import * as BetterSqlite3 from '@signalapp/better-sqlite3'; import { app, clipboard, dialog, Notification } from 'electron'; import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import rimraf from 'rimraf'; import { base64_variants, from_base64, to_hex } from 'libsodium-wrappers-sumo'; import { chunk, compact, difference, differenceBy, forEach, fromPairs, isArray, isEmpty, isNumber, isObject, isString, last, map, omit, uniq, } from 'lodash'; import { ConversationAttributes } from '../models/conversationAttributes'; import { PubKey } from '../session/types/PubKey'; // checked - only node import { redactAll } from '../util/privacy'; // checked - only node import { arrayStrToJson, assertValidConversationAttributes, ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE, CLOSED_GROUP_V2_KEY_PAIRS_TABLE, CONVERSATIONS_TABLE, formatRowOfConversation, GUARD_NODE_TABLE, HEX_KEY, IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, ITEMS_TABLE, jsonToObject, LAST_HASHES_TABLE, MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE, MESSAGES_TABLE, NODES_FOR_PUBKEY_TABLE, objectToJSON, OPEN_GROUP_ROOMS_V2_TABLE, toSqliteBoolean, } from './database_utility'; import { LocaleMessagesType } from './locale'; // checked - only node import { StorageItem } from './storage_item'; // checked - only node import { OpenGroupV2Room } from '../data/opengroups'; import { CONFIG_DUMP_TABLE, MsgDuplicateSearchOpenGroup, roomHasBlindEnabled, SaveConversationReturn, UnprocessedDataNode, UnprocessedParameter, UpdateLastHashType, } from '../types/sqlSharedTypes'; import { KNOWN_BLINDED_KEYS_ITEM, SettingsKey } from '../data/settings-key'; import { Quote } from '../receiver/types'; import { getSQLCipherIntegrityCheck, openAndMigrateDatabase, updateSchema, } from './migration/signalMigrations'; import { configDumpData } from './sql_calls/config_dump'; import { assertGlobalInstance, assertGlobalInstanceOrInstance, closeDbInstance, initDbInstanceWith, isInstanceInitialized, } from './sqlInstance'; // eslint:disable: function-name non-literal-fs-path const MAX_PUBKEYS_MEMBERS = 300; function getSQLIntegrityCheck(db: BetterSqlite3.Database) { const checkResult = db.pragma('quick_check', { simple: true }); if (checkResult !== 'ok') { return checkResult; } return undefined; } function openAndSetUpSQLCipher(filePath: string, { key }: { key: string }) { return openAndMigrateDatabase(filePath, key); } function setSQLPassword(password: string) { if (!assertGlobalInstance()) { throw new Error('setSQLPassword: db is not initialized'); } // If the password isn't hex then we need to derive a key from it const deriveKey = HEX_KEY.test(password); const value = deriveKey ? `'${password}'` : `"x'${password}'"`; assertGlobalInstance().pragma(`rekey = ${value}`); } function vacuumDatabase(db: BetterSqlite3.Database) { if (!db) { throw new Error('vacuum: db is not initialized'); } const start =;'Vacuuming DB. This might take a while.'); db.exec('VACUUM;');`Vacuuming DB Finished in ${ - start}ms.`); } let databaseFilePath: string | undefined; function _initializePaths(configDir: string) { const dbDir = path.join(configDir, 'sql'); fs.mkdirSync(dbDir, { recursive: true });'Made sure db folder exists at:', dbDir); databaseFilePath = path.join(dbDir, 'db.sqlite'); } function showFailedToStart() { const notification = new Notification({ title: 'Session failed to start', body: 'Please start from terminal and open a github issue', });; } async function initializeSql({ configDir, key, messages, passwordAttempt, }: { configDir: string; key: string; messages: LocaleMessagesType; passwordAttempt: boolean; }) {'initializeSql sqlnode'); if (isInstanceInitialized()) { throw new Error('Cannot initialize more than once!'); } if (!isString(configDir)) { throw new Error('initialize: configDir is required!'); } if (!isString(key)) { throw new Error('initialize: key is required!'); } if (!isObject(messages)) { throw new Error('initialize: message is required!'); } _initializePaths(configDir); let db; try { if (!databaseFilePath) { throw new Error('databaseFilePath is not set'); } db = openAndSetUpSQLCipher(databaseFilePath, { key }); if (!db) { throw new Error('db is not set'); } await updateSchema(db); // test database const cipherIntegrityResult = getSQLCipherIntegrityCheck(db); if (cipherIntegrityResult) { console.log('Database cipher integrity check failed:', cipherIntegrityResult); throw new Error(`Cipher integrity check failed: ${cipherIntegrityResult}`); } const integrityResult = getSQLIntegrityCheck(db); if (integrityResult) { console.log('Database integrity check failed:', integrityResult); throw new Error(`Integrity check failed: ${integrityResult}`); } // At this point we can allow general access to the database initDbInstanceWith(db);'total message count before cleaning: ', getMessageCount());'total conversation count before cleaning: ', getConversationCount()); cleanUpOldOpengroupsOnStart(); cleanUpUnusedNodeForKeyEntriesOnStart(); printDbStats();'total message count after cleaning: ', getMessageCount());'total conversation count after cleaning: ', getConversationCount()); // Clear any already deleted db entries on each app start. vacuumDatabase(db); } catch (error) { console.error('error', error); if (passwordAttempt) { throw error; } console.log('Database startup error:', error.stack); const button = await dialog.showMessageBox({ buttons: [messages.copyErrorAndQuit, messages.clearAllData], defaultId: 0, detail: redactAll(error.stack), message: messages.databaseError, noLink: true, type: 'error', }); if (button.response === 0) { clipboard.writeText(`Database startup error:\n\n${redactAll(error.stack)}`); } else { closeDbInstance(); showFailedToStart(); } app.exit(1); return false; } return true; } function removeDB(configDir = null) { if (isInstanceInitialized()) { throw new Error('removeDB: Cannot erase database when it is open!'); } if (!databaseFilePath && configDir) { _initializePaths(configDir); } if (databaseFilePath) { rimraf.sync(databaseFilePath); rimraf.sync(`${databaseFilePath}-shm`); rimraf.sync(`${databaseFilePath}-wal`); } } // Password hash const PASS_HASH_ID = 'passHash'; function getPasswordHash() { const item = getItemById(PASS_HASH_ID); return item && item.value; } function savePasswordHash(hash: string) { if (isEmpty(hash)) { removePasswordHash(); return; } const data = { id: PASS_HASH_ID, value: hash }; createOrUpdateItem(data); } function removePasswordHash() { removeItemById(PASS_HASH_ID); } function getIdentityKeyById(id: string, instance: BetterSqlite3.Database) { return getById(IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE, id, instance); } function getGuardNodes() { const nodes = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`SELECT ed25519PubKey FROM ${GUARD_NODE_TABLE};`) .all(); if (!nodes) { return null; } return nodes; } function updateGuardNodes(nodes: Array) { assertGlobalInstance().transaction(() => { assertGlobalInstance().exec(`DELETE FROM ${GUARD_NODE_TABLE}`); => assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `INSERT INTO ${GUARD_NODE_TABLE} ( ed25519PubKey ) values ($ed25519PubKey)` ) .run({ ed25519PubKey: edkey, }) ); })(); } function createOrUpdateItem(data: StorageItem, instance?: BetterSqlite3.Database) { createOrUpdate(ITEMS_TABLE, data, instance); } function getItemById(id: string, instance?: BetterSqlite3.Database) { return getById(ITEMS_TABLE, id, instance); } function getAllItems() { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`SELECT json FROM ${ITEMS_TABLE} ORDER BY id ASC;`) .all(); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } function removeItemById(id: string) { removeById(ITEMS_TABLE, id); } function createOrUpdate(table: string, data: StorageItem, instance?: BetterSqlite3.Database) { const { id } = data; if (!id) { throw new Error('createOrUpdate: Provided data did not have a truthy id'); } assertGlobalInstanceOrInstance(instance) .prepare( `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ${table} ( id, json ) values ( $id, $json )` ) .run({ id, json: objectToJSON(data), }); } function getById(table: string, id: string, instance?: BetterSqlite3.Database) { const row = assertGlobalInstanceOrInstance(instance) .prepare(`SELECT * FROM ${table} WHERE id = $id;`) .get({ id, }); if (!row) { return null; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } function removeById(table: string, id: string) { if (!Array.isArray(id)) { assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`DELETE FROM ${table} WHERE id = $id;`) .run({ id }); return; } if (!id.length) { throw new Error('removeById: No ids to delete!'); } // Our node interface doesn't seem to allow you to replace one single ? with an array assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`DELETE FROM ${table} WHERE id IN ( ${ => '?').join(', ')} );`) .run({ id }); } // Conversations function getSwarmNodesForPubkey(pubkey: string) { const row = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`SELECT * FROM ${NODES_FOR_PUBKEY_TABLE} WHERE pubkey = $pubkey;`) .get({ pubkey, }); if (!row) { return []; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } function updateSwarmNodesForPubkey(pubkey: string, snodeEdKeys: Array) { assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ${NODES_FOR_PUBKEY_TABLE} ( pubkey, json ) values ( $pubkey, $json );` ) .run({ pubkey, json: objectToJSON(snodeEdKeys), }); } function getConversationCount() { const row = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`SELECT count(*) from ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE};`) .get(); if (!row) { throw new Error(`getConversationCount: Unable to get count of ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE}`); } return row['count(*)']; } /** * Because the argument list can change when saving a conversation (and actually doing a lot of other stuff), * it is not a good idea to try to use it to update a conversation while doing migrations. * Because every time you'll update the saveConversation with a new argument, the migration you wrote a month ago still relies on the old way. * Because of that, there is no `instance` argument here, and you should not add one as this is only needed during migrations (which will break if you do it) */ function saveConversation(data: ConversationAttributes): SaveConversationReturn { const formatted = assertValidConversationAttributes(data); const { id, active_at, type, members, nickname, profileKey, zombies, left, expirationMode, expireTimer, hasOutdatedClient, lastMessageStatus, lastMessage, lastJoinedTimestamp, groupAdmins, isKickedFromGroup, avatarPointer, avatarImageId, triggerNotificationsFor, isTrustedForAttachmentDownload, isApproved, didApproveMe, avatarInProfile, displayNameInProfile, conversationIdOrigin, priority, markedAsUnread, blocksSogsMsgReqsTimestamp, } = formatted; const omited = omit(formatted); const keys = Object.keys(omited); const columnsCommaSeparated = keys.join(', '); const valuesArgs = => `$${k}`).join(', '); const maxLength = 300; // shorten the last message as we never need more than `maxLength` chars (and it bloats the redux/ipc calls uselessly. const shortenedLastMessage = isString(lastMessage) && lastMessage.length > maxLength ? lastMessage.substring(0, maxLength) : lastMessage; assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE} ( ${columnsCommaSeparated} ) values ( ${valuesArgs} )` ) .run({ id, active_at, type, members: members && members.length ? arrayStrToJson(members) : '[]', nickname, profileKey, zombies: zombies && zombies.length ? arrayStrToJson(zombies) : '[]', left: toSqliteBoolean(left), expirationMode, expireTimer, hasOutdatedClient, lastMessageStatus, lastMessage: shortenedLastMessage, lastJoinedTimestamp, groupAdmins: groupAdmins && groupAdmins.length ? arrayStrToJson(groupAdmins) : '[]', isKickedFromGroup: toSqliteBoolean(isKickedFromGroup), avatarPointer, avatarImageId, triggerNotificationsFor, isTrustedForAttachmentDownload: toSqliteBoolean(isTrustedForAttachmentDownload), priority, isApproved: toSqliteBoolean(isApproved), didApproveMe: toSqliteBoolean(didApproveMe), avatarInProfile, displayNameInProfile, conversationIdOrigin, markedAsUnread: toSqliteBoolean(markedAsUnread), blocksSogsMsgReqsTimestamp, }); return fetchConvoMemoryDetails(id); } function fetchConvoMemoryDetails(convoId: string): SaveConversationReturn { const hasMentionedUsUnread = !!getFirstUnreadMessageWithMention(convoId); const unreadCount = getUnreadCountByConversation(convoId); const lastReadTimestampMessageSentTimestamp = getLastMessageReadInConversation(convoId); // TODOLATER it would be nice to be able to remove the lastMessage and lastMessageStatus from the conversation table, and just return it when saving the conversation // and saving it in memory only. // But we'd need to update a bunch of things as we do some logic before setting the lastUpdate text and status mostly in `getMessagePropStatus` and `getNotificationText()` // const lastMessages = getLastMessagesByConversation(convoId, 1) as Array:Record>; return { mentionedUs: hasMentionedUsUnread, unreadCount, lastReadTimestampMessage: lastReadTimestampMessageSentTimestamp, }; } function removeConversation(id: string | Array) { if (!Array.isArray(id)) { assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`DELETE FROM ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE} WHERE id = $id;`) .run({ id, }); return; } if (!id.length) { throw new Error('removeConversation: No ids to delete!'); } // Our node interface doesn't seem to allow you to replace one single ? with an array assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`DELETE FROM ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE} WHERE id IN ( ${ => '?').join(', ')} );`) .run(id); } export function getIdentityKeys(db: BetterSqlite3.Database) { const row = db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM ${ITEMS_TABLE} WHERE id = $id;`).get({ id: 'identityKey', }); if (!row) { return null; } try { const parsedIdentityKey = jsonToObject(row.json); if ( !parsedIdentityKey?.value?.pubKey || !parsedIdentityKey?.value?.ed25519KeyPair?.privateKey ) { return null; } const publicKeyBase64 = parsedIdentityKey?.value?.pubKey; const publicKeyHex = to_hex(from_base64(publicKeyBase64, base64_variants.ORIGINAL)); const ed25519PrivateKeyUintArray = parsedIdentityKey?.value?.ed25519KeyPair?.privateKey; // TODOLATER migrate the ed25519KeyPair for all the users already logged in to a base64 representation const privateEd25519 = new Uint8Array(Object.values(ed25519PrivateKeyUintArray)); if (!privateEd25519 || isEmpty(privateEd25519)) { return null; } return { publicKeyHex, privateEd25519, }; } catch (e) { return null; } } function getUsBlindedInThatServerIfNeeded( convoId: string, instance?: BetterSqlite3.Database ): string | undefined { const usNaked = getIdentityKeys(assertGlobalInstanceOrInstance(instance))?.publicKeyHex; if (!usNaked) { return undefined; } const room = getV2OpenGroupRoom(convoId, instance) as OpenGroupV2Room | null; if (!room || !roomHasBlindEnabled(room) || !room.serverPublicKey) { return usNaked; } const blinded = getItemById(KNOWN_BLINDED_KEYS_ITEM, instance); // this is essentially a duplicate of getUsBlindedInThatServer made at a database level (with db from the DB directly and not cached on the renderer side) try { const allBlinded = JSON.parse(blinded?.value); const found = allBlinded.find( (m: any) => m.serverPublicKey === room.serverPublicKey && m.realSessionId === usNaked ); const blindedId = found?.blindedId; return isString(blindedId) ? blindedId : usNaked; } catch (e) { console.error('getUsBlindedInThatServerIfNeeded failed with ', e.message); } return usNaked; } function getConversationById(id: string, instance?: BetterSqlite3.Database) { const row = assertGlobalInstanceOrInstance(instance) .prepare(`SELECT * FROM ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE} WHERE id = $id;`) .get({ id, }); const unreadCount = getUnreadCountByConversation(id, instance) || 0; const mentionedUsStillUnread = !!getFirstUnreadMessageWithMention(id, instance); return formatRowOfConversation(row, 'getConversationById', unreadCount, mentionedUsStillUnread); } function getAllConversations() { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`SELECT * FROM ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE} ORDER BY id ASC;`) .all(); const formatted = compact( (rows || []).map(m => { const unreadCount = getUnreadCountByConversation( || 0; const mentionedUsStillUnread = !!getFirstUnreadMessageWithMention(; return formatRowOfConversation(m, 'getAllConversations', unreadCount, mentionedUsStillUnread); }) ); const invalidOnLoad = formatted.filter(m => { return isString( &&'05') &&' '); }); if (!isEmpty(invalidOnLoad)) { const idsInvalid = =>; 'getAllConversations removing those conversations with invalid ids before load', idsInvalid ); removeConversation(idsInvalid); } return differenceBy(formatted, invalidOnLoad, c =>; } function getPubkeysInPublicConversation(conversationId: string) { const conversation = getV2OpenGroupRoom(conversationId); if (!conversation) { return []; } const hasBlindOn = Boolean( conversation.capabilities && isArray(conversation.capabilities) && conversation.capabilities?.includes('blind') ); const whereClause = hasBlindOn ? "AND source LIKE '15%'" : ''; // the LIKE content has to be ' and not " const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT DISTINCT source FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId ${whereClause} ORDER BY received_at DESC LIMIT ${MAX_PUBKEYS_MEMBERS};` ) .all({ conversationId, }); return map(rows, row => row.source); } function searchConversations(query: string) { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT * FROM ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE} WHERE ( displayNameInProfile LIKE $displayNameInProfile OR nickname LIKE $nickname ) AND active_at > 0 ORDER BY active_at DESC LIMIT $limit` ) .all({ displayNameInProfile: `%${query}%`, nickname: `%${query}%`, limit: 50, }); return (rows || []).map(m => { const unreadCount = getUnreadCountByConversation(; const mentionedUsStillUnread = !!getFirstUnreadMessageWithMention(; const formatted = formatRowOfConversation( m, 'searchConversations', unreadCount, mentionedUsStillUnread ); return formatted; }); } // order by clause is the same as orderByClause but with a table prefix so we cannot reuse it const orderByMessageCoalesceClause = `ORDER BY COALESCE(${MESSAGES_TABLE}.serverTimestamp, ${MESSAGES_TABLE}.sent_at, ${MESSAGES_TABLE}.received_at) DESC`; function searchMessages(query: string, limit: number) { if (!limit) { throw new Error('searchMessages limit must be set'); } const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT ${MESSAGES_TABLE}.json, snippet(${MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE}, -1, '<>', '<>', '...', 5) as snippet FROM ${MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE} INNER JOIN ${MESSAGES_TABLE} on ${MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE}.rowid = ${MESSAGES_TABLE}.rowid WHERE ${MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE}.body match $query ${orderByMessageCoalesceClause} LIMIT $limit;` ) .all({ query, limit, }); return map(rows, row => ({ ...jsonToObject(row.json), snippet: row.snippet, })); } /** * Search for matching messages in a specific conversation. * Currently unused but kept as we want to add it back at some point. */ function searchMessagesInConversation(query: string, conversationId: string, limit: number) { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT ${MESSAGES_TABLE}.json, snippet(${MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE}, -1, '<>', '<>', '...', 15) as snippet FROM ${MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE} INNER JOIN ${MESSAGES_TABLE} on ${MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE}.id = ${MESSAGES_TABLE}.id WHERE ${MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE} match $query AND ${MESSAGES_TABLE}.conversationId = $conversationId ${orderByMessageCoalesceClause} LIMIT $limit;` ) .all({ query, conversationId, limit: limit || 100, }); return map(rows, row => ({ ...jsonToObject(row.json), snippet: row.snippet, })); } function getMessageCount() { const row = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`SELECT count(*) from ${MESSAGES_TABLE};`) .get(); if (!row) { throw new Error(`getMessageCount: Unable to get count of ${MESSAGES_TABLE}`); } return row['count(*)']; } function saveMessage(data: any) { const { body, conversationId, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase expires_at, hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments, id, serverId, serverTimestamp, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase received_at, sent, // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase sent_at, source, type, unread, expirationType, expireTimer, expirationStartTimestamp, } = data; if (!id) { throw new Error('id is required'); } if (!conversationId) { throw new Error('conversationId is required'); } const payload = { id, json: objectToJSON(data), serverId, serverTimestamp, body, conversationId, expirationStartTimestamp, expires_at, expirationType, expireTimer, hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments, received_at, sent, sent_at, source, type: type || '', unread, }; assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ${MESSAGES_TABLE} ( id, json, serverId, serverTimestamp, body, conversationId, expirationStartTimestamp, expires_at, expirationType, expireTimer, hasAttachments, hasFileAttachments, hasVisualMediaAttachments, received_at, sent, sent_at, source, type, unread ) values ( $id, $json, $serverId, $serverTimestamp, $body, $conversationId, $expirationStartTimestamp, $expires_at, $expirationType, $expireTimer, $hasAttachments, $hasFileAttachments, $hasVisualMediaAttachments, $received_at, $sent, $sent_at, $source, $type, $unread );` ) .run(payload); return id; } function saveSeenMessageHashes(arrayOfHashes: Array) { assertGlobalInstance().transaction(() => { map(arrayOfHashes, saveSeenMessageHash); })(); } function updateLastHash(data: UpdateLastHashType) { const { convoId, snode, hash, expiresAt, namespace } = data; if (!isNumber(namespace)) { throw new Error('updateLastHash: namespace must be set to a number'); } assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ${LAST_HASHES_TABLE} ( id, snode, hash, expiresAt, namespace ) values ( $id, $snode, $hash, $expiresAt, $namespace )` ) .run({ id: convoId, snode, hash, expiresAt, namespace, }); } function saveSeenMessageHash(data: any) { const { expiresAt, hash } = data; try { assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `INSERT INTO seenMessages ( expiresAt, hash ) values ( $expiresAt, $hash );` ) .run({ expiresAt, hash, }); } catch (e) { console.error('saveSeenMessageHash failed:', e.message); } } function cleanLastHashes() { assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`DELETE FROM ${LAST_HASHES_TABLE} WHERE expiresAt <= $now;`) .run({ now:, }); } function cleanSeenMessages() { assertGlobalInstance() .prepare('DELETE FROM seenMessages WHERE expiresAt <= $now;') .run({ now:, }); } function saveMessages(arrayOfMessages: Array) {'saveMessages of length: ', arrayOfMessages.length); assertGlobalInstance().transaction(() => { map(arrayOfMessages, saveMessage); })(); } function removeMessage(id: string, instance?: BetterSqlite3.Database) { if (!isString(id)) { throw new Error('removeMessage: only takes single message to delete!'); return; } assertGlobalInstanceOrInstance(instance) .prepare(`DELETE FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE id = $id;`) .run({ id }); } function removeMessagesByIds(ids: Array, instance?: BetterSqlite3.Database) { if (!Array.isArray(ids)) { throw new Error('removeMessagesByIds only allowed an array of strings'); } if (!ids.length) { throw new Error('removeMessagesByIds: No ids to delete!'); } const start =; assertGlobalInstanceOrInstance(instance) .prepare(`DELETE FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE id IN ( ${ => '?').join(', ')} );`) .run(ids); console.log(`removeMessagesByIds of length ${ids.length} took ${ - start}ms`); } function removeAllMessagesInConversation( conversationId: string, instance?: BetterSqlite3.Database ) { if (!conversationId) { return; } const inst = assertGlobalInstanceOrInstance(instance); inst .prepare(`DELETE FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId`) .run({ conversationId }); } function getMessageIdsFromServerIds(serverIds: Array, conversationId: string) { if (!Array.isArray(serverIds)) { return []; } // Sanitize the input as we're going to use it directly in the query const validServerIds = => !Number.isNaN(n)); /* Sqlite3 doesn't have a good way to have `IN` query with another query. See: So we have to use templating to insert the values. */ const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT id FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE serverId IN (${validServerIds.join(',')}) AND conversationId = $conversationId;` ) .all({ conversationId, }); return =>; } function getMessageById(id: string) { const row = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`SELECT * FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE id = $id;`) .get({ id, }); if (!row) { return null; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } // serverIds are not unique so we need the conversationId function getMessageByServerId(conversationId: string, serverId: number) { const row = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT * FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND serverId = $serverId;` ) .get({ conversationId, serverId, }); if (!row) { return null; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } function getMessagesCountBySender({ source }: { source: string }) { if (!source) { throw new Error('source must be set'); } const count = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT count(*) FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE source = $source;` ) .get({ source, }); if (!count) { return 0; } return count['count(*)'] || 0; } function getMessagesBySenderAndSentAt( propsList: Array<{ source: string; timestamp: number; }> ) { const db = assertGlobalInstance(); const rows = []; // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax for (const msgProps of propsList) { const { source, timestamp } = msgProps; const _rows = db .prepare( `SELECT json FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE source = $source AND sent_at = $timestamp;` ) .all({ source, timestamp, }); rows.push(..._rows); } return uniq(map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json))); } function filterAlreadyFetchedOpengroupMessage( msgDetails: MsgDuplicateSearchOpenGroup ): MsgDuplicateSearchOpenGroup { const filteredNonBlinded = msgDetails.filter(msg => { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT source, serverTimestamp FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE source = $sender AND serverTimestamp = $serverTimestamp;` ) .all({ sender: msg.sender, serverTimestamp: msg.serverTimestamp, }); if (rows.length) { `filtering out already received sogs message from ${msg.sender} at ${msg.serverTimestamp} ` ); return false; } return true; }); return filteredNonBlinded; } function getUnreadByConversation(conversationId: string, sentBeforeTimestamp: number) { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT * FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE unread = $unread AND conversationId = $conversationId AND COALESCE(serverTimestamp, sent_at) <= $sentBeforeTimestamp ${orderByClauseASC};` ) .all({ unread: toSqliteBoolean(true), conversationId, sentBeforeTimestamp, }); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } function getUnreadDisappearingByConversation(conversationId: string, sentBeforeTimestamp: number) { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT * FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE unread = $unread AND expireTimer > 0 AND conversationId = $conversationId AND COALESCE(serverTimestamp, sent_at) <= $sentBeforeTimestamp ${orderByClauseASC};` ) .all({ unread: toSqliteBoolean(true), conversationId, sentBeforeTimestamp, }); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } /** * Warning: This does not start expiration timer */ function markAllAsReadByConversationNoExpiration( conversationId: string, returnMessagesUpdated: boolean ): Array { let toReturn: Array = []; if (returnMessagesUpdated) { const messagesUnreadBefore = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT json FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE unread = $unread AND conversationId = $conversationId;` ) .all({ unread: toSqliteBoolean(true), conversationId, }); toReturn = compact( => jsonToObject(row.json).sent_at)); } assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `UPDATE ${MESSAGES_TABLE} SET unread = 0, json = json_set(json, '$.unread', 0) WHERE unread = $unread AND conversationId = $conversationId;` ) .run({ unread: toSqliteBoolean(true), conversationId, }); return toReturn; } function getUnreadCountByConversation( conversationId: string, instance?: BetterSqlite3.Database ): number { const row = assertGlobalInstanceOrInstance(instance) .prepare( `SELECT count(*) FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE unread = $unread AND conversationId = $conversationId;` ) .get({ unread: toSqliteBoolean(true), conversationId, }); if (!row) { throw new Error(`Unable to get unread count of ${conversationId}`); } return row['count(*)']; } function getMessageCountByType(conversationId: string, type = '%') { const row = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT count(*) from ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND type = $type;` ) .get({ conversationId, type, }); if (!row) { throw new Error( `getIncomingMessagesCountByConversation: Unable to get incoming messages count of ${conversationId}` ); } return row['count(*)']; } // Note: Sorting here is necessary for getting the last message (with limit 1) // be sure to update the sorting order to sort messages on redux too (sortMessages) const orderByClause = 'ORDER BY COALESCE(serverTimestamp, sent_at, received_at) DESC'; const orderByClauseASC = 'ORDER BY COALESCE(serverTimestamp, sent_at, received_at) ASC'; function getMessagesByConversation( conversationId: string, { messageId = null, returnQuotes = false } = {} ): { messages: Array>; quotes: Array } { const absLimit = 30; // If messageId is given it means we are opening the conversation to that specific messageId, // or that we just scrolled to it by a quote click and needs to load around it. // If messageId is null, it means we are just opening the convo to the last unread message, or at the bottom const firstUnread = getFirstUnreadMessageIdInConversation(conversationId); const numberOfMessagesInConvo = getMessagesCountByConversation(conversationId); const floorLoadAllMessagesInConvo = 70; let messages: Array> = []; let quotes = []; if (messageId || firstUnread) { const messageFound = getMessageById(messageId || firstUnread); if (messageFound && messageFound.conversationId === conversationId) { const start =; const msgTimestamp = messageFound.serverTimestamp || messageFound.sent_at || messageFound.received_at; const commonArgs = { conversationId, msgTimestamp, limit: numberOfMessagesInConvo < floorLoadAllMessagesInConvo ? floorLoadAllMessagesInConvo : absLimit, }; const messagesBefore = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT id, conversationId, json FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND COALESCE(serverTimestamp, sent_at, received_at) <= $msgTimestamp ${orderByClause} LIMIT $limit` ) .all(commonArgs); const messagesAfter = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT id, conversationId, json FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND COALESCE(serverTimestamp, sent_at, received_at) > $msgTimestamp ${orderByClauseASC} LIMIT $limit` ) .all(commonArgs);`getMessagesByConversation around took ${ - start}ms `); // sorting is made in redux already when rendered, but some things are made outside of redux, so let's make sure the order is right messages = map([...messagesBefore, ...messagesAfter], row => jsonToObject(row.json)).sort( (a, b) => { return ( (b.serverTimestamp || b.sent_at || b.received_at) - (a.serverTimestamp || a.sent_at || a.received_at) ); } ); } `getMessagesByConversation: Could not find messageId ${messageId} in db with conversationId: ${conversationId}. Just fetching the convo as usual.` ); } else { const limit = numberOfMessagesInConvo < floorLoadAllMessagesInConvo ? floorLoadAllMessagesInConvo : absLimit * 2; const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId ${orderByClause} LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ conversationId, limit, }); messages = map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } if (returnQuotes) { quotes = uniq(messages.filter(message => message.quote).map(message => message.quote)); } return { messages, quotes }; } function getLastMessagesByConversation(conversationId: string, limit: number) { if (!isNumber(limit)) { throw new Error('limit must be a number'); } const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId ${orderByClause} LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ conversationId, limit, }); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } /** * This is the oldest message so we cannot reuse getLastMessagesByConversation */ function getOldestMessageInConversation(conversationId: string) { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId ${orderByClauseASC} LIMIT $limit; ` ) .all({ conversationId, limit: 1, }); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } function hasConversationOutgoingMessage(conversationId: string) { const row = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( ` SELECT count(*) FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND type IS 'outgoing' ` ) .get({ conversationId, }); if (!row) { throw new Error('hasConversationOutgoingMessage: Unable to get coun'); } return Boolean(row['count(*)']); } function getFirstUnreadMessageIdInConversation(conversationId: string) { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( ` SELECT id FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND unread = $unread ORDER BY serverTimestamp ASC, serverId ASC, sent_at ASC, received_at ASC LIMIT 1; ` ) .all({ conversationId, unread: toSqliteBoolean(true), }); if (rows.length === 0) { return undefined; } return rows[0].id; } /** * Returns the last read message timestamp in the specific conversation (the columns `serverTimestamp` || `sent_at`) */ function getLastMessageReadInConversation(conversationId: string): number | null { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( ` SELECT MAX(MAX(COALESCE(serverTimestamp, 0)), MAX(COALESCE(sent_at, 0)) ) AS max_sent_at FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND unread = $unread; ` ) .get({ conversationId, unread: toSqliteBoolean(false), // we want to find the message read with the higher sent_at timestamp }); return rows?.max_sent_at || null; } function getFirstUnreadMessageWithMention( conversationId: string, instance?: BetterSqlite3.Database ): string | undefined { const ourPkInThatConversation = getUsBlindedInThatServerIfNeeded(conversationId, instance); if (!ourPkInThatConversation || !ourPkInThatConversation.length) { throw new Error('getFirstUnreadMessageWithMention needs our pubkey but nothing was given'); } const likeMatch = `%@${ourPkInThatConversation}%`; // TODOLATER make this use the fts search table rather than this one? const rows = assertGlobalInstanceOrInstance(instance) .prepare( ` SELECT id FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND unread = $unread AND body LIKE $likeMatch ORDER BY serverTimestamp ASC, serverId ASC, sent_at ASC, received_at ASC LIMIT 1; ` ) .all({ conversationId, unread: toSqliteBoolean(true), likeMatch, }); if (rows.length === 0) { return undefined; } return rows[0].id; } function getMessagesBySentAt(sentAt: number) { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT json FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE sent_at = $sent_at ORDER BY received_at DESC;` ) .all({ sent_at: sentAt, }); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } function getLastHashBySnode(convoId: string, snode: string, namespace: number) { if (!isNumber(namespace)) { throw new Error('getLastHashBySnode: namespace must be set to a number'); } const row = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT * FROM ${LAST_HASHES_TABLE} WHERE snode = $snode AND id = $id AND namespace = $namespace;` ) .get({ snode, id: convoId, namespace, }); if (!row) { return null; } return row.hash; } function getSeenMessagesByHashList(hashes: Array) { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`SELECT * FROM seenMessages WHERE hash IN ( ${ => '?').join(', ')} );`) .all(hashes); return map(rows, row => row.hash); } function getExpiredMessages() { const now =; const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT json FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE expires_at IS NOT NULL AND expires_at <= $expires_at ORDER BY expires_at ASC;` ) .all({ expires_at: now, }); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } function getOutgoingWithoutExpiresAt() { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE expireTimer > 0 AND expires_at IS NULL AND type IS 'outgoing' ORDER BY expires_at ASC; ` ) .all(); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } function getNextExpiringMessage() { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( ` SELECT json FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE expires_at > 0 ORDER BY expires_at ASC LIMIT 1; ` ) .all(); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } /* Unproccessed a received messages not yet processed */ const unprocessed: UnprocessedDataNode = { saveUnprocessed: (data: UnprocessedParameter) => { const { id, timestamp, version, attempts, envelope, senderIdentity, messageHash } = data; if (!id) { throw new Error(`saveUnprocessed: id was falsey: ${id}`); } assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO unprocessed ( id, timestamp, version, attempts, envelope, senderIdentity, serverHash ) values ( $id, $timestamp, $version, $attempts, $envelope, $senderIdentity, $messageHash );` ) .run({ id, timestamp, version, attempts, envelope, senderIdentity, messageHash, }); }, updateUnprocessedAttempts: (id: string, attempts: number) => { assertGlobalInstance() .prepare('UPDATE unprocessed SET attempts = $attempts WHERE id = $id;') .run({ id, attempts, }); }, updateUnprocessedWithData: (id: string, data: UnprocessedParameter) => { const { source, decrypted, senderIdentity } = data; assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `UPDATE unprocessed SET source = $source, decrypted = $decrypted, senderIdentity = $senderIdentity WHERE id = $id;` ) .run({ id, source, decrypted, senderIdentity, }); }, getUnprocessedById: (id: string) => { const row = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare('SELECT * FROM unprocessed WHERE id = $id;') .get({ id, }); return row; }, getUnprocessedCount: () => { const row = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare('SELECT count(*) from unprocessed;') .get(); if (!row) { throw new Error('getMessageCount: Unable to get count of unprocessed'); } return row['count(*)']; }, getAllUnprocessed: () => { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare('SELECT * FROM unprocessed ORDER BY timestamp ASC;') .all(); return rows; }, removeUnprocessed: (id: string): void => { if (Array.isArray(id)) { console.error('removeUnprocessed only supports single ids at a time'); throw new Error('removeUnprocessed only supports single ids at a time'); } assertGlobalInstance() .prepare('DELETE FROM unprocessed WHERE id = $id;') .run({ id }); }, removeAllUnprocessed: () => { assertGlobalInstance() .prepare('DELETE FROM unprocessed;') .run(); }, }; function getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs(limit: number) { const timestamp =; const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT json FROM ${ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE} WHERE pending = 0 AND timestamp < $timestamp ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT $limit;` ) .all({ limit, timestamp, }); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } function saveAttachmentDownloadJob(job: any) { const { id, pending, timestamp } = job; if (!id) { throw new Error('saveAttachmentDownloadJob: Provided job did not have a truthy id'); } assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ${ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE} ( id, pending, timestamp, json ) values ( $id, $pending, $timestamp, $json )` ) .run({ id, pending, timestamp, json: objectToJSON(job), }); } function setAttachmentDownloadJobPending(id: string, pending: 1 | 0) { assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`UPDATE ${ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE} SET pending = $pending WHERE id = $id;`) .run({ id, pending, }); } function resetAttachmentDownloadPending() { assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`UPDATE ${ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE} SET pending = 0 WHERE pending != 0;`) .run(); } function removeAttachmentDownloadJob(id: string) { removeById(ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE, id); } function removeAllAttachmentDownloadJobs() { assertGlobalInstance().exec(`DELETE FROM ${ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE};`); } // All data in database function removeAll() { assertGlobalInstance().exec(` DELETE FROM ${IDENTITY_KEYS_TABLE}; DELETE FROM ${ITEMS_TABLE}; DELETE FROM unprocessed; DELETE FROM ${LAST_HASHES_TABLE}; DELETE FROM ${NODES_FOR_PUBKEY_TABLE}; DELETE FROM ${CLOSED_GROUP_V2_KEY_PAIRS_TABLE}; DELETE FROM seenMessages; DELETE FROM ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE}; DELETE FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE}; DELETE FROM ${ATTACHMENT_DOWNLOADS_TABLE}; DELETE FROM ${MESSAGES_FTS_TABLE}; DELETE FROM ${CONFIG_DUMP_TABLE}; `); } function removeAllConversations() { assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`DELETE FROM ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE};`) .run(); } function getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments(conversationId: string, limit?: number) { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT json FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND hasVisualMediaAttachments = 1 ORDER BY received_at DESC LIMIT $limit;` ) .all({ conversationId, limit, }); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } function getMessagesWithFileAttachments(conversationId: string, limit: number) { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT json FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId AND hasFileAttachments = 1 ORDER BY received_at DESC LIMIT $limit;` ) .all({ conversationId, limit, }); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } function getExternalFilesForMessage(message: any) { const { attachments, quote, preview } = message; const files: Array = []; forEach(attachments, attachment => { const { path: file, thumbnail, screenshot } = attachment; if (file) { files.push(file); } if (thumbnail && thumbnail.path) { files.push(thumbnail.path); } if (screenshot && screenshot.path) { files.push(screenshot.path); } }); if (quote && quote.attachments && quote.attachments.length) { forEach(quote.attachments, attachment => { const { thumbnail } = attachment; if (thumbnail && thumbnail.path) { files.push(thumbnail.path); } }); } if (preview && preview.length) { forEach(preview, item => { const { image } = item; if (image && image.path) { files.push(image.path); } }); } return files; } function getExternalFilesForConversation( conversationAvatar: | string | { path?: string | undefined; } | undefined ) { const files = []; if (isString(conversationAvatar)) { files.push(conversationAvatar); } if (isObject(conversationAvatar)) { const avatarObj = conversationAvatar as Record; if (isString(avatarObj.path)) { files.push(avatarObj.path); } } return files; } function removeKnownAttachments(allAttachments: Array) { const lookup = fromPairs(map(allAttachments, file => [file, true])); const chunkSize = 50; const total = getMessageCount(); console.log(`removeKnownAttachments: About to iterate through ${total} messages`); let count = 0; let complete = false; let id = ''; while (!complete) { const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT json FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE id > $id ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $chunkSize;` ) .all({ id, chunkSize, }); const messages = map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); forEach(messages, message => { const externalFiles = getExternalFilesForMessage(message); forEach(externalFiles, file => { delete lookup[file]; }); }); const lastMessage = last(messages); if (lastMessage) { ({ id } = lastMessage); } complete = messages.length < chunkSize; count += messages.length; } console.log(`removeKnownAttachments: Done processing ${count} ${MESSAGES_TABLE}`); complete = false; count = 0; // Though is a string, this ensures that, when coerced, this // value is still a string but it's smaller than every other string. (id as any) = 0; const conversationTotal = getConversationCount(); console.log( `removeKnownAttachments: About to iterate through ${conversationTotal} ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE}` ); while (!complete) { const conversations = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT * FROM ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE} WHERE id > $id ORDER BY id ASC LIMIT $chunkSize;` ) .all({ id, chunkSize, }); forEach(conversations, conversation => { const avatar = (conversation as ConversationAttributes)?.avatarInProfile; const externalFiles = getExternalFilesForConversation(avatar); forEach(externalFiles, file => { delete lookup[file]; }); }); const lastMessage = last(conversations); if (lastMessage) { ({ id } = lastMessage); } complete = conversations.length < chunkSize; count += conversations.length; } console.log(`removeKnownAttachments: Done processing ${count} ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE}`); return Object.keys(lookup); } function getMessagesCountByConversation( conversationId: string, instance?: BetterSqlite3.Database | null ): number { const row = assertGlobalInstanceOrInstance(instance) .prepare(`SELECT count(*) from ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId;`) .get({ conversationId }); return row ? row['count(*)'] : 0; } /** * The returned array is ordered based on the timestamp, the latest is at the end. * @param groupPublicKey string | PubKey */ function getAllEncryptionKeyPairsForGroup( groupPublicKey: string | PubKey, db?: BetterSqlite3.Database ) { const rows = getAllEncryptionKeyPairsForGroupRaw(groupPublicKey, db); return map(rows, row => jsonToObject(row.json)); } function getAllEncryptionKeyPairsForGroupRaw( groupPublicKey: string | PubKey, db?: BetterSqlite3.Database ) { const pubkeyAsString = (groupPublicKey as PubKey).key ? (groupPublicKey as PubKey).key : groupPublicKey; const rows = assertGlobalInstanceOrInstance(db) .prepare( `SELECT * FROM ${CLOSED_GROUP_V2_KEY_PAIRS_TABLE} WHERE groupPublicKey = $groupPublicKey ORDER BY timestamp ASC;` ) .all({ groupPublicKey: pubkeyAsString, }); return rows; } function getLatestClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPair( groupPublicKey: string, db?: BetterSqlite3.Database ) { const rows = getAllEncryptionKeyPairsForGroup(groupPublicKey, db); if (!rows || rows.length === 0) { return undefined; } return rows[rows.length - 1]; } function addClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPair( groupPublicKey: string, keypair: object, instance?: BetterSqlite3.Database ) { const timestamp =; assertGlobalInstanceOrInstance(instance) .prepare( `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ${CLOSED_GROUP_V2_KEY_PAIRS_TABLE} ( groupPublicKey, timestamp, json ) values ( $groupPublicKey, $timestamp, $json );` ) .run({ groupPublicKey, timestamp, json: objectToJSON(keypair), }); } function removeAllClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPairs(groupPublicKey: string) { assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `DELETE FROM ${CLOSED_GROUP_V2_KEY_PAIRS_TABLE} WHERE groupPublicKey = $groupPublicKey` ) .run({ groupPublicKey, }); } /** * Related to Opengroup V2 */ function getAllV2OpenGroupRooms(instance?: BetterSqlite3.Database): Array { const rows = assertGlobalInstanceOrInstance(instance) .prepare(`SELECT json FROM ${OPEN_GROUP_ROOMS_V2_TABLE};`) .all(); if (!rows) { return []; } return => jsonToObject(r.json)) as Array; } function getV2OpenGroupRoom(conversationId: string, db?: BetterSqlite3.Database) { const row = assertGlobalInstanceOrInstance(db) .prepare( `SELECT json FROM ${OPEN_GROUP_ROOMS_V2_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId;` ) .get({ conversationId, }); if (!row) { return null; } return jsonToObject(row.json); } function saveV2OpenGroupRoom(opengroupsv2Room: OpenGroupV2Room, instance?: BetterSqlite3.Database) { const { serverUrl, roomId, conversationId } = opengroupsv2Room; assertGlobalInstanceOrInstance(instance) .prepare( `INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ${OPEN_GROUP_ROOMS_V2_TABLE} ( serverUrl, roomId, conversationId, json ) values ( $serverUrl, $roomId, $conversationId, $json )` ) .run({ serverUrl, roomId, conversationId, json: objectToJSON(opengroupsv2Room), }); } function removeV2OpenGroupRoom(conversationId: string) { assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`DELETE FROM ${OPEN_GROUP_ROOMS_V2_TABLE} WHERE conversationId = $conversationId`) .run({ conversationId, }); } /** * Others */ function getEntriesCountInTable(tbl: string) { try { const row = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`SELECT count(*) from ${tbl};`) .get(); return row['count(*)']; } catch (e) { console.error(e); return 0; } } function printDbStats() { [ 'attachment_downloads', 'conversations', 'encryptionKeyPairsForClosedGroupV2', 'guardNodes', 'identityKeys', 'items', 'lastHashes', 'loki_schema', 'messages', 'messages_fts', 'messages_fts_config', 'messages_fts_content', 'messages_fts_data', 'messages_fts_docsize', 'messages_fts_idx', 'nodesForPubkey', 'openGroupRoomsV2', 'seenMessages', 'sqlite_sequence', 'sqlite_stat1', 'sqlite_stat4', 'unprocessed', ].forEach(i => { console.log(`${i} count`, getEntriesCountInTable(i)); }); } /** * Remove all the unused entries in the snodes for pubkey table. * This table is used to know which snodes we should contact to send a message to a recipient */ function cleanUpUnusedNodeForKeyEntriesOnStart() { // we have to keep private and closed group ids const allIdsToKeep = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT id FROM ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE} WHERE id NOT LIKE 'http%' ` ) .all() .map(m => || []; const allEntriesInSnodeForPubkey = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare(`SELECT pubkey FROM ${NODES_FOR_PUBKEY_TABLE};`) .all() .map(m => m.pubkey) || []; const swarmUnused = difference(allEntriesInSnodeForPubkey, allIdsToKeep); if (swarmUnused.length) { const start =; const chunks = chunk(swarmUnused, 500); chunks.forEach(ch => { assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `DELETE FROM ${NODES_FOR_PUBKEY_TABLE} WHERE pubkey IN (${ => '?').join(',')});` ) .run(ch); }); console.log(`Removing of ${swarmUnused.length} unused swarms took ${ - start}ms`); } } function cleanUpMessagesJson() {'cleanUpMessagesJson '); const start =; assertGlobalInstance().transaction(() => { assertGlobalInstance().exec(` UPDATE ${MESSAGES_TABLE} SET json = json_remove(json, '$.schemaVersion', '$.recipients', '$.decrypted_at', '$.sourceDevice') `); })();`cleanUpMessagesJson took ${ - start}ms`); } function cleanUpOldOpengroupsOnStart() { const ourNumber = getItemById('number_id'); if (!ourNumber || !ourNumber.value) {'cleanUpOldOpengroups: ourNumber is not set'); return; } let pruneSetting = getItemById(SettingsKey.settingsOpengroupPruning)?.value; if (pruneSetting === undefined) {'Prune settings is undefined (and not explicitly false), forcing it to true.'); createOrUpdateItem({ id: SettingsKey.settingsOpengroupPruning, value: true }); pruneSetting = true; } if (!pruneSetting) {'Prune setting not enabled, skipping cleanUpOldOpengroups'); return; } const rows = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT id FROM ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE} WHERE type = 'group' AND id LIKE 'http%' ORDER BY id ASC;` ) .all(); const v2ConvosIds = map(rows, row =>; if (!v2ConvosIds || !v2ConvosIds.length) {'cleanUpOldOpengroups: v2Convos is empty'); return; }`Count of v2 opengroup convos to clean: ${v2ConvosIds.length}`); // For each open group, if it has more than 2000 messages, we remove all the messages // older than 6 months. So this does not limit the size of open group history to 2000 // messages but to 6 months. // // This is the only way we can clean up conversations objects from users which just // sent messages a while ago and with whom we never interacted. This is only for open // groups, and is because ALL the conversations are cached in the redux store. Having // a very large number of conversations (unused) is causing the performance of the app // to deteriorate a lot. // // Another fix would be to not cache all the conversations in the redux store, but it // ain't going to happen any time soon as it would a pretty big change of the way we // do things and would break a lot of the app. const maxMessagePerOpengroupConvo = 2000; // first remove very old messages for each opengroups const db = assertGlobalInstance(); db.transaction(() => { v2ConvosIds.forEach(convoId => { const messagesInConvoBefore = getMessagesCountByConversation(convoId); if (messagesInConvoBefore >= maxMessagePerOpengroupConvo) { const minute = 1000 * 60; const sixMonths = minute * 60 * 24 * 30 * 6; const limitTimestamp = - sixMonths; const countToRemove = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( `SELECT count(*) from ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE serverTimestamp <= $serverTimestamp AND conversationId = $conversationId;` ) .get({ conversationId: convoId, serverTimestamp: limitTimestamp })['count(*)']; const start =; assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( ` DELETE FROM ${MESSAGES_TABLE} WHERE serverTimestamp <= $serverTimestamp AND conversationId = $conversationId` ) .run({ conversationId: convoId, serverTimestamp: limitTimestamp }); // delete messages older than 6 months ago. const messagesInConvoAfter = getMessagesCountByConversation(convoId); `Cleaning ${countToRemove} messages older than 6 months in public convo: ${convoId} took ${ - start}ms. Old message count: ${messagesInConvoBefore}, new message count: ${messagesInConvoAfter}` ); // no need to update the `unreadCount` during the migration anymore. // `saveConversation` is broken when called with a argument without all the required fields. // and this makes little sense as the unreadCount will be updated on opening // const unreadCount = get UnreadCountByConversation(convoId); // const convoProps = get ConversationById(convoId); // if (convoProps) { // convoProps.unread Count = unread Count; // saveConversation(convoProps); // } } else { `Not cleaning messages older than 6 months in public convo: ${convoId}. message count: ${messagesInConvoBefore}` ); } }); // now, we might have a bunch of private conversation, without any interaction and no messages // those are the conversation of the old members in the opengroups we just cleaned. const allInactiveConvos = assertGlobalInstance() .prepare( ` SELECT id FROM ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE} WHERE type = 'private' AND (active_at IS NULL OR active_at = 0)` ) .all(); const ourPubkey = ourNumber.value.split('.')[0]; const allInactiveAndWithoutMessagesConvo = allInactiveConvos .map(c => as string) .filter(convoId => { return !!(convoId !== ourPubkey && getMessagesCountBySender({ source: convoId }) === 0); }); if (allInactiveAndWithoutMessagesConvo.length) { `Removing ${allInactiveAndWithoutMessagesConvo.length} completely inactive convos` ); const start =; const chunks = chunk(allInactiveAndWithoutMessagesConvo, 500); chunks.forEach(ch => { db.prepare( `DELETE FROM ${CONVERSATIONS_TABLE} WHERE id IN (${ => '?').join(',')});` ).run(ch); }); `Removing of ${ allInactiveAndWithoutMessagesConvo.length } completely inactive convos done in ${ - start}ms` ); } cleanUpMessagesJson(); })(); } export type SqlNodeType = typeof sqlNode; export function close() { closeDbInstance(); } export const sqlNode = { initializeSql, close, removeDB, setSQLPassword, getPasswordHash, savePasswordHash, removePasswordHash, getIdentityKeyById, createOrUpdateItem, getItemById, getAllItems, removeItemById, getSwarmNodesForPubkey, updateSwarmNodesForPubkey, getGuardNodes, updateGuardNodes, getConversationCount, saveConversation, fetchConvoMemoryDetails, getConversationById, removeConversation, getAllConversations, getPubkeysInPublicConversation, removeAllConversations, searchConversations, searchMessages, searchMessagesInConversation, getMessageCount, saveMessage, cleanSeenMessages, cleanLastHashes, saveSeenMessageHashes, saveSeenMessageHash, updateLastHash, saveMessages, removeMessage, removeMessagesByIds, removeAllMessagesInConversation, getUnreadByConversation, getUnreadDisappearingByConversation, markAllAsReadByConversationNoExpiration, getUnreadCountByConversation, getMessageCountByType, filterAlreadyFetchedOpengroupMessage, getMessagesBySenderAndSentAt, getMessageIdsFromServerIds, getMessageById, getMessagesBySentAt, getMessageByServerId, getSeenMessagesByHashList, getLastHashBySnode, getExpiredMessages, getOutgoingWithoutExpiresAt, getNextExpiringMessage, getMessagesByConversation, getLastMessagesByConversation, getOldestMessageInConversation, getFirstUnreadMessageIdInConversation, getFirstUnreadMessageWithMention, hasConversationOutgoingMessage, // add all the calls related to the unprocessed cache of incoming messages ...unprocessed, getNextAttachmentDownloadJobs, saveAttachmentDownloadJob, setAttachmentDownloadJobPending, resetAttachmentDownloadPending, removeAttachmentDownloadJob, removeAllAttachmentDownloadJobs, removeKnownAttachments, removeAll, getMessagesWithVisualMediaAttachments, getMessagesWithFileAttachments, getMessagesCountByConversation, getAllEncryptionKeyPairsForGroup, getLatestClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPair, addClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPair, removeAllClosedGroupEncryptionKeyPairs, // open group v2 getV2OpenGroupRoom, saveV2OpenGroupRoom, getAllV2OpenGroupRooms, removeV2OpenGroupRoom, // config dumps ...configDumpData, };