUtils, 'getOurPubKeyStrFromCache').returns(ourNumber); // handleMessageReaction stubs Sinon.stub(Data, 'getMessagesBySentAt').resolves(new MessageCollection([originalMessage])); Sinon.stub(originalMessage, 'commit').resolves(); }); it('can react to a message', async () => { // Send reaction const reaction = await sendMessageReaction(originalMessage.get('id'), '😄'); expect(reaction?.id, 'id should match the original message timestamp') Number(originalMessage.get('sent_at')) ); expect(reaction?.author, 'author should match the original message author') originalMessage.get('source') ); expect(reaction?.emoji, 'emoji should be 😄')'😄'); expect(reaction?.action, 'action should be 0'); // Handling reaction const updatedMessage = await handleMessageReaction( reaction as SignalService.DataMessage.IReaction, ourNumber, false, originalMessage.get('id') ); expect(updatedMessage?.get('reacts'), 'original message should have reacts') .undefined; // tslint:disable: no-non-null-assertion expect(updatedMessage?.get('reacts')!['😄'], 'reacts should have 😄 key'); // tslint:disable: no-non-null-assertion expect( Object.keys(updatedMessage!.get('reacts')!['😄'].senders)[0], 'sender pubkey should match' ); expect(updatedMessage!.get('reacts')!['😄'].count, 'count should be 1'); }); it('can remove a reaction from a message', async () => { // Send reaction const reaction = await sendMessageReaction(originalMessage.get('id'), '😄'); expect(reaction?.id, 'id should match the original message timestamp') Number(originalMessage.get('sent_at')) ); expect(reaction?.author, 'author should match the original message author') originalMessage.get('source') ); expect(reaction?.emoji, 'emoji should be 😄')'😄'); expect(reaction?.action, 'action should be 1'); // Handling reaction const updatedMessage = await handleMessageReaction( reaction as SignalService.DataMessage.IReaction, ourNumber, false, originalMessage.get('id') ); expect(updatedMessage?.get('reacts'), 'original message reacts should be undefined') .undefined; }); it('reactions are rate limited to 20 reactions per minute', async () => { // we have already sent 2 messages when this test runs for (let i = 0; i < 18; i++) { // Send reaction await sendMessageReaction(originalMessage.get('id'), '👍'); } let reaction = await sendMessageReaction(originalMessage.get('id'), '👎'); expect(reaction, 'no reaction should be returned since we are over the rate limit') .undefined; clock = useFakeTimers(; // Wait a miniute for the rate limit to clear clock.tick(1 * 60 * 1000); reaction = await sendMessageReaction(originalMessage.get('id'), '👋'); expect(reaction?.id, 'id should match the original message timestamp') Number(originalMessage.get('sent_at')) ); expect(reaction?.author, 'author should match the original message author') originalMessage.get('source') ); expect(reaction?.emoji, 'emoji should be 👋')'👋'); expect(reaction?.action, 'action should be 0'); clock.restore(); }); afterEach(() => { Sinon.restore(); }); });