import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { getConversationController } from '../../session/conversations'; import { syncConfigurationIfNeeded } from '../../session/utils/syncUtils'; import { generateAttachmentKeyIfEmpty, getAllOpenGroupV1Conversations, getItemById, hasSyncedInitialConfigurationItem, lastAvatarUploadTimestamp, removeConversation, removeOneOpenGroupV1Message, } from '../../data/data'; import { getMessageQueue } from '../../session/sending'; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; // tslint:disable: no-submodule-imports import useInterval from 'react-use/lib/useInterval'; import useTimeoutFn from 'react-use/lib/useTimeoutFn'; import { getOurNumber } from '../../state/selectors/user'; import { getOurPrimaryConversation, getUnreadMessageCount, } from '../../state/selectors/conversations'; import { applyTheme } from '../../state/ducks/theme'; import { getFocusedSection } from '../../state/selectors/section'; import { clearSearch } from '../../state/ducks/search'; import { SectionType, setOverlayMode, showLeftPaneSection } from '../../state/ducks/section'; import { cleanUpOldDecryptedMedias } from '../../session/crypto/DecryptedAttachmentsManager'; import { DURATION } from '../../session/constants'; import { conversationChanged, conversationRemoved } from '../../state/ducks/conversations'; import { editProfileModal, onionPathModal } from '../../state/ducks/modalDialog'; import { uploadOurAvatar } from '../../interactions/conversationInteractions'; import { ModalContainer } from '../dialog/ModalContainer'; import { debounce, isEmpty, isString } from 'lodash'; // tslint:disable-next-line: no-import-side-effect no-submodule-imports import { ActionPanelOnionStatusLight } from '../dialog/OnionStatusPathDialog'; import { switchHtmlToDarkTheme, switchHtmlToLightTheme } from '../../state/ducks/SessionTheme'; import { loadDefaultRooms } from '../../session/apis/open_group_api/opengroupV2/ApiUtil'; import { getOpenGroupManager } from '../../session/apis/open_group_api/opengroupV2/OpenGroupManagerV2'; import { getSwarmPollingInstance } from '../../session/apis/snode_api'; import { forceRefreshRandomSnodePool } from '../../session/apis/snode_api/snodePool'; import { Avatar, AvatarSize } from '../avatar/Avatar'; import { CallInFullScreenContainer } from '../calling/CallInFullScreenContainer'; import { DraggableCallContainer } from '../calling/DraggableCallContainer'; import { IncomingCallDialog } from '../calling/IncomingCallDialog'; import { SessionIconButton } from '../icon'; import { SessionToastContainer } from '../SessionToastContainer'; import { LeftPaneSectionContainer } from './LeftPaneSectionContainer'; import { getLatestDesktopReleaseFileToFsV2 } from '../../session/apis/file_server_api/FileServerApiV2'; import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'; const Section = (props: { type: SectionType }) => { const ourNumber = useSelector(getOurNumber); const unreadMessageCount = useSelector(getUnreadMessageCount); const dispatch = useDispatch(); const { type } = props; const focusedSection = useSelector(getFocusedSection); const isSelected = focusedSection === props.type; const handleClick = () => { /* tslint:disable:no-void-expression */ if (type === SectionType.Profile) { dispatch(editProfileModal({})); } else if (type === SectionType.Moon) { const themeFromSettings = window.Events.getThemeSetting(); const updatedTheme = themeFromSettings === 'dark' ? 'light' : 'dark'; window.setTheme(updatedTheme); if (updatedTheme === 'dark') { switchHtmlToDarkTheme(); } else { switchHtmlToLightTheme(); } const newThemeObject = updatedTheme === 'dark' ? 'dark' : 'light'; dispatch(applyTheme(newThemeObject)); } else if (type === SectionType.PathIndicator) { // Show Path Indicator Modal dispatch(onionPathModal({})); } else { // message section dispatch(clearSearch()); dispatch(showLeftPaneSection(type)); dispatch(setOverlayMode(undefined)); } }; if (type === SectionType.Profile) { return ( ); } const unreadToShow = type === SectionType.Message ? unreadMessageCount : undefined; switch (type) { case SectionType.Message: return ( ); case SectionType.Contact: return ( ); case SectionType.Settings: return ( ); case SectionType.PathIndicator: return ( ); default: return ( ); } }; const cleanUpMediasInterval = DURATION.MINUTES * 60; // every 10 minutes we fetch from the fileserver to check for a new release // * if there is none, no request to github are made. // * if there is a version on the fileserver more recent than our current, we fetch github to get the UpdateInfos and trigger an update as usual (asking user via dialog) const fetchReleaseFromFileServerInterval = 1000 * 60; // try to fetch the latest release from the fileserver every minute const setupTheme = () => { const theme = window.Events.getThemeSetting(); window.setTheme(theme); if (theme === 'dark') { switchHtmlToDarkTheme(); } else { switchHtmlToLightTheme(); } const newThemeObject = theme === 'dark' ? 'dark' : 'light'; window?.inboxStore?.dispatch(applyTheme(newThemeObject)); }; // Do this only if we created a new Session ID, or if we already received the initial configuration message const triggerSyncIfNeeded = async () => { const didWeHandleAConfigurationMessageAlready = (await getItemById(hasSyncedInitialConfigurationItem))?.value || false; if (didWeHandleAConfigurationMessageAlready) { await syncConfigurationIfNeeded(); } }; const scheduleDeleteOpenGroupV1Messages = async () => { const leftToRemove = await removeOneOpenGroupV1Message(); if (leftToRemove > 0) { window?.log?.info(`We still have ${leftToRemove} opengroupv1 messages to remove...`); setTimeout(scheduleDeleteOpenGroupV1Messages, 10000); } else { window?.log?.info('No more opengroupv1 messages to remove...'); } }; const removeAllV1OpenGroups = async () => { const allV1Convos = (await getAllOpenGroupV1Conversations()).models || []; // do not remove messages of opengroupv1 for now. We have to find a way of doing it without making the whole app extremely slow // tslint:disable-next-line: prefer-for-of for (let index = 0; index < allV1Convos.length; index++) { const v1Convo = allV1Convos[index]; try { await removeConversation(;`deleting v1convo : ${}`); getConversationController().unsafeDelete(v1Convo); if (window.inboxStore) { window.inboxStore?.dispatch(conversationRemoved(; window.inboxStore?.dispatch( conversationChanged({ id:, data: v1Convo.getConversationModelProps() }) ); } } catch (e) { window.log.warn(`failed to delete opengroupv1 ${}`, e); } } setTimeout(scheduleDeleteOpenGroupV1Messages, 10000); }; const triggerAvatarReUploadIfNeeded = async () => { const lastTimeStampAvatarUpload = (await getItemById(lastAvatarUploadTimestamp))?.value || 0; if ( - lastTimeStampAvatarUpload > DURATION.DAYS * 14) {'Reuploading avatar...'); // reupload the avatar await uploadOurAvatar(); } }; /** * This function is called only once: on app startup with a logged in user */ const doAppStartUp = () => { // init the messageQueue. In the constructor, we add all not send messages // this call does nothing except calling the constructor, which will continue sending message in the pipeline void getMessageQueue().processAllPending(); void setupTheme(); // keep that one to make sure our users upgrade to new sessionIDS void removeAllV1OpenGroups(); // this generates the key to encrypt attachments locally void generateAttachmentKeyIfEmpty(); void getOpenGroupManager().startPolling(); // trigger a sync message if needed for our other devices void triggerSyncIfNeeded(); void getSwarmPollingInstance().start(); void loadDefaultRooms(); debounce(triggerAvatarReUploadIfNeeded, 200); }; const CallContainer = () => { return ( <> ); }; async function fetchReleaseFromFSAndUpdateMain() { try { window.log.warn('[updater] about to fetchReleaseFromFSAndUpdateMain'); const latest = await getLatestDesktopReleaseFileToFsV2(); window.log.warn('[updater] fetched latest release from fsv2: ', latest); if (isString(latest) && !isEmpty(latest)) { ipcRenderer.send('set-release-from-file-server', latest); window.readyForUpdates(); } } catch (e) { window.log.warn(e); } } /** * ActionsPanel is the far left banner (not the left pane). * The panel with buttons to switch between the message/contact/settings/theme views */ export const ActionsPanel = () => { const [startCleanUpMedia, setStartCleanUpMedia] = useState(false); const ourPrimaryConversation = useSelector(getOurPrimaryConversation); // this maxi useEffect is called only once: when the component is mounted. // For the action panel, it means this is called only one per app start/with a user loggedin useEffect(() => { void doAppStartUp(); }, []); // wait for cleanUpMediasInterval and then start cleaning up medias // this would be way easier to just be able to not trigger a call with the setInterval useEffect(() => { const timeout = setTimeout(() => setStartCleanUpMedia(true), cleanUpMediasInterval); return () => clearTimeout(timeout); }, []); useInterval(cleanUpOldDecryptedMedias, startCleanUpMedia ? cleanUpMediasInterval : null); useInterval(() => { void fetchReleaseFromFSAndUpdateMain(); }, fetchReleaseFromFileServerInterval); if (!ourPrimaryConversation) { window?.log?.warn('ActionsPanel: ourPrimaryConversation is not set'); return null; } useInterval(() => { void syncConfigurationIfNeeded(); }, DURATION.DAYS * 2); useInterval(() => { // trigger an updates from the snodes every hour void forceRefreshRandomSnodePool(); }, DURATION.HOURS * 1); useTimeoutFn(() => { // trigger an updates from the snodes after 5 minutes, once void forceRefreshRandomSnodePool(); }, DURATION.MINUTES * 5); useInterval(() => { // this won't be run every days, but if the app stays open for more than 10 days void triggerAvatarReUploadIfNeeded(); }, DURATION.DAYS * 1); return ( <>
); };