import classNames from 'classnames'; import { isEmpty } from 'lodash'; import moment from 'moment'; import React, { createContext, useCallback, useContext, useLayoutEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { InView } from 'react-intersection-observer'; import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import styled, { css, keyframes } from 'styled-components'; import { MessageModelType, MessageRenderingProps } from '../../../../models/messageType'; import { useMessageIsDeleted } from '../../../../state/selectors'; import { getMessageContentSelectorProps, getQuotedMessageToAnimate, getShouldHighlightMessage, } from '../../../../state/selectors/conversations'; import { ScrollToLoadedMessageContext } from '../../SessionMessagesListContainer'; import { MessageAttachment } from './MessageAttachment'; import { MessageLinkPreview } from './MessageLinkPreview'; import { MessageQuote } from './MessageQuote'; import { MessageText } from './MessageText'; export type MessageContentSelectorProps = Pick< MessageRenderingProps, 'text' | 'direction' | 'timestamp' | 'serverTimestamp' | 'previews' | 'quote' | 'attachments' >; type Props = { messageId: string; isDetailView?: boolean; }; // TODO not too sure what is this doing? It is not preventDefault() // or stopPropagation() so I think this is never cancelling a click event? function onClickOnMessageInnerContainer(event: React.MouseEvent) { const selection = window.getSelection(); // Text is being selected if (selection && selection.type === 'Range') { return; } // User clicked on message body const target = as HTMLDivElement; if (target.className === 'text-selectable' || window.contextMenuShown) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-return return; } } const StyledMessageContent = styled.div``; const opacityAnimation = keyframes` 0% { opacity: 1; } 25% { opacity: 0.2; } 50% { opacity: 1; } 75% { opacity: 0.2; } 100% { opacity: 1; } `; export const StyledMessageHighlighter = styled.div<{ highlight: boolean; }>` ${props => props.highlight && css` animation: ${opacityAnimation} 1s linear; `} `; const StyledMessageOpaqueContent = styled(StyledMessageHighlighter)<{ messageDirection: MessageModelType; highlight: boolean; }>` background: ${props => props.messageDirection === 'incoming' ? 'var(--message-bubbles-received-background-color)' : 'var(--message-bubbles-sent-background-color)'}; align-self: ${props => (props.messageDirection === 'incoming' ? 'flex-start' : 'flex-end')}; padding: var(--padding-message-content); border-radius: var(--border-radius-message-box); `; export const IsMessageVisibleContext = createContext(false); export const MessageContent = (props: Props) => { const [highlight, setHighlight] = useState(false); const [didScroll, setDidScroll] = useState(false); const contentProps = useSelector(state => getMessageContentSelectorProps(state as any, props.messageId) ); const isDeleted = useMessageIsDeleted(props.messageId); const [isMessageVisible, setMessageIsVisible] = useState(false); const scrollToLoadedMessage = useContext(ScrollToLoadedMessageContext); const [imageBroken, setImageBroken] = useState(false); const onVisible = (inView: boolean | object) => { if ( inView === true || ((inView as any).type === 'focus' && (inView as any).returnValue === true) ) { if (isMessageVisible !== true) { setMessageIsVisible(true); } } }; const handleImageError = useCallback(() => { setImageBroken(true); }, [setImageBroken]); const quotedMessageToAnimate = useSelector(getQuotedMessageToAnimate); const shouldHighlightMessage = useSelector(getShouldHighlightMessage); const isQuotedMessageToAnimate = quotedMessageToAnimate === props.messageId; useLayoutEffect(() => { if (isQuotedMessageToAnimate) { if (!highlight && !didScroll) { // scroll to me and flash me scrollToLoadedMessage(props.messageId, 'quote-or-search-result'); setDidScroll(true); if (shouldHighlightMessage) { setHighlight(true); } } return; } if (highlight) { setHighlight(false); } if (didScroll) { setDidScroll(false); } }, [ isQuotedMessageToAnimate, highlight, didScroll, scrollToLoadedMessage, props.messageId, shouldHighlightMessage, ]); if (!contentProps) { return null; } const { direction, text, timestamp, serverTimestamp, previews, quote } = contentProps; const hasContentBeforeAttachment = !isEmpty(previews) || !isEmpty(quote) || !isEmpty(text); const toolTipTitle = moment(serverTimestamp || timestamp).format('llll'); return ( {hasContentBeforeAttachment && ( {!isDeleted && ( <> )} )} {!isDeleted && ( )} ); };