import { isUndefined, padStart } from 'lodash'; import moment from 'moment'; import { SignalService } from '../protobuf'; import { isImageTypeSupported, isVideoTypeSupported } from '../util/GoogleChrome'; import { ATTACHMENT_DEFAULT_MAX_SIDE } from '../util/attachmentsUtil'; import { saveURLAsFile } from '../util/saveURLAsFile'; import * as MIME from './MIME'; import { THUMBNAIL_SIDE } from './attachments/VisualAttachment'; const MAX_WIDTH = THUMBNAIL_SIDE; const MAX_HEIGHT = THUMBNAIL_SIDE; const MIN_WIDTH = THUMBNAIL_SIDE; const MIN_HEIGHT = THUMBNAIL_SIDE; // Used for display export interface AttachmentType { caption?: string; contentType: MIME.MIMEType; fileName: string; /** Not included in protobuf, needs to be pulled from flags */ isVoiceMessage?: boolean; /** For messages not already on disk, this will be a data url */ url: string; videoUrl?: string; size?: number; fileSize: string | null; pending?: boolean; width?: number; height?: number; duration?: string; screenshot: { height: number; width: number; url?: string; contentType: MIME.MIMEType; } | null; thumbnail: { height: number; width: number; url?: string; contentType: MIME.MIMEType; } | null; } export interface AttachmentTypeWithPath extends AttachmentType { path: string; id: number; flags?: number; error?: any; screenshot: { height: number; width: number; url?: string; contentType: MIME.MIMEType; path?: string; } | null; thumbnail: { height: number; width: number; url?: string; contentType: MIME.MIMEType; path?: string; } | null; } // UI-focused functions export function getExtensionForDisplay({ fileName, contentType, }: { fileName: string; contentType: MIME.MIMEType; }): string | undefined { if (fileName && fileName.indexOf('.') >= 0) { const lastPeriod = fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); const extension = fileName.slice(lastPeriod + 1); if (extension.length) { return extension; } } if (!contentType) { return undefined; } const slash = contentType.indexOf('/'); if (slash >= 0) { return contentType.slice(slash + 1); } return undefined; } export function isAudio(attachments?: Array) { return ( attachments && attachments[0] && attachments[0].contentType && MIME.isAudio(attachments[0].contentType) ); } export function canDisplayImagePreview(attachments?: Array) { // Note: when we display an image we usually display the preview. // The preview is usually downscaled const { height, width } = attachments && attachments[0]?.thumbnail ? attachments[0].thumbnail : { height: 0, width: 0 }; return Boolean( height && height > 0 && height <= ATTACHMENT_DEFAULT_MAX_SIDE && width && width > 0 && width <= ATTACHMENT_DEFAULT_MAX_SIDE ); } export function getThumbnailUrl(attachment: AttachmentType): string { if (attachment.thumbnail && attachment.thumbnail.url) { return attachment.thumbnail.url; } return getUrl(attachment); } export function getUrl(attachment: AttachmentType): string { if (attachment.screenshot && attachment.screenshot.url) { return attachment.screenshot.url as string; } return attachment.url; } export function isImage(attachments?: Array) { return ( attachments && attachments[0] && attachments[0].contentType && isImageTypeSupported(attachments[0].contentType) ); } export function isImageAttachment(attachment: AttachmentType): boolean { return Boolean( attachment && attachment.contentType && isImageTypeSupported(attachment.contentType) ); } export function hasImage(attachments?: Array): boolean { return Boolean(attachments && attachments[0] && (attachments[0].url || attachments[0].pending)); } export function isVideo(attachments?: Array): boolean { return Boolean(attachments && isVideoAttachment(attachments[0])); } export function isVideoAttachment(attachment?: AttachmentType): boolean { return Boolean( !!attachment && !!attachment.contentType && isVideoTypeSupported(attachment.contentType) ); } export function hasVideoScreenshot(attachments?: Array): boolean { const firstAttachment = attachments ? attachments[0] : null; return Boolean(firstAttachment?.screenshot?.url); } type DimensionsType = { height: number; width: number; }; export async function arrayBufferFromFile(file: any): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const FR = new FileReader(); FR.onload = (e: any) => { resolve(; }; FR.onerror = reject; FR.onabort = reject; FR.readAsArrayBuffer(file); }); } export function getImageDimensionsInAttachment(attachment: AttachmentType): DimensionsType { const { height, width } = attachment; if (!height || !width) { return { height: MIN_HEIGHT, width: MIN_WIDTH, }; } const aspectRatio = height / width; const targetWidth = Math.max(Math.min(MAX_WIDTH, width), MIN_WIDTH); const candidateHeight = Math.round(targetWidth * aspectRatio); return { width: targetWidth, height: Math.max(Math.min(MAX_HEIGHT, candidateHeight), MIN_HEIGHT), }; } export function areAllAttachmentsVisual(attachments?: Array): boolean { if (!attachments) { return false; } const max = attachments.length; for (let i = 0; i < max; i += 1) { const attachment = attachments[i]; if (!isImageAttachment(attachment) && !isVideoAttachment(attachment)) { return false; } } return true; } export function getAlt(attachment: AttachmentType): string { return isVideoAttachment(attachment) ? window.i18n('videoAttachmentAlt') : window.i18n('imageAttachmentAlt'); } // Migration-related attachment stuff export type Attachment = { fileName?: string; caption?: string; flags?: SignalService.AttachmentPointer.Flags; contentType?: MIME.MIMEType; size?: number; width?: number; height?: number; data: ArrayBuffer; } & Partial; interface AttachmentSchemaVersion3 { path: string; } export const isVisualMedia = (attachment: Attachment): boolean => { const { contentType } = attachment; if (isUndefined(contentType)) { return false; } if (isVoiceMessage(attachment)) { return false; } return MIME.isImage(contentType) || MIME.isVideo(contentType); }; export const isFile = (attachment: Attachment): boolean => { const { contentType } = attachment; if (isUndefined(contentType)) { return false; } if (isVisualMedia(attachment)) { return false; } if (isVoiceMessage(attachment)) { return false; } return true; }; export const isVoiceMessage = (attachment: Attachment): boolean => { const flag = SignalService.AttachmentPointer.Flags.VOICE_MESSAGE; const hasFlag = // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise !isUndefined(attachment.flags) && (attachment.flags & flag) === flag; if (hasFlag) { return true; } const isLegacyAndroidVoiceMessage = !isUndefined(attachment.contentType) && MIME.isAudio(attachment.contentType) && !attachment.fileName; if (isLegacyAndroidVoiceMessage) { return true; } return false; }; export const save = ({ attachment, document, index, timestamp, }: { attachment: AttachmentType; document: Document; index: number; getAbsolutePath: (relativePath: string) => string; timestamp?: number; }): void => { const isObjectURLRequired = isUndefined(attachment.fileName); const filename = getSuggestedFilename({ attachment, timestamp, index }); saveURLAsFile({ url: attachment.url, filename, document }); if (isObjectURLRequired) { URL.revokeObjectURL(attachment.url); } }; export const getSuggestedFilename = ({ attachment, timestamp, index, }: { attachment: AttachmentType; timestamp?: number | Date; index?: number; }): string => { if (attachment.fileName?.length > 3) { return attachment.fileName; } const prefix = 'session-attachment'; const suffix = timestamp ? moment(timestamp).format('-YYYY-MM-DD-HHmmss') : ''; const fileType = getFileExtension(attachment); const extension = fileType ? `.${fileType}` : ''; const indexSuffix = index ? `_${padStart(index.toString(), 3, '0')}` : ''; return `${prefix}${suffix}${indexSuffix}${extension}`; }; export const getFileExtension = (attachment: AttachmentType): string | undefined => { // we override textplain to the extension of the file // for contenttype starting with application, the mimetype is probably wrong so just use the extension of the file instead if ( !attachment.contentType || attachment.contentType === 'text/plain' || attachment.contentType.startsWith('application') ) { if (attachment.fileName?.length) { const dotLastIndex = attachment.fileName.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotLastIndex !== -1) { return attachment.fileName.substring(dotLastIndex + 1); } return undefined; } return undefined; } switch (attachment.contentType) { case 'video/quicktime': return 'mov'; default: return attachment.contentType.split('/')[1]; } };