You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

288 lines
8.6 KiB

/* eslint-disable import/extensions */
/* eslint-disable import/no-unresolved */
// eslint-disable-next-line camelcase
import {
} from 'libsession_util_nodejs';
import { from_hex } from 'libsodium-wrappers-sumo';
import { isArray, isEmpty, isEqual } from 'lodash';
import { OpenGroupV2Room } from '../data/opengroups';
import { OpenGroupRequestCommonType } from '../session/apis/open_group_api/opengroupV2/ApiUtil';
import { fromHexToArray } from '../session/utils/String';
import { ConfigWrapperObjectTypes } from '../webworker/workers/browser/libsession_worker_functions';
* This wrapper can be used to make a function type not async, asynced.
* We use it in the typing of the database communication, because the data calls (renderer side) have essentially the same signature of the sql calls (node side), with an added `await`
export type AsyncWrapper<T extends (...args: any) => any> = (
...args: Parameters<T>
) => Promise<ReturnType<T>>;
* This type is used to build from an objectType filled with functions, a new object type where all the functions their async equivalent
export type AsyncObjectWrapper<Type extends Record<string, (...args: any) => any>> = {
[Property in keyof Type]: AsyncWrapper<Type[Property]>;
export type MsgDuplicateSearchOpenGroup = Array<{
sender: string;
serverTimestamp: number;
// senderBlinded?: string; // for a message we sent, we need a blinded id and an unblinded one
export type UpdateLastHashType = {
convoId: string;
snode: string;
hash: string;
expiresAt: number;
namespace: number;
export type ConfigDumpRow = {
variant: ConfigWrapperObjectTypes; // the variant this entry is about. (user pr, contacts, ...)
publicKey: string; // either our pubkey if a dump for our own swarm or the closed group pubkey
data: Uint8Array; // the blob returned by libsession.dump() call
export type ConfigDumpRowWithoutData = Pick<ConfigDumpRow, 'publicKey' | 'variant'>;
export const CONFIG_DUMP_TABLE = 'configDump';
// ========== configdump
export type ConfigDumpDataNode = {
getByVariantAndPubkey: (
variant: ConfigWrapperObjectTypes,
publicKey: string
) => Array<ConfigDumpRow>;
saveConfigDump: (dump: ConfigDumpRow) => void;
getAllDumpsWithData: () => Array<ConfigDumpRow>;
getAllDumpsWithoutData: () => Array<ConfigDumpRowWithoutData>;
// ========== unprocessed
export type UnprocessedParameter = {
id: string;
version: number;
envelope: string;
timestamp: number;
// serverTimestamp: number;
attempts: number;
messageHash: string;
senderIdentity?: string;
decrypted?: string; // added once the envelopes's content is decrypted with updateCacheWithDecryptedContent
source?: string; // added once the envelopes's content is decrypted with updateCacheWithDecryptedContent
export type UnprocessedDataNode = {
saveUnprocessed: (data: UnprocessedParameter) => void;
updateUnprocessedAttempts: (id: string, attempts: number) => void;
updateUnprocessedWithData: (id: string, data: UnprocessedParameter) => void;
getUnprocessedById: (id: string) => UnprocessedParameter | undefined;
getUnprocessedCount: () => number;
getAllUnprocessed: () => Array<UnprocessedParameter>;
removeUnprocessed: (id: string) => void;
removeAllUnprocessed: () => void;
// ======== attachment downloads
export type AttachmentDownloadMessageDetails = {
messageId: string;
type: 'preview' | 'quote' | 'attachment';
index: number;
isOpenGroupV2: boolean;
openGroupV2Details: OpenGroupRequestCommonType | undefined;
export type SaveConversationReturn = {
unreadCount: number;
mentionedUs: boolean;
lastReadTimestampMessage: number | null;
} | null;
* NOTE This code should always match the last known version of the same function used in a libsession migration (V34)
* This function returns a contactInfo for the wrapper to understand from the DB values.
* Created in this file so we can reuse it during the migration (node side), and from the renderer side
export function getContactInfoFromDBValues({
}: {
id: string;
dbApproved: boolean;
dbApprovedMe: boolean;
dbBlocked: boolean;
dbNickname: string | undefined;
dbName: string | undefined;
priority: number;
dbProfileUrl: string | undefined;
dbProfileKey: string | undefined;
dbCreatedAtSeconds: number;
expirationMode: DisappearingMessageConversationModeType | undefined;
expireTimer: number | undefined;
}): ContactInfoSet {
const wrapperContact: ContactInfoSet = {
approved: !!dbApproved,
approvedMe: !!dbApprovedMe,
blocked: !!dbBlocked,
nickname: dbNickname,
name: dbName,
createdAtSeconds: dbCreatedAtSeconds,
expirationTimerSeconds: !!expireTimer && expireTimer > 0 ? expireTimer : 0,
if (
wrapperContact.profilePicture?.url !== dbProfileUrl ||
!isEqual(wrapperContact.profilePicture?.key, dbProfileKey)
) {
wrapperContact.profilePicture = {
url: dbProfileUrl || null,
key: dbProfileKey && !isEmpty(dbProfileKey) ? fromHexToArray(dbProfileKey) : null,
return wrapperContact;
export type CommunityInfoFromDBValues = {
priority: number;
fullUrl: string;
* NOTE This code should always match the last known version of the same function used in a libsession migration (V31)
* This function returns a CommunityInfo for the wrapper to understand from the DB values.
* It is created in this file so we can reuse it during the migration (node side), and from the renderer side
export function getCommunityInfoFromDBValues({
}: {
priority: number;
fullUrl: string;
}): CommunityInfoFromDBValues {
const community = {
priority: priority || 0,
return community;
export function maybeArrayJSONtoArray(arr: string | Array<string>): Array<string> {
try {
if (isArray(arr)) {
return arr;
const parsed = JSON.parse(arr);
if (isArray(parsed)) {
return parsed;
return [];
} catch (e) {
return [];
* NOTE This code should always match the last known version of the same function used in a libsession migration (V34)
export function getLegacyGroupInfoFromDBValues({
members: maybeMembers,
groupAdmins: maybeAdmins,
}: {
id: string;
priority: number;
displayNameInProfile: string | undefined;
expirationMode: DisappearingMessageConversationModeType | undefined;
expireTimer: number | undefined;
encPubkeyHex: string;
encSeckeyHex: string;
members: string | Array<string>;
groupAdmins: string | Array<string>;
lastJoinedTimestamp: number;
}) {
const admins: Array<string> = maybeArrayJSONtoArray(maybeAdmins);
const members: Array<string> = maybeArrayJSONtoArray(maybeMembers);
const wrappedMembers: Array<LegacyGroupMemberInfo> = (members || []).map(m => {
return {
isAdmin: admins.includes(m),
pubkeyHex: m,
const legacyGroup: LegacyGroupInfo = {
pubkeyHex: id,
name: displayNameInProfile || '',
priority: priority || 0,
members: wrappedMembers,
expirationMode && expirationMode !== 'off' && !!expireTimer && expireTimer > 0
? expireTimer
: 0,
encPubkey: !isEmpty(encPubkeyHex) ? from_hex(encPubkeyHex) : new Uint8Array(),
encSeckey: !isEmpty(encSeckeyHex) ? from_hex(encSeckeyHex) : new Uint8Array(),
joinedAtSeconds: Math.floor(lastJoinedTimestamp / 1000),
return legacyGroup;
* This function can be used to make sure all the possible values as input of a switch as taken care off, without having a default case.
export function assertUnreachable(_x: never, message: string): never {
const msg = `assertUnreachable: Didn't expect to get here with "${message}"`;
// eslint:disable: no-console
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console;
throw new Error(msg);
export function roomHasBlindEnabled(openGroup?: OpenGroupV2Room) {
return capabilitiesListHasBlindEnabled(openGroup?.capabilities);
export function capabilitiesListHasBlindEnabled(caps?: Array<string> | null) {
return Boolean(caps?.includes('blind'));
export function roomHasReactionsEnabled(openGroup?: OpenGroupV2Room) {
return Boolean(openGroup?.capabilities?.includes('reactions'));