import React, { useRef, useState } from 'react'; import { useDispatch, useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import { useFocusMount } from '../../hooks/useFocusMount'; import { useConversationPropsById } from '../../hooks/useParamSelector'; import { ConversationModel } from '../../models/conversation'; import { sogsV3BanUser, sogsV3UnbanUser, } from '../../session/apis/open_group_api/sogsv3/sogsV3BanUnban'; import { getConversationController } from '../../session/conversations/ConversationController'; import { PubKey } from '../../session/types'; import { ToastUtils } from '../../session/utils'; import { BanType, updateBanOrUnbanUserModal } from '../../state/ducks/modalDialog'; import { isDarkTheme } from '../../state/selectors/theme'; import { SessionHeaderSearchInput } from '../SessionHeaderSearchInput'; import { SessionWrapperModal } from '../SessionWrapperModal'; import { Flex } from '../basic/Flex'; import { SessionButton, SessionButtonColor, SessionButtonType } from '../basic/SessionButton'; import { SessionSpinner } from '../basic/SessionSpinner'; import { SpacerSM } from '../basic/Text'; async function banOrUnBanUserCall( convo: ConversationModel, textValue: string, banType: BanType, deleteAll: boolean ) { // if we don't have valid data entered by the user const pubkey = PubKey.from(textValue); if (!pubkey) {`invalid pubkey for ${banType} user:${textValue}`); ToastUtils.pushInvalidPubKey(); return false; } try { // this is a v2 opengroup const roomInfos = convo.toOpenGroupV2(); const isChangeApplied = banType === 'ban' ? await sogsV3BanUser(pubkey, roomInfos, deleteAll) : await sogsV3UnbanUser(pubkey, roomInfos); if (!isChangeApplied) { window?.log?.warn(`failed to ${banType} user: ${isChangeApplied}`); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions banType === 'ban' ? ToastUtils.pushUserBanFailure() : ToastUtils.pushUserUnbanSuccess(); return false; } window?.log?.info(`${pubkey.key} user ${banType}ned successfully...`); // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions banType === 'ban' ? ToastUtils.pushUserBanSuccess() : ToastUtils.pushUserUnbanSuccess(); return true; } catch (e) { window?.log?.error(`Got error while ${banType}ning user:`, e); return false; } } export const BanOrUnBanUserDialog = (props: { conversationId: string; banType: BanType; pubkey?: string; }) => { const { conversationId, banType, pubkey } = props; const { i18n } = window; const isBan = banType === 'ban'; const dispatch = useDispatch(); const darkMode = useSelector(isDarkTheme); const convo = getConversationController().get(conversationId); const inputRef = useRef(null); useFocusMount(inputRef, true); const wasGivenAPubkey = Boolean(pubkey?.length); const [inputBoxValue, setInputBoxValue] = useState(''); const [inProgress, setInProgress] = useState(false); const sourceConvoProps = useConversationPropsById(pubkey); const inputTextToDisplay = wasGivenAPubkey && sourceConvoProps ? `${sourceConvoProps.displayNameInProfile} ${PubKey.shorten(}` : undefined; /** * Ban or Unban a user from an open group * @param deleteAll Delete all messages for that user in the group (only works with ban) */ const banOrUnBanUser = async (deleteAll: boolean = false) => { const castedPubkey = pubkey?.length ? pubkey : inputBoxValue; window?.log?.info(`asked to ${banType} user: ${castedPubkey}, banAndDeleteAll:${deleteAll}`); setInProgress(true); const isBanned = await banOrUnBanUserCall(convo, castedPubkey, banType, deleteAll); if (isBanned) { // clear input box setInputBoxValue(''); if (wasGivenAPubkey) { dispatch(updateBanOrUnbanUserModal(null)); } } setInProgress(false); }; const chatName = convo.getNicknameOrRealUsernameOrPlaceholder(); const title = `${isBan ? window.i18n('banUser') : window.i18n('unbanUser')}: ${chatName}`; const onPubkeyBoxChanges = (e: React.ChangeEvent) => { setInputBoxValue( || ''); }; /** * Starts procedure for banning/unbanning user and all their messages using dialog */ const startBanAndDeleteAllSequence = async () => { await banOrUnBanUser(true); }; const buttonText = isBan ? i18n('banUser') : i18n('unbanUser'); return ( { dispatch(updateBanOrUnbanUserModal(null)); }} > {isBan && ( <> )} ); };