import chai from 'chai'; import Sinon, * as sinon from 'sinon'; import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised'; import { PromiseUtils } from '../../../../session/utils'; import { allowOnlyOneAtATime, hasAlreadyOneAtaTimeMatching, sleepFor, } from '../../../../session/utils/Promise'; import { TestUtils } from '../../../test-utils'; import { enableLogRedirect } from '../../../test-utils/utils'; chai.use(chaiAsPromised as any); chai.should(); const { expect } = chai; describe('Promise Utils', () => { let pollSpy: sinon.SinonSpy< [ (done: (arg: any) => void) => Promise | void, (Partial | undefined)?, ], Promise >; let waitForTaskSpy: sinon.SinonSpy< [(done: (arg: any) => void) => Promise | void, (number | undefined)?], Promise >; let waitUntilSpy: sinon.SinonSpy< [() => Promise | boolean, (number | undefined)?], Promise >; beforeEach(() => { pollSpy = Sinon.spy(PromiseUtils, 'poll'); waitForTaskSpy = Sinon.spy(PromiseUtils, 'waitForTask'); waitUntilSpy = Sinon.spy(PromiseUtils, 'waitUntil'); TestUtils.stubWindowLog(); }); afterEach(() => { Sinon.restore(); }); describe('poll', () => { it('will call done on finished', async () => { // completionSpy will be called on done const completionSpy = Sinon.spy(); const task = (done: any) => { completionSpy(); done(); }; const promise = PromiseUtils.poll(task, { interval: 10 }); expect(pollSpy.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(completionSpy.callCount).to.equal(1); return promise; }); it('can timeout a task', () => { // completionSpy will be called on done const completionSpy = Sinon.spy(); const task = (_done: any) => undefined; const promise = PromiseUtils.poll(task, { timeoutMs: 1, interval: 10 }); expect(pollSpy.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(completionSpy.callCount).to.equal(0); return'Periodic check timeout'); }); it('will recur according to interval option', async () => { const expectedRecurrences = 4; const timeout = 3000; const interval = 3; const recurrenceSpy = Sinon.spy(); const task = (done: any) => { recurrenceSpy(); // Done after we've been called `expectedRecurrences` times if (recurrenceSpy.callCount === expectedRecurrences) { done(); } }; const promise = PromiseUtils.poll(task, { timeoutMs: timeout, interval }); await promise; expect(pollSpy.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(recurrenceSpy.callCount).to.equal(expectedRecurrences); }); }); describe('waitForTask', () => { it('can wait for a task', async () => { // completionSpy will be called on done const completionSpy = Sinon.spy(); const task = (done: any) => { completionSpy(); done(); }; const promise = PromiseUtils.waitForTask(task); expect(waitForTaskSpy.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(completionSpy.callCount).to.equal(1); return promise; }); it('can timeout a task', () => { // completionSpy will be called on done const completionSpy = Sinon.spy(); const task = async (_done: any) => undefined; const promise = PromiseUtils.waitForTask(task, 1); expect(waitForTaskSpy.callCount).to.equal(1); expect(completionSpy.callCount).to.equal(0); return'Task timed out'); }); }); describe('waitUntil', () => { it('can wait for check', async () => { const check = () => true; const promise = PromiseUtils.waitUntil(check, 5); expect(waitUntilSpy.callCount).to.equal(1); return promise; }); it('can timeout a check', () => { const check = () => false; const promise = PromiseUtils.waitUntil(check, 1); expect(waitUntilSpy.callCount).to.equal(1); return'Periodic check timeout'); }); }); describe('allowOnlyOneAtATime', () => { it('start if not running', async () => { const spy = sinon.spy(async () => { return sleepFor(10); }); await allowOnlyOneAtATime('testing', spy); expect(spy.callCount); }); it('starts only once if already running', async () => { const spy = sinon.spy(async () => { return sleepFor(10); }); void allowOnlyOneAtATime('testing', spy); await allowOnlyOneAtATime('testing', spy); expect(spy.callCount); }); it('throw if took longer than expected timeout', async () => { const spy = sinon.spy(async () => { return sleepFor(10); }); try { await allowOnlyOneAtATime('testing', spy, 5); throw new Error('should not get here'); } catch (e) { console.error(e); expect(e), 'should be undefined'); } expect(spy.callCount); }); it('does not throw if took less than expected timeout', async () => { const spy = sinon.spy(async () => { return sleepFor(10); }); try { await allowOnlyOneAtATime('testing', spy, 15); throw new Error('should get here'); } catch (e) { expect(e.message)'should get here'); } expect(spy.callCount); }); }); describe('hasAlreadyOneAtaTimeMatching', () => { it('returns true if already started', () => { const spy = sinon.spy(async () => { return sleepFor(10); }); void allowOnlyOneAtATime('testing', spy); expect(hasAlreadyOneAtaTimeMatching('testing')), 'should be true'); }); it('returns false if not already started', () => { expect(hasAlreadyOneAtaTimeMatching('testing2')), 'should be false'); }); }); it('stubWindowLog is set to false before pushing', () => { expect( enableLogRedirect, 'If you see this message, just set `enableLogRedirect` to false in `ts/test/test-utils/utils/stubbing.ts`' ); }); });