import { isEmpty, toNumber } from 'lodash'; import React from 'react'; import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { Data } from '../../../../data/data'; import { MessageRenderingProps } from '../../../../models/messageType'; import { ToastUtils } from '../../../../session/utils'; import { openConversationToSpecificMessage } from '../../../../state/ducks/conversations'; import { StateType } from '../../../../state/reducer'; import { useMessageDirection } from '../../../../state/selectors'; import { getMessageQuoteProps, isMessageDetailView, } from '../../../../state/selectors/conversations'; import { Quote } from './quote/Quote'; type Props = { messageId: string; }; export type MessageQuoteSelectorProps = Pick; export const MessageQuote = (props: Props) => { const selected = useSelector((state: StateType) => getMessageQuoteProps(state, props.messageId)); const direction = useMessageDirection(props.messageId); const isMessageDetailViewMode = useSelector(isMessageDetailView); if (!selected || isEmpty(selected)) { return null; } const quote = selected ? selected.quote : undefined; if (!quote || isEmpty(quote)) { return null; } const quoteNotFound = Boolean( quote.referencedMessageNotFound || !quote?.author || ! || !quote.convoId ); const onQuoteClick = async (event: React.MouseEvent) => { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (!quote) { ToastUtils.pushOriginalNotFound(); window.log.warn('onQuoteClick: quote not valid'); return; } if (isMessageDetailViewMode) { // trying to scroll while in the container while the message detail view is shown has unknown effects return; } let conversationKey = String(quote.convoId); let messageIdToNavigateTo = String(; let quoteNotFoundInDB = false; // If the quote is not found in memory, we try to find it in the DB if (quoteNotFound && && { // We always look for the quote by sentAt timestamp, for opengroups, closed groups and session chats // this will return an array of sent messages by id that we have locally. const quotedMessagesCollection = await Data.getMessagesBySenderAndSentAt([ { timestamp: toNumber(, source:, }, ]); if (quotedMessagesCollection?.length) { const quotedMessage =; // If found, we navigate to the quoted message which also refreshes the message quote component if (quotedMessage) { conversationKey = String(quotedMessage.get('conversationId')); messageIdToNavigateTo = String(; } else { quoteNotFoundInDB = true; } } else { quoteNotFoundInDB = true; } } // For simplicity's sake, we show the 'not found' toast no matter what if we were // not able to find the referenced message when the quote was received or if the conversation no longer exists. if (quoteNotFoundInDB) { ToastUtils.pushOriginalNotFound(); return; } void openConversationToSpecificMessage({ conversationKey, messageIdToNavigateTo, shouldHighlightMessage: true, }); }; return ( void onQuoteClick(e)} text={quote?.text} attachment={quote?.attachment} isIncoming={direction === 'incoming'} author={} referencedMessageNotFound={quoteNotFound} isFromMe={Boolean(quote.isFromMe)} /> ); };