import classNames from 'classnames'; import React from 'react'; import { useSelector } from 'react-redux'; import styled from 'styled-components'; import { useConvoIdFromContext } from '../../../contexts/ConvoIdContext'; import { Data } from '../../../data/data'; import { useActiveAt, useConversationPropsById, useHasUnread, useIsForcedUnreadWithoutUnreadMsg, useIsPinned, useMentionedUs, useUnreadCount, } from '../../../hooks/useParamSelector'; import { Constants } from '../../../session'; import { openConversationToSpecificMessage, openConversationWithMessages, } from '../../../state/ducks/conversations'; import { isSearching } from '../../../state/selectors/search'; import { getIsMessageSection } from '../../../state/selectors/section'; import { Timestamp } from '../../conversation/Timestamp'; import { SessionIcon } from '../../icon'; import { UserItem } from './UserItem'; const NotificationSettingIcon = () => { const isMessagesSection = useSelector(getIsMessageSection); const convoId = useConvoIdFromContext(); const convoSetting = useConversationPropsById(convoId)?.currentNotificationSetting; if (!isMessagesSection) { return null; } switch (convoSetting) { case 'all': return null; case 'disabled': return ( ); case 'mentions_only': return ( ); default: return null; } }; const StyledConversationListItemIconWrapper = styled.div` svg { margin: 0px 2px; } display: flex; flex-direction: row; `; const PinIcon = () => { const conversationId = useConvoIdFromContext(); const isMessagesSection = useSelector(getIsMessageSection); const isPinned = useIsPinned(conversationId); return isMessagesSection && isPinned ? ( ) : null; }; const ListItemIcons = () => { return ( ); }; const MentionAtSymbol = styled.span` background: var(--unread-messages-alert-background-color); color: var(--unread-messages-alert-text-color); text-align: center; margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; padding-inline-start: 3px; padding-inline-end: 3px; position: static; margin-inline-start: 5px; font-weight: 700; font-size: var(--font-size-xs); letter-spacing: 0.25px; height: 16px; min-width: 16px; border-radius: 8px; cursor: pointer; :hover { filter: grayscale(0.7); } `; /** * When clicking on the `@` symbol of a conversation, we open the conversation to the first unread message tagging us (with the @pubkey syntax) */ async function openConvoToLastMention( e: React.MouseEvent, conversationId: string ) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); // mousedown is invoked sooner than onClick, but for both right and left click if (e.button === 0) { const oldestMessageUnreadWithMention = (await Data.getFirstUnreadMessageWithMention(conversationId)) || null; if (oldestMessageUnreadWithMention) { await openConversationToSpecificMessage({ conversationKey: conversationId, messageIdToNavigateTo: oldestMessageUnreadWithMention, shouldHighlightMessage: true, }); } else {'cannot open to latest mention as no unread mention are found'); await openConversationWithMessages({ conversationKey: conversationId, messageId: null, }); } } } const AtSymbol = ({ convoId }: { convoId: string }) => { const hasMentionedUs = useMentionedUs(convoId); const hasUnread = useHasUnread(convoId); return hasMentionedUs && hasUnread ? ( openConvoToLastMention(e, convoId)} > @ ) : null; }; const UnreadCount = ({ convoId }: { convoId: string }) => { const unreadMsgCount = useUnreadCount(convoId); const forcedUnread = useIsForcedUnreadWithoutUnreadMsg(convoId); const unreadWithOverflow = unreadMsgCount > Constants.CONVERSATION.MAX_CONVO_UNREAD_COUNT ? `${Constants.CONVERSATION.MAX_CONVO_UNREAD_COUNT}+` : unreadMsgCount || ' '; // TODO would be good to merge the style of this with SessionNotificationCount or SessionUnreadCount at some point. return unreadMsgCount > 0 || forcedUnread ? (


) : null; }; export const ConversationListItemHeaderItem = () => { const conversationId = useConvoIdFromContext(); const isSearchingMode = useSelector(isSearching); const hasUnread = useHasUnread(conversationId); const activeAt = useActiveAt(conversationId); return (
{!isSearchingMode && (
); };