require('mocha-testcheck').install(); const { assert } = require('chai'); const Attachment = require('../../../js/modules/types/attachment'); const { stringToArrayBuffer } = require('../../../js/modules/string_to_array_buffer'); describe('Attachment', () => { describe('replaceUnicodeOrderOverrides', () => { it('should sanitize left-to-right order override character', async () => { const input = { contentType: 'image/jpeg', fileName: 'test\u202Dfig.exe', size: 1111, }; const expected = { contentType: 'image/jpeg', fileName: 'test\uFFFDfig.exe', size: 1111, }; const actual = await Attachment.replaceUnicodeOrderOverrides(input); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); it('should sanitize right-to-left order override character', async () => { const input = { contentType: 'image/jpeg', fileName: 'test\u202Efig.exe', size: 1111, }; const expected = { contentType: 'image/jpeg', fileName: 'test\uFFFDfig.exe', size: 1111, }; const actual = await Attachment.replaceUnicodeOrderOverrides(input); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); it('should sanitize multiple override characters', async () => { const input = { contentType: 'image/jpeg', fileName: 'test\u202e\u202dlol\u202efig.exe', size: 1111, }; const expected = { contentType: 'image/jpeg', fileName: 'test\uFFFD\uFFFDlol\uFFFDfig.exe', size: 1111, }; const actual = await Attachment.replaceUnicodeOrderOverrides(input); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); const hasNoUnicodeOrderOverrides = value => !value.includes('\u202D') && !value.includes('\u202E'); 'should ignore non-order-override characters', gen.string.suchThat(hasNoUnicodeOrderOverrides), fileName => { const input = { contentType: 'image/jpeg', fileName, size: 1111, }; const actual = Attachment._replaceUnicodeOrderOverridesSync(input); assert.deepEqual(actual, input); } ); }); describe('replaceUnicodeV2', () => { it('should remove all bad characters', async () => { const input = { size: 1111, fileName: 'file\u202A\u202B\u202C\u202D\u202E\u2066\u2067\u2068\u2069\u200E\u200F\u061C.jpeg', }; const expected = { fileName: 'file\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD\uFFFD.jpeg', size: 1111, }; const actual = await Attachment.replaceUnicodeV2(input); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); it('should should leave normal filename alone', async () => { const input = { fileName: 'normal.jpeg', size: 1111, }; const expected = { fileName: 'normal.jpeg', size: 1111, }; const actual = await Attachment.replaceUnicodeV2(input); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); it('should handle missing fileName', async () => { const input = { size: 1111, }; const expected = { size: 1111, }; const actual = await Attachment.replaceUnicodeV2(input); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); }); describe('removeSchemaVersion', () => { it('should remove existing schema version', () => { const input = { contentType: 'image/jpeg', fileName: 'foo.jpg', size: 1111, schemaVersion: 1, }; const expected = { contentType: 'image/jpeg', fileName: 'foo.jpg', size: 1111, }; const actual = Attachment.removeSchemaVersion({ attachment: input, logger: { error: () => null, }, }); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); }); describe('migrateDataToFileSystem', () => { it('should write data to disk and store relative path to it', async () => { const input = { contentType: 'image/jpeg', data: stringToArrayBuffer('Above us only sky'), fileName: 'foo.jpg', size: 1111, }; const expected = { contentType: 'image/jpeg', path: 'abc/abcdefgh123456789', fileName: 'foo.jpg', size: 1111, }; const expectedAttachmentData = stringToArrayBuffer('Above us only sky'); const writeNewAttachmentData = async attachmentData => { assert.deepEqual(attachmentData, expectedAttachmentData); return 'abc/abcdefgh123456789'; }; const actual = await Attachment.migrateDataToFileSystem(input, { writeNewAttachmentData, logger: { warn: () => null, }, }); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); it('should skip over (invalid) attachments without data', async () => { const input = { contentType: 'image/jpeg', fileName: 'foo.jpg', size: 1111, }; const expected = { contentType: 'image/jpeg', fileName: 'foo.jpg', size: 1111, }; const writeNewAttachmentData = async () => 'abc/abcdefgh123456789'; const actual = await Attachment.migrateDataToFileSystem(input, { writeNewAttachmentData, logger: { warn: () => null, }, }); assert.deepEqual(actual, expected); }); it('should throw error if data is not valid', async () => { const input = { contentType: 'image/jpeg', data: 42, fileName: 'foo.jpg', size: 1111, }; const writeNewAttachmentData = async () => 'abc/abcdefgh123456789'; try { await Attachment.migrateDataToFileSystem(input, { writeNewAttachmentData, logger: { warn: () => null, }, }); } catch (error) { assert.strictEqual( error.message, 'Expected `` to be an array buffer; got: number' ); return; }'Unreachable'); }); }); });