import Backbone from 'backbone'; import autoBind from 'auto-bind'; import filesize from 'filesize'; import { cloneDeep, debounce, isEmpty, size as lodashSize, map, partition, pick, uniq, } from 'lodash'; import { SignalService } from '../protobuf'; import { getMessageQueue } from '../session'; import { getConversationController } from '../session/conversations'; import { ContentMessage } from '../session/messages/outgoing'; import { ClosedGroupVisibleMessage } from '../session/messages/outgoing/visibleMessage/ClosedGroupVisibleMessage'; import { PubKey } from '../session/types'; import { UserUtils, uploadAttachmentsToFileServer, uploadLinkPreviewToFileServer, uploadQuoteThumbnailsToFileServer, } from '../session/utils'; import { DataExtractionNotificationMsg, MessageAttributes, MessageAttributesOptionals, MessageGroupUpdate, MessageModelType, PropsForDataExtractionNotification, PropsForMessageRequestResponse, fillMessageAttributesWithDefaults, } from './messageType'; import { Data } from '../data/data'; import { OpenGroupData } from '../data/opengroups'; import { SettingsKey } from '../data/settings-key'; import { ConversationInteractionStatus, ConversationInteractionType, } from '../interactions/conversationInteractions'; import { isUsAnySogsFromCache } from '../session/apis/open_group_api/sogsv3/knownBlindedkeys'; import { GetNetworkTime } from '../session/apis/snode_api/getNetworkTime'; import { SnodeNamespaces } from '../session/apis/snode_api/namespaces'; import { DURATION } from '../session/constants'; import { DisappearingMessages } from '../session/disappearing_messages'; import { TimerOptions } from '../session/disappearing_messages/timerOptions'; import { OpenGroupVisibleMessage, OpenGroupVisibleMessageParams, } from '../session/messages/outgoing/visibleMessage/OpenGroupVisibleMessage'; import { VisibleMessage, VisibleMessageParams, } from '../session/messages/outgoing/visibleMessage/VisibleMessage'; import { uploadAttachmentsV3, uploadLinkPreviewsV3, uploadQuoteThumbnailsV3, } from '../session/utils/AttachmentsV2'; import { perfEnd, perfStart } from '../session/utils/Performance'; import { isUsFromCache } from '../session/utils/User'; import { buildSyncMessage } from '../session/utils/sync/syncUtils'; import { FindAndFormatContactType, LastMessageStatusType, MessageModelPropsWithoutConvoProps, PropsForAttachment, PropsForExpirationTimer, PropsForExpiringMessage, PropsForGroupInvitation, PropsForGroupUpdate, PropsForGroupUpdateAdd, PropsForGroupUpdateGeneral, PropsForGroupUpdateKicked, PropsForGroupUpdateLeft, PropsForGroupUpdateName, PropsForMessageWithoutConvoProps, PropsForQuote, messagesChanged, } from '../state/ducks/conversations'; import { AttachmentTypeWithPath, isVoiceMessage } from '../types/Attachment'; import { deleteExternalMessageFiles, getAbsoluteAttachmentPath, loadAttachmentData, loadPreviewData, loadQuoteData, } from '../types/MessageAttachment'; import { ReactionList } from '../types/Reaction'; import { getAttachmentMetadata } from '../types/message/initializeAttachmentMetadata'; import { assertUnreachable, roomHasBlindEnabled } from '../types/sqlSharedTypes'; import { LinkPreviews } from '../util/linkPreviews'; import { Notifications } from '../util/notifications'; import { Storage } from '../util/storage'; import { ConversationModel } from './conversation'; import { READ_MESSAGE_STATE } from './conversationAttributes'; // tslint:disable: cyclomatic-complexity /** * @returns true if the array contains only a single item being 'You', 'you' or our device pubkey */ export function arrayContainsUsOnly(arrayToCheck: Array | undefined) { return ( arrayToCheck && arrayToCheck.length === 1 && (arrayToCheck[0] === UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache() || arrayToCheck[0].toLowerCase() === 'you') ); } export function arrayContainsOneItemOnly(arrayToCheck: Array | undefined) { return arrayToCheck && arrayToCheck.length === 1; } export class MessageModel extends Backbone.Model { constructor(attributes: MessageAttributesOptionals & { skipTimerInit?: boolean }) { const filledAttrs = fillMessageAttributesWithDefaults(attributes); super(filledAttrs); if (! { throw new Error('A message always needs to have an id.'); } if (!this.get('conversationId')) { throw new Error('A message always needs to have an conversationId.'); } if (!attributes.skipTimerInit) { void this.setToExpire(); } autoBind(this); if (window) { window.contextMenuShown = false; } this.getMessageModelProps(); } public getMessageModelProps(): MessageModelPropsWithoutConvoProps { const propsForDataExtractionNotification = this.getPropsForDataExtractionNotification(); const propsForGroupInvitation = this.getPropsForGroupInvitation(); const propsForGroupUpdateMessage = this.getPropsForGroupUpdateMessage(); const propsForTimerNotification = this.getPropsForTimerNotification(); const propsForExpiringMessage = this.getPropsForExpiringMessage(); const propsForMessageRequestResponse = this.getPropsForMessageRequestResponse(); const propsForQuote = this.getPropsForQuote(); const callNotificationType = this.get('callNotificationType'); const interactionNotification = this.getInteractionNotification(); const messageProps: MessageModelPropsWithoutConvoProps = { propsForMessage: this.getPropsForMessage(), }; if (propsForDataExtractionNotification) { messageProps.propsForDataExtractionNotification = propsForDataExtractionNotification; } if (propsForMessageRequestResponse) { messageProps.propsForMessageRequestResponse = propsForMessageRequestResponse; } if (propsForGroupInvitation) { messageProps.propsForGroupInvitation = propsForGroupInvitation; } if (propsForGroupUpdateMessage) { messageProps.propsForGroupUpdateMessage = propsForGroupUpdateMessage; } if (propsForTimerNotification) { messageProps.propsForTimerNotification = propsForTimerNotification; } if (propsForQuote) { messageProps.propsForQuote = propsForQuote; } if (propsForExpiringMessage) { messageProps.propsForExpiringMessage = propsForExpiringMessage; } if (callNotificationType) { messageProps.propsForCallNotification = { notificationType: callNotificationType, receivedAt: this.get('received_at') ||, isUnread: this.isUnread(), ...this.getPropsForExpiringMessage(), }; } if (interactionNotification) { messageProps.propsForInteractionNotification = { notificationType: interactionNotification, convoId: this.get('conversationId'), messageId:, receivedAt: this.get('received_at') ||, isUnread: this.isUnread(), }; } return messageProps; } public idForLogging() { return `${this.get('source')} ${this.get('sent_at')}`; } public isExpirationTimerUpdate() { const expirationTimerFlag = SignalService.DataMessage.Flags.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE; const flags = this.get('flags') || 0; // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise return Boolean(flags & expirationTimerFlag) && !isEmpty(this.getExpirationTimerUpdate()); } public isControlMessage() { return ( this.isExpirationTimerUpdate() || this.isDataExtractionNotification() || this.isMessageRequestResponse() || this.isGroupUpdate() ); } public isIncoming() { return this.get('type') === 'incoming'; } public isUnread() { return !!this.get('unread'); } // Important to allow for this.set({ unread}), save to db, then fetch() // to propagate. We don't want the unset key in the db so our unread index // stays small. public merge(model: any) { const attributes = model.attributes || model; const { unread } = attributes; if (unread === undefined) { this.set({ unread: }); } this.set(attributes); } public isGroupInvitation() { return !!this.get('groupInvitation'); } public isMessageRequestResponse() { return !!this.get('messageRequestResponse'); } public isDataExtractionNotification() { return !!this.get('dataExtractionNotification'); } public isCallNotification() { return !!this.get('callNotificationType'); } public isInteractionNotification() { return !!this.getInteractionNotification(); } public getInteractionNotification() { return this.get('interactionNotification'); } public getNotificationText() { let description = this.getDescription(); if (description) { // regex with a 'g' to ignore part groups const regex = new RegExp(`@${PubKey.regexForPubkeys}`, 'g'); const pubkeysInDesc = description.match(regex); (pubkeysInDesc || []).forEach((pubkeyWithAt: string) => { const pubkey = pubkeyWithAt.slice(1); const isUS = isUsAnySogsFromCache(pubkey); const displayName = getConversationController().getContactProfileNameOrShortenedPubKey(pubkey); if (isUS) { description = description?.replace(pubkeyWithAt, `@${window.i18n('you')}`); } else if (displayName && displayName.length) { description = description?.replace(pubkeyWithAt, `@${displayName}`); } }); return description; } if ((this.get('attachments') || []).length > 0) { return window.i18n('mediaMessage'); } if (this.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) { const expireTimerUpdate = this.getExpirationTimerUpdate(); const expireTimer = expireTimerUpdate?.expireTimer; const convo = this.getConversation(); if (!convo) { return ''; } const expirationMode = DisappearingMessages.changeToDisappearingConversationMode( convo, expireTimerUpdate?.expirationType, expireTimer ); if (!expireTimerUpdate || expirationMode === 'off' || !expireTimer || expireTimer === 0) { return window.i18n('disappearingMessagesDisabled'); } return window.i18n('timerSetTo', [ TimerOptions.getAbbreviated(expireTimerUpdate.expireTimer || 0), ]); } return ''; } public onDestroy() { void this.cleanup(); } public async cleanup() { await deleteExternalMessageFiles(this.attributes); } public getPropsForExpiringMessage(): PropsForExpiringMessage { const expirationType = this.getExpirationType(); const expirationDurationMs = this.getExpireTimerSeconds() ? this.getExpireTimerSeconds() * DURATION.SECONDS : null; const expireTimerStart = this.getExpirationStartTimestamp() || null; const expirationTimestamp = expirationType && expireTimerStart && expirationDurationMs ? expireTimerStart + expirationDurationMs : null; const direction = this.get('direction') === 'outgoing' || this.get('type') === 'outgoing' ? 'outgoing' : 'incoming'; return { convoId: this.get('conversationId'), messageId: this.get('id'), direction, expirationDurationMs, expirationTimestamp, isExpired: this.isExpired(), }; } public getPropsForTimerNotification(): PropsForExpirationTimer | null { if (!this.isExpirationTimerUpdate()) { return null; } const timerUpdate = this.getExpirationTimerUpdate(); const convo = this.getConversation(); if (!timerUpdate || !timerUpdate.source || !convo) { return null; } const { expireTimer, fromSync, source } = timerUpdate; const expirationMode = DisappearingMessages.changeToDisappearingConversationMode( convo, timerUpdate?.expirationType || 'unknown', expireTimer || 0 ); const timespanText = TimerOptions.getName(expireTimer || 0); const disabled = !expireTimer; const basicProps: PropsForExpirationTimer = { ...findAndFormatContact(source), timespanText, timespanSeconds: expireTimer || 0, disabled, type: fromSync ? 'fromSync' : UserUtils.isUsFromCache(source) ? 'fromMe' : 'fromOther', receivedAt: this.get('received_at'), isUnread: this.isUnread(), expirationMode: expirationMode || 'off', ...this.getPropsForExpiringMessage(), }; return basicProps; } public getPropsForGroupInvitation(): PropsForGroupInvitation | null { if (!this.isGroupInvitation()) { return null; } const invitation = this.get('groupInvitation'); let serverAddress = ''; try { const url = new URL(invitation.url); serverAddress = url.origin; } catch (e) { window?.log?.warn('failed to get hostname from opengroupv2 invitation', invitation); } return { serverName:, url: serverAddress, acceptUrl: invitation.url, receivedAt: this.get('received_at'), isUnread: this.isUnread(), ...this.getPropsForExpiringMessage(), }; } public getPropsForDataExtractionNotification(): PropsForDataExtractionNotification | null { if (!this.isDataExtractionNotification()) { return null; } const dataExtractionNotification = this.get('dataExtractionNotification'); if (!dataExtractionNotification) { window.log.warn('dataExtractionNotification should not happen'); return null; } const contact = findAndFormatContact(dataExtractionNotification.source); return { ...dataExtractionNotification, name: contact.profileName || || dataExtractionNotification.source, receivedAt: this.get('received_at'), isUnread: this.isUnread(), ...this.getPropsForExpiringMessage(), }; } public getPropsForMessageRequestResponse(): PropsForMessageRequestResponse | null { if (!this.isMessageRequestResponse()) { return null; } const messageRequestResponse = this.get('messageRequestResponse'); if (!messageRequestResponse) { window.log.warn('messageRequestResponse should not happen'); return null; } const contact = findAndFormatContact(messageRequestResponse.source); return { ...messageRequestResponse, name: contact.profileName || || messageRequestResponse.source, messageId:, receivedAt: this.get('received_at'), isUnread: this.isUnread(), conversationId: this.get('conversationId'), source: this.get('source'), }; } public getPropsForGroupUpdateMessage(): PropsForGroupUpdate | null { const groupUpdate = this.getGroupUpdateAsArray(); if (!groupUpdate || isEmpty(groupUpdate)) { return null; } const sharedProps = { isUnread: this.isUnread(), receivedAt: this.get('received_at'), ...this.getPropsForExpiringMessage(), }; if (groupUpdate.joined?.length) { const change: PropsForGroupUpdateAdd = { type: 'add', added: groupUpdate.joined, }; return { change, ...sharedProps }; } if (groupUpdate.kicked?.length) { const change: PropsForGroupUpdateKicked = { type: 'kicked', kicked: groupUpdate.kicked, }; return { change, ...sharedProps }; } if (groupUpdate.left?.length) { const change: PropsForGroupUpdateLeft = { type: 'left', left: groupUpdate.left, }; return { change, ...sharedProps }; } if ( { const change: PropsForGroupUpdateName = { type: 'name', newName:, }; return { change, ...sharedProps }; } // Just show a "Group Updated" message, not sure what was changed const changeGeneral: PropsForGroupUpdateGeneral = { type: 'general', }; return { change: changeGeneral, ...sharedProps }; } public getMessagePropStatus(): LastMessageStatusType { if (this.hasErrors()) { return 'error'; } // Only return the status on outgoing messages if (!this.isOutgoing()) { return undefined; } // some incoming legacy group updates are outgoing, but when synced to our other devices have just the received_at field set. // when that is the case, we don't want to render the spinning 'sending' state if ( (this.isExpirationTimerUpdate() || this.isDataExtractionNotification()) && this.get('received_at') ) { return undefined; } if ( this.isDataExtractionNotification() || this.isCallNotification() || this.isInteractionNotification() ) { return undefined; } if (this.getConversation()?.get('left')) { return 'sent'; } const readBy = this.get('read_by') || []; if (Storage.get(SettingsKey.settingsReadReceipt) && readBy.length > 0) { return 'read'; } const sent = this.get('sent'); // control messages we've sent, synced from the network appear to just have the // sent_at field set, but our current devices also have this field set when we are just sending it... So idk how to have behavior work fine., // TODOLATER // const sentAt = this.get('sent_at'); const sentTo = this.get('sent_to') || []; if (sent || sentTo.length > 0) { return 'sent'; } return 'sending'; } public getPropsForMessage(): PropsForMessageWithoutConvoProps { const sender = this.getSource(); const expirationType = this.getExpirationType(); const expirationDurationMs = this.getExpireTimerSeconds() * DURATION.SECONDS; const expireTimerStart = this.getExpirationStartTimestamp(); const expirationTimestamp = expirationType && expireTimerStart && expirationDurationMs ? expireTimerStart + expirationDurationMs : null; const attachments = this.get('attachments') || []; const isTrustedForAttachmentDownload = this.isTrustedForAttachmentDownload(); const body = this.get('body'); const props: PropsForMessageWithoutConvoProps = { id:, direction: (this.isIncoming() ? 'incoming' : 'outgoing') as MessageModelType, timestamp: this.get('sent_at') || 0, sender, convoId: this.get('conversationId'), }; if (body) { props.text = body; } if (this.get('isDeleted')) { props.isDeleted = this.get('isDeleted'); } if (this.getMessageHash()) { props.messageHash = this.getMessageHash(); } if (this.get('received_at')) { props.receivedAt = this.get('received_at'); } if (this.get('serverTimestamp')) { props.serverTimestamp = this.get('serverTimestamp'); } if (this.get('serverId')) { props.serverId = this.get('serverId'); } if (expirationType) { props.expirationType = expirationType; } if (expirationDurationMs) { props.expirationDurationMs = expirationDurationMs; } if (expirationTimestamp) { props.expirationTimestamp = expirationTimestamp; } if (isTrustedForAttachmentDownload) { props.isTrustedForAttachmentDownload = isTrustedForAttachmentDownload; } const isUnread = this.isUnread(); if (isUnread) { props.isUnread = isUnread; } const isExpired = this.isExpired(); if (isExpired) { props.isExpired = isExpired; } const previews = this.getPropsForPreview(); if (previews && previews.length) { props.previews = previews; } const reacts = this.getPropsForReacts(); if (reacts && Object.keys(reacts).length) { props.reacts = reacts; } const quote = this.getPropsForQuote(); if (quote) { props.quote = quote; } const status = this.getMessagePropStatus(); if (status) { props.status = status; } const attachmentsProps =; if (attachmentsProps && attachmentsProps.length) { props.attachments = attachmentsProps; } return props; } public getPropsForPreview(): Array | null { const previews = this.get('preview') || null; if (!previews || previews.length === 0) { return null; } return any) => { let image: PropsForAttachment | null = null; try { if (preview.image) { image = this.getPropsForAttachment(preview.image); } } catch (e) { window?.log?.info('Failed to show preview'); } return { ...preview, domain: LinkPreviews.getDomain(preview.url), image, }; }); } public getPropsForReacts(): ReactionList | null { return this.get('reacts') || null; } public getPropsForQuote(): PropsForQuote | null { return this.get('quote') || null; } public getPropsForAttachment(attachment: AttachmentTypeWithPath): PropsForAttachment | null { if (!attachment) { return null; } const { id, path, contentType, width, height, pending, flags, size, screenshot, thumbnail, fileName, caption, } = attachment; const isVoiceMessageBool = // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise Boolean(flags && flags & SignalService.AttachmentPointer.Flags.VOICE_MESSAGE) || false; return { id, contentType, caption, size: size || 0, width: width || 0, height: height || 0, path, fileName, fileSize: size ? filesize(size, { base: 10 }) : null, isVoiceMessage: isVoiceMessageBool, pending: Boolean(pending), url: path ? getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(path) : '', screenshot: screenshot ? { ...screenshot, url: getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(screenshot.path), } : null, thumbnail: thumbnail ? { ...thumbnail, url: getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(thumbnail.path), } : null, }; } /** * Uploads attachments, previews and quotes. * * @returns The uploaded data which includes: body, attachments, preview and quote. * Also returns the uploaded ids to include in the message post so that those attachments are linked to that message. */ public async uploadData() { const start =; const finalAttachments = await Promise.all( (this.get('attachments') || []).map(loadAttachmentData) ); const body = this.get('body'); const quoteWithData = await loadQuoteData(this.get('quote')); const previewWithData = await loadPreviewData(this.get('preview')); const { hasAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments, hasFileAttachments } = getAttachmentMetadata(this); this.set({ hasAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments, hasFileAttachments }); await this.commit(); const conversation = this.getConversation(); let attachmentPromise; let linkPreviewPromise; let quotePromise; const fileIdsToLink: Array = []; // we can only send a single preview const firstPreviewWithData = previewWithData?.[0] || null; // we want to go for the v1, if this is an OpenGroupV1 or not an open group at all if (conversation?.isPublic()) { const openGroupV2 = conversation.toOpenGroupV2(); attachmentPromise = uploadAttachmentsV3(finalAttachments, openGroupV2); linkPreviewPromise = uploadLinkPreviewsV3(firstPreviewWithData, openGroupV2); quotePromise = uploadQuoteThumbnailsV3(openGroupV2, quoteWithData); } else { // if that's not an sogs, the file is uploaded to the fileserver instead attachmentPromise = uploadAttachmentsToFileServer(finalAttachments); linkPreviewPromise = uploadLinkPreviewToFileServer(firstPreviewWithData); quotePromise = uploadQuoteThumbnailsToFileServer(quoteWithData); } const [attachments, preview, quote] = await Promise.all([ attachmentPromise, linkPreviewPromise, quotePromise, ]); fileIdsToLink.push( =>; if (preview) { fileIdsToLink.push(; } if (quote && quote.attachments?.length) { // typing for all of this Attachment + quote + preview + send or unsend is pretty bad const firstQuoteAttachmentId = (quote.attachments[0].thumbnail as any)?.id; if (firstQuoteAttachmentId) { fileIdsToLink.push(firstQuoteAttachmentId); } } const isFirstAttachmentVoiceMessage = finalAttachments?.[0]?.isVoiceMessage; if (isFirstAttachmentVoiceMessage) { attachments[0].flags = SignalService.AttachmentPointer.Flags.VOICE_MESSAGE; } `Upload of message data for message ${this.idForLogging()} is finished in ${ - start }ms.` ); return { body, attachments, preview, quote, fileIdsToLink: uniq(fileIdsToLink), }; } /** * Marks the message as deleted to show the author has deleted this message for everyone. * Sets isDeleted property to true. Set message body text to deletion placeholder for conversation list items. */ public async markAsDeleted() { this.set({ isDeleted: true, body: window.i18n('messageDeletedPlaceholder'), quote: undefined, groupInvitation: undefined, dataExtractionNotification: undefined, hasAttachments: 0, hasFileAttachments: 0, hasVisualMediaAttachments: 0, attachments: undefined, preview: undefined, reacts: undefined, reactsIndex: undefined, }); // we can ignore the result of that markMessageReadNoCommit as it would only be used // to refresh the expiry of it(but it is already marked as "deleted", so we don't care) this.markMessageReadNoCommit(; await this.commit(); // the line below makes sure that getNextExpiringMessage will find this message as expiring. // getNextExpiringMessage is used on app start to clean already expired messages which should have been removed already, but are not await this.setToExpire(); await this.getConversation()?.refreshInMemoryDetails(); } // One caller today: event handler for the 'Retry Send' entry on right click of a failed send message public async retrySend() { if (!window.isOnline) { window?.log?.error('retrySend: Cannot retry since we are offline!'); return null; } this.set({ errors: null, sent: false, sent_to: [] }); await this.commit(); try { const conversation: ConversationModel | undefined = this.getConversation(); if (!conversation) { window?.log?.info( '[retrySend] Cannot retry send message, the corresponding conversation was not found.' ); return null; } const { body, attachments, preview, quote, fileIdsToLink } = await this.uploadData(); if (conversation.isPublic()) { const openGroupParams: OpenGroupVisibleMessageParams = { identifier:, timestamp: GetNetworkTime.getNowWithNetworkOffset(), lokiProfile: UserUtils.getOurProfile(), body, attachments, preview: preview ? [preview] : [], quote, }; const roomInfos = OpenGroupData.getV2OpenGroupRoom(; if (!roomInfos) { throw new Error('[retrySend] Could not find roomInfos for this conversation'); } const openGroupMessage = new OpenGroupVisibleMessage(openGroupParams); const openGroup = OpenGroupData.getV2OpenGroupRoom(; return getMessageQueue().sendToOpenGroupV2({ message: openGroupMessage, roomInfos, blinded: roomHasBlindEnabled(openGroup), filesToLink: fileIdsToLink, }); } const timestamp =; // force a new timestamp to handle user fixed his clock; const chatParams: VisibleMessageParams = { identifier:, body, timestamp, attachments, preview: preview ? [preview] : [], quote, lokiProfile: UserUtils.getOurProfile(), // Note: we should have the fields set on that object when we've added it to the DB. // We don't want to reuse the conversation setting, as it might change since this message was sent. expirationType: this.getExpirationType() || null, expireTimer: this.getExpireTimerSeconds(), }; if (!chatParams.lokiProfile) { delete chatParams.lokiProfile; } const chatMessage = new VisibleMessage(chatParams); // Special-case the self-send case - we send only a sync message if (conversation.isMe()) { return this.sendSyncMessageOnly(chatMessage); } if (conversation.isPrivate()) { return getMessageQueue().sendToPubKey( PubKey.cast(, chatMessage, SnodeNamespaces.UserMessages ); } // Here, the convo is neither an open group, a private convo or ourself. It can only be a closed group. // For a closed group, retry send only means trigger a send again to all recipients // as they are all polling from the same group swarm pubkey if (!conversation.isClosedGroup()) { throw new Error( '[retrySend] We should only end up with a closed group here. Anything else is an error' ); } const closedGroupVisibleMessage = new ClosedGroupVisibleMessage({ identifier:, groupId: PubKey.cast(this.get('conversationId')), timestamp, chatMessage, }); return getMessageQueue().sendToGroup({ message: closedGroupVisibleMessage, namespace: SnodeNamespaces.ClosedGroupMessage, }); } catch (e) { await this.saveErrors(e); return null; } } public removeOutgoingErrors(number: string) { const errors = partition( this.get('errors'), e => e.number === number && === 'SendMessageNetworkError' ); this.set({ errors: errors[1] }); return errors[0][0]; } public getConversation(): ConversationModel | undefined { // This needs to be an unsafe call, because this method is called during // initial module setup. We may be in the middle of the initial fetch to // the database. return getConversationController().getUnsafe(this.get('conversationId')); } public getQuoteContact() { const quote = this.get('quote'); if (!quote) { return null; } const { author } = quote; if (!author) { return null; } return getConversationController().get(author); } public getSource() { if (this.isIncoming()) { return this.get('source'); } return UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache(); } public isOutgoing() { return this.get('type') === 'outgoing'; } public hasErrors() { return lodashSize(this.get('errors')) > 0; } /** * Update the messageHash field of that message instance. Does not call commit() * * @param messageHash */ public async updateMessageHash(messageHash: string) { if (!messageHash) { window?.log?.error('Message hash not provided to update message hash'); } this.set({ messageHash, }); } public async sendSyncMessageOnly(contentMessage: ContentMessage) { const now = GetNetworkTime.getNowWithNetworkOffset(); this.set({ sent_to: [UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache()], sent: true, }); await this.commit(); const content = contentMessage instanceof ContentMessage ? contentMessage.contentProto() : contentMessage; await this.sendSyncMessage(content, now); } public async sendSyncMessage(content: SignalService.Content, sentTimestamp: number) { if (this.get('synced') || this.get('sentSync')) { return; } const { dataMessage } = content; if ( dataMessage && (dataMessage.body?.length || dataMessage.attachments?.length || dataMessage.flags === SignalService.DataMessage.Flags.EXPIRATION_TIMER_UPDATE) ) { const conversation = this.getConversation(); if (!conversation) { throw new Error('Cannot trigger syncMessage with unknown convo.'); } const expireUpdate = await DisappearingMessages.checkForExpireUpdateInContentMessage( content, conversation, null ); const syncMessage = buildSyncMessage(, dataMessage as SignalService.DataMessage,, sentTimestamp, expireUpdate ); if (syncMessage) { await getMessageQueue().sendSyncMessage({ namespace: SnodeNamespaces.UserMessages, message: syncMessage, }); } } this.set({ sentSync: true }); await this.commit(); } public async saveErrors(providedErrors: any) { let errors = providedErrors; if (!(errors instanceof Array)) { errors = [errors]; } errors.forEach((e: any) => { window?.log?.error( 'Message.saveErrors:', e && e.reason ? e.reason : null, e && e.stack ? e.stack : e ); }); errors = any) => { if ( e.constructor === Error || e.constructor === TypeError || e.constructor === ReferenceError ) { return pick(e, 'name', 'message', 'code', 'number', 'reason'); } return e; }); errors = errors.concat(this.get('errors') || []); this.set({ errors }); await this.commit(); } public async commit(triggerUIUpdate = true) { if (! { throw new Error('A message always needs an id'); } perfStart(`messageCommit-${}`); // because the saving to db calls _cleanData which mutates the field for cleaning, we need to save a copy const id = await Data.saveMessage(cloneDeep(this.attributes)); if (triggerUIUpdate) { this.dispatchMessageUpdate(); } perfEnd(`messageCommit-${}`, 'messageCommit'); return id; } /** * Mark a message as read if it was not already read. * @param readAt the timestamp at which this message was read * @returns true if the message was marked as read, and if its expiry should be updated on the swarm, false otherwise */ public markMessageReadNoCommit(readAt: number): boolean { if (!this.isUnread()) { return false; } this.set({ unread: }); const convo = this.getConversation(); const canBeDeleteAfterRead = convo && !convo.isMe() && convo.isPrivate(); const expirationType = this.getExpirationType(); const expireTimer = this.getExpireTimerSeconds(); if (canBeDeleteAfterRead && expirationType && expireTimer > 0) { const expirationMode = DisappearingMessages.changeToDisappearingConversationMode( convo, expirationType, expireTimer ); if (expirationMode === 'legacy' || expirationMode === 'deleteAfterRead') { if (this.isIncoming() && !this.isExpiring()) { // only if that message has not started to expire already, set its "start expiry". // this is because a message can have a expire start timestamp set when receiving it, if the convo volatile said that the message was read by another device. if (!this.getExpirationStartTimestamp()) { this.set({ expirationStartTimestamp: DisappearingMessages.setExpirationStartTimestamp( expirationMode, readAt, 'markMessageReadNoCommit', this.get('id') ), }); // return true, we want to update/refresh the real expiry of this message from the swarm return true; } // return true, we want to update/refresh the real expiry of this message from the swarm return true; } } } Notifications.clearByMessageId(; return false; } public isExpiring() { return this.getExpireTimerSeconds() && this.getExpirationStartTimestamp(); } public isExpired() { if (!this.isExpiring()) { return false; } const now =; const start = this.getExpirationStartTimestamp(); if (!start) { return false; } const delta = this.getExpireTimerSeconds() * 1000; const msFromNow = start + delta - now; return msFromNow < 0; } public async setToExpire() { if (this.isExpiring() && !this.getExpiresAt()) { const start = this.getExpirationStartTimestamp(); const delta = this.getExpireTimerSeconds() * 1000; if (!start) { return; } // NOTE we use the locally calculated TTL here until we get the server TTL response const expiresAt = start + delta; this.set({ expires_at: expiresAt, }); if (this.get('id')) { await this.commit(); } window?.log?.debug('Set message expiration', { expiresAt, sentAt: this.get('sent_at'), }); } } public isTrustedForAttachmentDownload() { try { const senderConvoId = this.getSource(); const isClosedGroup = this.getConversation()?.isClosedGroup() || false; const isOpengroup = this.getConversation()?.isOpenGroupV2() || false; if (isOpengroup || isClosedGroup || isUsFromCache(senderConvoId)) { return true; } // check the convo from this user // we want the convo of the sender of this message const senderConvo = getConversationController().get(senderConvoId); if (!senderConvo) { return false; } return senderConvo.get('isTrustedForAttachmentDownload') || false; } catch (e) { window.log.warn('isTrustedForAttachmentDownload: error; ', e.message); return false; } } private dispatchMessageUpdate() { updatesToDispatch.set(, this.getMessageModelProps()); throttledAllMessagesDispatch(); } private isGroupUpdate() { return !isEmpty(this.get('group_update')); } /** * Before, group_update attributes could be just the string 'You' and not an array. * Using this method to get the group update makes sure than the joined, kicked, or left are always an array of string, or undefined */ private getGroupUpdateAsArray() { const groupUpdate = this.get('group_update'); if (!groupUpdate || isEmpty(groupUpdate)) { return undefined; } const left: Array | undefined = Array.isArray(groupUpdate.left) ? groupUpdate.left : groupUpdate.left ? [groupUpdate.left] : undefined; const kicked: Array | undefined = Array.isArray(groupUpdate.kicked) ? groupUpdate.kicked : groupUpdate.kicked ? [groupUpdate.kicked] : undefined; const joined: Array | undefined = Array.isArray(groupUpdate.joined) ? groupUpdate.joined : groupUpdate.joined ? [groupUpdate.joined] : undefined; const forcedArrayUpdate: MessageGroupUpdate = {}; if (left) { forcedArrayUpdate.left = left; } if (joined) { forcedArrayUpdate.joined = joined; } if (kicked) { forcedArrayUpdate.kicked = kicked; } if ( { =; } return forcedArrayUpdate; } private getDescription() { const groupUpdate = this.getGroupUpdateAsArray(); if (groupUpdate) { if (arrayContainsUsOnly(groupUpdate.kicked)) { return window.i18n('youGotKickedFromGroup'); } if (arrayContainsUsOnly(groupUpdate.left)) { return window.i18n('youLeftTheGroup'); } if (groupUpdate.left && groupUpdate.left.length === 1) { return window.i18n('leftTheGroup', [ getConversationController().getContactProfileNameOrShortenedPubKey(groupUpdate.left[0]), ]); } const messages = []; if (! && !groupUpdate.joined && !groupUpdate.kicked && !groupUpdate.kicked) { return window.i18n('updatedTheGroup'); // Group Updated } if ( { return window.i18n('titleIsNow', []); } if (groupUpdate.joined && groupUpdate.joined.length) { const names = getConversationController().getContactProfileNameOrShortenedPubKey ); if (names.length > 1) { messages.push(window.i18n('multipleJoinedTheGroup', [names.join(', ')])); } else { messages.push(window.i18n('joinedTheGroup', names)); } return messages.join(' '); } if (groupUpdate.kicked && groupUpdate.kicked.length) { const names = map( groupUpdate.kicked, getConversationController().getContactProfileNameOrShortenedPubKey ); if (names.length > 1) { messages.push(window.i18n('multipleKickedFromTheGroup', [names.join(', ')])); } else { messages.push(window.i18n('kickedFromTheGroup', names)); } } return messages.join(' '); } if (this.isIncoming() && this.hasErrors()) { return window.i18n('incomingError'); } if (this.isGroupInvitation()) { return `😎 ${window.i18n('openGroupInvitation')}`; } if (this.isDataExtractionNotification()) { const dataExtraction = this.get( 'dataExtractionNotification' ) as DataExtractionNotificationMsg; if (dataExtraction.type === SignalService.DataExtractionNotification.Type.SCREENSHOT) { return window.i18n('tookAScreenshot', [ getConversationController().getContactProfileNameOrShortenedPubKey(dataExtraction.source), ]); } return window.i18n('savedTheFile', [ getConversationController().getContactProfileNameOrShortenedPubKey(dataExtraction.source), ]); } if (this.isCallNotification()) { const displayName = getConversationController().getContactProfileNameOrShortenedPubKey( this.get('conversationId') ); const callNotificationType = this.get('callNotificationType'); if (callNotificationType === 'missed-call') { return window.i18n('callMissed', [displayName]); } if (callNotificationType === 'started-call') { return window.i18n('startedACall', [displayName]); } if (callNotificationType === 'answered-a-call') { return window.i18n('answeredACall', [displayName]); } } const interactionNotification = this.getInteractionNotification(); if (interactionNotification) { const { interactionType, interactionStatus } = interactionNotification; // NOTE For now we only show interaction errors in the message history if (interactionStatus === ConversationInteractionStatus.Error) { const convo = getConversationController().get(this.get('conversationId')); if (convo) { const isGroup = !convo.isPrivate(); const isCommunity = convo.isPublic(); switch (interactionType) { case ConversationInteractionType.Hide: // there is no text for hiding changes return ''; case ConversationInteractionType.Leave: return isCommunity ? window.i18n('leaveCommunityFailed') : isGroup ? window.i18n('leaveGroupFailed') : window.i18n('deleteConversationFailed'); default: assertUnreachable( interactionType, `Message.getDescription: Missing case error "${interactionType}"` ); } } } } if (this.get('reaction')) { const reaction = this.get('reaction'); if (reaction && reaction.emoji && reaction.emoji !== '') { return window.i18n('reactionNotification', [reaction.emoji]); } } return this.get('body'); } // NOTE We want to replace Backbone .get() calls with these getters as we migrate to Redux completely eventually // #region Start of getters public getExpirationType() { return this.get('expirationType'); } /** * * @returns the expireTimer (in seconds) for this message */ public getExpireTimerSeconds() { return this.get('expireTimer'); } public getExpirationStartTimestamp() { return this.get('expirationStartTimestamp'); } public getExpiresAt() { return this.get('expires_at'); } public getMessageHash() { return this.get('messageHash'); } public getExpirationTimerUpdate() { return this.get('expirationTimerUpdate'); } // #endregion } const throttledAllMessagesDispatch = debounce( () => { if (updatesToDispatch.size === 0) { return; } window.inboxStore?.dispatch(messagesChanged([...updatesToDispatch.values()])); updatesToDispatch.clear(); }, 500, { trailing: true, leading: true, maxWait: 1000 } ); const updatesToDispatch: Map = new Map(); export class MessageCollection extends Backbone.Collection {} MessageCollection.prototype.model = MessageModel; export function findAndFormatContact(pubkey: string): FindAndFormatContactType { const contactModel = getConversationController().get(pubkey); let profileName: string | null = null; let isMe = false; if ( pubkey === UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache() || (pubkey && PubKey.isBlinded(pubkey) && isUsAnySogsFromCache(pubkey)) ) { profileName = window.i18n('you'); isMe = true; } else { profileName = contactModel?.getNicknameOrRealUsername() || null; } return { pubkey, avatarPath: contactModel ? contactModel.getAvatarPath() : null, name: contactModel?.getRealSessionUsername() || null, profileName, isMe, }; } export function processQuoteAttachment(attachment: any) { const { thumbnail } = attachment; const path = thumbnail && thumbnail.path && getAbsoluteAttachmentPath(thumbnail.path); const objectUrl = thumbnail && thumbnail.objectUrl; const thumbnailWithObjectUrl = !path && !objectUrl ? null : { ...(attachment.thumbnail || {}), objectUrl: path || objectUrl }; return { ...attachment, isVoiceMessage: isVoiceMessage(attachment), thumbnail: thumbnailWithObjectUrl, }; }