import React, { useCallback } from 'react'; import classNames from 'classnames'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { Spinner } from '../basic/Spinner'; import { AttachmentType, AttachmentTypeWithPath } from '../../types/Attachment'; import { useEncryptedFileFetch } from '../../hooks/useEncryptedFileFetch'; import { useDisableDrag } from '../../hooks/useDisableDrag'; type Props = { alt: string; attachment: AttachmentTypeWithPath | AttachmentType; url: string | undefined; // url is undefined if the message is not visible yet height?: number; width?: number; overlayText?: string; closeButton?: boolean; darkOverlay?: boolean; playIconOverlay?: boolean; softCorners: boolean; forceSquare?: boolean; attachmentIndex?: number; onClick?: (attachment: AttachmentTypeWithPath | AttachmentType) => void; onClickClose?: (attachment: AttachmentTypeWithPath | AttachmentType) => void; onError?: () => void; }; const StyledOverlay = styled.div>` position: absolute; top: 0; bottom: 0; z-index: 1; left: 0; right: 0; background-color: ${props => props.darkOverlay ? 'var(--message-link-preview-background-color)' : 'unset'}; `; export const Image = (props: Props) => { const { alt, attachment, closeButton, darkOverlay, height, onClick, onClickClose, onError, overlayText, playIconOverlay, softCorners, forceSquare, attachmentIndex, url, width, } = props; const onErrorUrlFilterering = useCallback(() => { if (url && onError) { onError(); } }, [url, onError]); const disableDrag = useDisableDrag(); const { caption } = attachment || { caption: null }; let { pending } = attachment || { pending: true }; if (!url) { // force pending to true if the url is undefined, so we show a loader while decrypting the attachemtn pending = true; } const canClick = onClick && !pending; const role = canClick ? 'button' : undefined; const { loading, urlToLoad } = useEncryptedFileFetch(url || '', attachment.contentType, false); // data will be url if loading is finished and '' if not const srcData = !loading ? urlToLoad : ''; return (
{ if (canClick && onClick) { e.stopPropagation(); onClick(attachment); } }} className={classNames( 'module-image', canClick ? 'module-image__with-click-handler' : null, softCorners ? 'module-image--soft-corners' : null )} style={{ maxHeight: `${height}px`, maxWidth: `${width}px`, minHeight: `${height}px`, minWidth: `${width}px`, }} data-attachmentindex={attachmentIndex} > {pending || loading ? (
) : ( {alt} )} {caption ? ( {window.i18n('imageCaptionIconAlt')} ) : null} {closeButton ? (
{ e.stopPropagation(); if (onClickClose) { onClickClose(attachment); } }} className="module-image__close-button" /> ) : null} {!(pending || loading) && playIconOverlay ? (
) : null} {overlayText ? (
) : null}
); };