import _ from 'lodash'; import React from 'react'; import autoBind from 'auto-bind'; import { blobToArrayBuffer } from 'blob-util'; import loadImage from 'blueimp-load-image'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { CompositionBox, SendMessageType, StagedAttachmentType, } from './composition/CompositionBox'; import { perfEnd, perfStart } from '../../session/utils/Performance'; import { SessionMessagesListContainer } from './SessionMessagesListContainer'; import { SessionFileDropzone } from './SessionFileDropzone'; import { Data } from '../../data/data'; import { markAllReadByConvoId } from '../../interactions/conversationInteractions'; import { MAX_ATTACHMENT_FILESIZE_BYTES } from '../../session/constants'; import { getConversationController } from '../../session/conversations'; import { ToastUtils } from '../../session/utils'; import { ReduxConversationType, SortedMessageModelProps, openConversationToSpecificMessage, quoteMessage, resetSelectedMessageIds, updateMentionsMembers, } from '../../state/ducks/conversations'; import { updateConfirmModal } from '../../state/ducks/modalDialog'; import { addStagedAttachmentsInConversation } from '../../state/ducks/stagedAttachments'; import { SessionTheme } from '../../themes/SessionTheme'; import { MIME } from '../../types'; import { AttachmentTypeWithPath } from '../../types/Attachment'; import { THUMBNAIL_CONTENT_TYPE, getAudioDuration, getVideoDuration, makeImageThumbnailBuffer, makeVideoScreenshot, } from '../../types/attachments/VisualAttachment'; import { AttachmentUtil, GoogleChrome, arrayBufferToObjectURL } from '../../util'; import { getCurrentRecoveryPhrase } from '../../util/storage'; import { MessageView } from '../MainViewController'; import { SplitViewContainer } from '../SplitViewContainer'; import { SessionButtonColor } from '../basic/SessionButton'; import { InConversationCallContainer } from '../calling/InConversationCallContainer'; import { LightboxGallery, MediaItemType } from '../lightbox/LightboxGallery'; import { NoMessageInConversation } from './SubtleNotification'; import { ConversationHeaderWithDetails } from './header/ConversationHeader'; import { isAudio } from '../../types/MIME'; import { HTMLDirection } from '../../util/i18n'; import { NoticeBanner } from '../NoticeBanner'; import { SessionSpinner } from '../basic/SessionSpinner'; import { RightPanel, StyledRightPanelContainer } from './right-panel/RightPanel'; const DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY = 0.85; interface State { isDraggingFile: boolean; } export interface LightBoxOptions { media: Array; attachment: AttachmentTypeWithPath; } interface Props { ourDisplayNameInProfile: string; ourNumber: string; selectedConversationKey: string; selectedConversation?: ReduxConversationType; messagesProps: Array; selectedMessages: Array; isRightPanelShowing: boolean; hasOngoingCallWithFocusedConvo: boolean; htmlDirection: HTMLDirection; // lightbox options lightBoxOptions?: LightBoxOptions; stagedAttachments: Array; isSelectedConvoInitialLoadingInProgress: boolean; } const StyledSpinnerContainer = styled.div` display: flex; justify-content: center; width: 100%; height: 100%; align-items: center; `; const ConvoLoadingSpinner = () => { return ( ); }; export class SessionConversation extends React.Component { private readonly messageContainerRef: React.RefObject; private dragCounter: number; private publicMembersRefreshTimeout?: NodeJS.Timeout; private readonly updateMemberList: () => any; constructor(props: any) { super(props); this.state = { isDraggingFile: false, }; this.messageContainerRef = React.createRef(); this.dragCounter = 0; this.updateMemberList = _.debounce(this.updateMemberListBouncy.bind(this), 10000); autoBind(this); } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LIFECYCLES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ public componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props, _prevState: State) { const { selectedConversationKey: newConversationKey, selectedConversation: newConversation } = this.props; const { selectedConversationKey: oldConversationKey } = prevProps; // if the convo is valid, and it changed, register for drag events if (newConversationKey && newConversation && newConversationKey !== oldConversationKey) { // Pause thread to wait for rendering to complete setTimeout(() => { const div = this.messageContainerRef.current; div?.addEventListener('dragenter', this.handleDragIn); div?.addEventListener('dragleave', this.handleDragOut); div?.addEventListener('dragover', this.handleDrag); div?.addEventListener('drop', this.handleDrop); }, 100); // if the conversation changed, we have to stop our refresh of member list if (this.publicMembersRefreshTimeout) { global.clearInterval(this.publicMembersRefreshTimeout); this.publicMembersRefreshTimeout = undefined; } // if the newConversation changed, and is public, start our refresh members list if (newConversation.isPublic) { // this is a debounced call. void this.updateMemberListBouncy(); // run this only once every minute if we don't change the visible conversation. // this is a heavy operation (like a few thousands members can be here) this.publicMembersRefreshTimeout = global.setInterval(this.updateMemberList, 60000); } } // if we do not have a model, unregister for events if (!newConversation) { const div = this.messageContainerRef.current; div?.removeEventListener('dragenter', this.handleDragIn); div?.removeEventListener('dragleave', this.handleDragOut); div?.removeEventListener('dragover', this.handleDrag); div?.removeEventListener('drop', this.handleDrop); if (this.publicMembersRefreshTimeout) { global.clearInterval(this.publicMembersRefreshTimeout); this.publicMembersRefreshTimeout = undefined; } } if (newConversationKey !== oldConversationKey) { this.setState({ isDraggingFile: false, }); } } public componentWillUnmount() { const div = this.messageContainerRef.current; div?.removeEventListener('dragenter', this.handleDragIn); div?.removeEventListener('dragleave', this.handleDragOut); div?.removeEventListener('dragover', this.handleDrag); div?.removeEventListener('drop', this.handleDrop); if (this.publicMembersRefreshTimeout) { global.clearInterval(this.publicMembersRefreshTimeout); this.publicMembersRefreshTimeout = undefined; } } public sendMessageFn(msg: SendMessageType) { const { selectedConversationKey } = this.props; const conversationModel = getConversationController().get(selectedConversationKey); if (!conversationModel) { return; } const sendAndScroll = async () => { // this needs to be awaited otherwise, the scrollToNow won't find the new message in the db. // and this make the showScrollButton to be visible (even if we just scrolled to now) await conversationModel.sendMessage(msg); await this.scrollToNow(); }; const recoveryPhrase = getCurrentRecoveryPhrase(); // string replace to fix case where pasted text contains invis characters causing false negatives if (msg.body.replace(/\s/g, '').includes(recoveryPhrase.replace(/\s/g, ''))) { window.inboxStore?.dispatch( updateConfirmModal({ title: window.i18n('sendRecoveryPhraseTitle'), message: window.i18n('sendRecoveryPhraseMessage'), okTheme: SessionButtonColor.Danger, onClickOk: () => { void sendAndScroll(); }, onClickClose: () => { window.inboxStore?.dispatch(updateConfirmModal(null)); }, }) ); } else { void sendAndScroll(); } window.inboxStore?.dispatch(quoteMessage(undefined)); } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RENDER METHODS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ public render() { const { isDraggingFile } = this.state; const { ourDisplayNameInProfile, selectedConversation, messagesProps, selectedMessages, isRightPanelShowing, lightBoxOptions, isSelectedConvoInitialLoadingInProgress, } = this.props; if (!selectedConversation || !messagesProps) { // return an empty message view return ; } // TODOLATER break selectionMode into it's own container component so we can use hooks to fetch relevant state from the store const selectionMode = selectedMessages.length > 0; const bannerText = selectedConversation.hasOutdatedClient && selectedConversation.hasOutdatedClient !== ourDisplayNameInProfile ? window.i18n('disappearingMessagesModeOutdated', [selectedConversation.hasOutdatedClient]) : window.i18n('someOfYourDeviceUseOutdatedVersion'); return (
{selectedConversation?.hasOutdatedClient?.length ? ( { const conversation = getConversationController().get(; conversation.set({ hasOutdatedClient: undefined }); void conversation.commit(); }} /> ) : null}
{isSelectedConvoInitialLoadingInProgress ? ( ) : ( <>
{lightBoxOptions?.media && this.renderLightBox(lightBoxOptions)}
} bottom={ } disableTop={!this.props.hasOngoingCallWithFocusedConvo} /> {isDraggingFile && }
); } private async scrollToNow() { const conversationKey = this.props.selectedConversationKey; if (!conversationKey) { return; } await markAllReadByConvoId(conversationKey); const mostRecentMessage = await Data.getLastMessageInConversation(conversationKey); if (mostRecentMessage) { await openConversationToSpecificMessage({ conversationKey, messageIdToNavigateTo:, shouldHighlightMessage: false, }); const messageContainer = this.messageContainerRef.current; if (!messageContainer) { return; } messageContainer.scrollTop = messageContainer.scrollHeight - messageContainer.clientHeight; } } // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ~~~~~~~~~~~ KEYBOARD NAVIGATION ~~~~~~~~~~~~ // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ private onKeyDown(event: any) { const selectionMode = !!this.props.selectedMessages.length; if ('conversation-content')) { switch (event.key) { case 'Escape': if (selectionMode) { window.inboxStore?.dispatch(resetSelectedMessageIds()); } break; default: } } } private renderLightBox({ media, attachment }: LightBoxOptions) { const selectedIndex = media.length > 1 ? media.findIndex(mediaMessage => mediaMessage.attachment.path === attachment.path) : 0; return ; } private async onChoseAttachments(attachmentsFileList: Array) { if (!attachmentsFileList || attachmentsFileList.length === 0) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < attachmentsFileList.length; i++) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop await this.maybeAddAttachment(attachmentsFileList[i]); } } private async maybeAddAttachment(file: any) { if (!file) { return; } const fileName =; const contentType = file.type; const { stagedAttachments } = this.props; if (stagedAttachments.length >= 32) { ToastUtils.pushMaximumAttachmentsError(); return; } const haveNonImage = _.some( stagedAttachments, attachment => !MIME.isImage(attachment.contentType) ); // You can't add another attachment if you already have a non-image staged if (haveNonImage) { ToastUtils.pushMultipleNonImageError(); return; } // You can't add a non-image attachment if you already have attachments staged if (!MIME.isImage(contentType) && stagedAttachments.length > 0) { ToastUtils.pushCannotMixError(); return; } let blob = null; try { blob = await AttachmentUtil.autoScale({ contentType, blob: file, }); if (blob.blob.size > MAX_ATTACHMENT_FILESIZE_BYTES) { ToastUtils.pushFileSizeErrorAsByte(MAX_ATTACHMENT_FILESIZE_BYTES); return; } } catch (error) { window?.log?.error( 'Error ensuring that image is properly sized:', error && error.stack ? error.stack : error ); ToastUtils.pushLoadAttachmentFailure(error?.message); return; } try { if (GoogleChrome.isImageTypeSupported(contentType)) { // this does not add the preview to the message outgoing // this is just for us, for the list of attachments we are sending // the files are scaled down under getFiles() const attachmentWithPreview = await renderImagePreview(contentType, file, fileName); this.addAttachments([attachmentWithPreview]); } else if (GoogleChrome.isVideoTypeSupported(contentType)) { const attachmentWithVideoPreview = await renderVideoPreview(contentType, file, fileName); this.addAttachments([attachmentWithVideoPreview]); } else { const attachment: StagedAttachmentType = { file, size: file.size, contentType, fileName, url: '', isVoiceMessage: false, fileSize: null, screenshot: null, thumbnail: null, }; if (isAudio(contentType)) { const objectUrl = URL.createObjectURL(file); try { const duration = await getAudioDuration({ objectUrl, contentType }); attachment.duration = duration; } finally { URL.revokeObjectURL(objectUrl); } } this.addAttachments([attachment]); } } catch (e) { window?.log?.error( `Was unable to generate thumbnail for file type ${contentType}`, e && e.stack ? e.stack : e ); this.addAttachments([ { file, size: file.size, contentType, fileName, isVoiceMessage: false, url: '', fileSize: null, screenshot: null, thumbnail: null, }, ]); } } private addAttachments(newAttachments: Array) { window.inboxStore?.dispatch( addStagedAttachmentsInConversation({ conversationKey: this.props.selectedConversationKey, newAttachments, }) ); } private handleDrag(e: any) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } private handleDragIn(e: any) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.dragCounter++; if (e.dataTransfer.items && e.dataTransfer.items.length > 0) { this.setState({ isDraggingFile: true }); } } private handleDragOut(e: any) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); this.dragCounter--; if (this.dragCounter === 0) { this.setState({ isDraggingFile: false }); } } private handleDrop(e: DragEvent) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); if (e?.dataTransfer?.files && e.dataTransfer.files.length > 0) { void this.onChoseAttachments(Array.from(e.dataTransfer.files)); e.dataTransfer.clearData(); this.dragCounter = 0; this.setState({ isDraggingFile: false }); } } private async updateMemberListBouncy() { const start =; const allPubKeys = await Data.getPubkeysInPublicConversation( this.props.selectedConversationKey ); window?.log?.debug( `[perf] getPubkeysInPublicConversation returned '${ allPubKeys?.length }' members in ${ - start}ms` ); const allMembers = string) => { const conv = getConversationController().get(pubKey); const profileName = conv?.getNicknameOrRealUsernameOrPlaceholder(); return { id: pubKey, authorProfileName: profileName, }; }); window.inboxStore?.dispatch(updateMentionsMembers(allMembers)); } } const renderVideoPreview = async (contentType: string, file: File, fileName: string) => { const objectUrl = URL.createObjectURL(file); try { const type = THUMBNAIL_CONTENT_TYPE; const thumbnail = await makeVideoScreenshot({ objectUrl, contentType: type, }); const duration = await getVideoDuration({ objectUrl, contentType: type, }); const data = await blobToArrayBuffer(thumbnail); const url = arrayBufferToObjectURL({ data, type, }); return { file, size: file.size, fileName, contentType, duration, videoUrl: objectUrl, url, isVoiceMessage: false, fileSize: null, screenshot: null, thumbnail: null, }; } catch (error) { URL.revokeObjectURL(objectUrl); throw error; } }; const autoOrientJpegImage = async (fileOrBlobOrURL: File): Promise => { perfStart('autoOrientJpegImage'); const loadedImage = await loadImage(fileOrBlobOrURL, { orientation: true, canvas: true }); perfEnd('autoOrientJpegImage', 'autoOrientJpegImage'); const dataURL = (loadedImage.image as HTMLCanvasElement).toDataURL( MIME.IMAGE_JPEG, DEFAULT_JPEG_QUALITY ); return dataURL; }; const renderImagePreview = async (contentType: string, file: File, fileName: string) => { if (!MIME.isJPEG(contentType)) { const urlImage = URL.createObjectURL(file); if (!urlImage) { throw new Error('Failed to create object url for image!'); } return { file, size: file.size, fileName, contentType, url: urlImage, isVoiceMessage: false, fileSize: null, screenshot: null, thumbnail: null, }; } // orient the image correctly based on the EXIF data, if needed const orientedImageUrl = await autoOrientJpegImage(file); const thumbnailBuffer = await makeImageThumbnailBuffer({ objectUrl: orientedImageUrl, contentType, }); const url = arrayBufferToObjectURL({ data: thumbnailBuffer, type: THUMBNAIL_CONTENT_TYPE, }); return { file, size: file.size, fileName, contentType, url, isVoiceMessage: false, fileSize: null, screenshot: null, thumbnail: null, }; };