import * as BetterSqlite3 from '@signalapp/better-sqlite3'; import { difference, isNumber, omit, pick } from 'lodash'; import { CONVERSATION_PRIORITIES, ConversationAttributes, ConversationAttributesWithNotSavedOnes, } from '../models/conversationAttributes'; export const CONVERSATIONS_TABLE = 'conversations'; export const MESSAGES_TABLE = 'messages'; export const MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE = 'messages_fts'; export const NODES_FOR_PUBKEY_TABLE = 'nodesForPubkey'; export const OPEN_GROUP_ROOMS_V2_TABLE = 'openGroupRoomsV2'; export const IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE = 'identityKeys'; export const GUARD_NODE_TABLE = 'guardNodes'; export const ITEMS_TABLE = 'items'; export const ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE = 'attachment_downloads'; export const CLOSED_GROUP_V2_KEY_PAIRS_TABLE = 'encryptionKeyPairsForClosedGroupV2'; export const LAST_HASHES_TABLE = 'lastHashes'; export const HEX_KEY = /[^0-9A-Fa-f]/; export function objectToJSON(data: Record) { return JSON.stringify(data); } export function jsonToObject(json: string): Record { return JSON.parse(json); } function jsonToArray(json: string): Array { try { return JSON.parse(json); } catch (e) { console.error('jsontoarray failed:', e.message); return []; } } export function arrayStrToJson(arr: Array): string { return JSON.stringify(arr); } export function toSqliteBoolean(val: boolean): number { return val ? 1 : 0; } // this is used to make sure when storing something in the database you remember to add the wrapping for it in formatRowOfConversation const allowedKeysFormatRowOfConversation = [ 'groupAdmins', 'members', 'zombies', 'isTrustedForAttachmentDownload', 'isApproved', 'didApproveMe', 'mentionedUs', 'isKickedFromGroup', 'left', 'lastMessage', 'lastMessageStatus', 'triggerNotificationsFor', 'unreadCount', 'lastJoinedTimestamp', 'expireTimer', 'active_at', 'id', 'type', 'avatarPointer', 'avatarImageId', 'nickname', 'profileKey', 'avatarInProfile', 'displayNameInProfile', 'conversationIdOrigin', 'markedAsUnread', 'blocksSogsMsgReqsTimestamp', 'priority', 'expirationMode', 'hasOutdatedClient', ]; export function formatRowOfConversation( row: Record, from: string, unreadCount: number, mentionedUs: boolean ): ConversationAttributesWithNotSavedOnes | null { if (!row) { return null; } const foundInRowButNotInAllowed = difference( Object.keys(row), allowedKeysFormatRowOfConversation ); if (foundInRowButNotInAllowed?.length) { console.error( `formatRowOfConversation: "from:${from}" foundInRowButNotInAllowed: `, foundInRowButNotInAllowed ); throw new Error( `formatRowOfConversation: an invalid key was given in the record: ${foundInRowButNotInAllowed[0]}` ); } const convo: ConversationAttributes = omit(row, 'json') as ConversationAttributes; // if the stringified array of admins/moderators/members/zombies length is less than 5, // we consider there is nothing to parse and just return [] const minLengthNoParsing = 5; convo.groupAdmins = row.groupAdmins?.length && row.groupAdmins.length > minLengthNoParsing ? jsonToArray(row.groupAdmins) : []; convo.members = row.members?.length && row.members.length > minLengthNoParsing ? jsonToArray(row.members) : []; convo.zombies = row.zombies?.length && row.zombies.length > minLengthNoParsing ? jsonToArray(row.zombies) : []; // sqlite stores boolean as integer. to clean thing up we force the expected boolean fields to be boolean convo.isTrustedForAttachmentDownload = Boolean(convo.isTrustedForAttachmentDownload); convo.isApproved = Boolean(convo.isApproved); convo.didApproveMe = Boolean(convo.didApproveMe); convo.isKickedFromGroup = Boolean(convo.isKickedFromGroup); convo.left = Boolean(convo.left); convo.markedAsUnread = Boolean(convo.markedAsUnread); convo.priority = convo.priority || CONVERSATION_PRIORITIES.default; if (!convo.conversationIdOrigin) { convo.conversationIdOrigin = undefined; } if (!convo.lastMessage) { convo.lastMessage = null; } if (!convo.lastMessageStatus) { convo.lastMessageStatus = undefined; } if (!isNumber(convo.blocksSogsMsgReqsTimestamp)) { convo.blocksSogsMsgReqsTimestamp = 0; } if (!convo.triggerNotificationsFor) { convo.triggerNotificationsFor = 'all'; } if (!convo.lastJoinedTimestamp) { convo.lastJoinedTimestamp = 0; } if (!convo.expireTimer) { convo.expireTimer = 0; } if (!convo.active_at) { convo.active_at = 0; } return { ...convo, mentionedUs, unreadCount, }; } /** * Those attributes are the one we are sending to the sql call as we want to save them when saving a conversation row. */ const allowedKeysOfConversationAttributes = [ 'groupAdmins', 'members', 'zombies', 'isTrustedForAttachmentDownload', 'isApproved', 'didApproveMe', 'isKickedFromGroup', 'left', 'lastMessage', 'lastMessageStatus', 'triggerNotificationsFor', 'lastJoinedTimestamp', 'expireTimer', 'active_at', 'id', 'type', 'avatarPointer', 'avatarImageId', 'nickname', 'profileKey', 'avatarInProfile', 'displayNameInProfile', 'conversationIdOrigin', 'markedAsUnread', 'blocksSogsMsgReqsTimestamp', 'priority', 'expirationMode', 'hasOutdatedClient', ]; /** * Those attributes are the one we know the renderer is sending back but which we do not want to save to the database. * They are fetched when getting the conversation from the DB and in anything returning a SaveConversationReturn */ const allowedKeysButNotSavedToDb = ['mentionedUs', 'unreadCount']; /** * This one merges each list together, and must be used for the log statement only. */ const allowedKeysTogether = [...allowedKeysOfConversationAttributes, ...allowedKeysButNotSavedToDb]; /** * assertValidConversationAttributes is used to make sure that only the keys stored in the database are sent from the renderer. * We could also add some type checking here to make sure what is sent by the renderer matches what we expect to store in the DB */ export function assertValidConversationAttributes( data: ConversationAttributes ): ConversationAttributes { // first make sure all keys of the object data are expected to be there, or expected to not be saved to the DB const foundInAttributesButNotInAllowed = difference(Object.keys(data), allowedKeysTogether); if (foundInAttributesButNotInAllowed?.length) { console.error( `assertValidConversationAttributes: an invalid key was given in the record: ${foundInAttributesButNotInAllowed}` ); } // we only ever want to save the allowedKeysOfConversationAttributes here, not the one part of allowedKeysButNotSavedToDb return pick(data, allowedKeysOfConversationAttributes) as ConversationAttributes; } export function dropFtsAndTriggers(db: BetterSqlite3.Database) {'dropping fts5 table'); db.exec(` DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS messages_on_insert; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS messages_on_delete; DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS messages_on_update; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ${MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE}; `); } export function rebuildFtsTable(db: BetterSqlite3.Database) {'rebuildFtsTable'); db.exec(` -- Then we create our full-text search table and populate it CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE ${MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE} USING fts5(body); INSERT INTO ${MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE}(rowid, body) SELECT rowid, body FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE}; -- Then we set up triggers to keep the full-text search table up to date CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_insert AFTER INSERT ON ${MESSAGES_TABLE} BEGIN INSERT INTO ${MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE} ( rowid, body ) VALUES ( new.rowid, new.body ); END; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_delete AFTER DELETE ON ${MESSAGES_TABLE} BEGIN DELETE FROM ${MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE} WHERE rowid = old.rowid; END; CREATE TRIGGER messages_on_update AFTER UPDATE ON ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHEN new.body <> old.body BEGIN DELETE FROM ${MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE} WHERE rowid = old.rowid; INSERT INTO ${MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE}( rowid, body ) VALUES ( new.rowid, new.body ); END; `);'rebuildFtsTable built'); }