You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

101 lines
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import { EncryptionType } from '../types/EncryptionType';
import { SignalService } from '../../protobuf';
import { UserUtil } from '../../util';
import { CipherTextObject } from '../../../libtextsecure/libsignal-protocol';
* Add padding to a message buffer
* @param messageBuffer The buffer to add padding to.
export function padPlainTextBuffer(messageBuffer: Uint8Array): Uint8Array {
const plaintext = new Uint8Array(
getPaddedMessageLength(messageBuffer.byteLength + 1) - 1
plaintext.set(new Uint8Array(messageBuffer));
plaintext[messageBuffer.byteLength] = 0x80;
return plaintext;
function getPaddedMessageLength(originalLength: number): number {
const messageLengthWithTerminator = originalLength + 1;
let messagePartCount = Math.floor(messageLengthWithTerminator / 160);
if (messageLengthWithTerminator % 160 !== 0) {
messagePartCount += 1;
return messagePartCount * 160;
* Encrypt `plainTextBuffer` with given `encryptionType` for `device`.
* @param device The device to encrypt for.
* @param plainTextBuffer The unpadded plaintext buffer.
* @param encryptionType The type of encryption.
* @returns The envelope type and the base64 encoded cipher text
export async function encrypt(
device: string,
plainTextBuffer: Uint8Array,
encryptionType: EncryptionType
): Promise<{
envelopeType: SignalService.Envelope.Type;
cipherText: Uint8Array;
}> {
const plainText = padPlainTextBuffer(plainTextBuffer);
const address = new window.libsignal.SignalProtocolAddress(device, 1);
if (encryptionType === EncryptionType.MediumGroup) {
// TODO: Do medium group stuff here
throw new Error('Encryption is not yet supported');
let innerCipherText: CipherTextObject;
if (encryptionType === EncryptionType.SessionRequest) {
const cipher = new window.libloki.crypto.FallBackSessionCipher(address);
innerCipherText = await cipher.encrypt(plainText.buffer);
} else {
const cipher = new window.libsignal.SessionCipher(,
innerCipherText = await cipher.encrypt(plainText.buffer);
return encryptUsingSealedSender(device, innerCipherText);
async function encryptUsingSealedSender(
device: string,
innerCipherText: CipherTextObject
): Promise<{
envelopeType: SignalService.Envelope.Type;
cipherText: Uint8Array;
}> {
const ourNumber = await UserUtil.getCurrentDevicePubKey();
if (!ourNumber) {
throw new Error('Failed to fetch current device public key.');
const certificate = SignalService.SenderCertificate.create({
sender: ourNumber,
senderDevice: 1,
const cipher = new window.Signal.Metadata.SecretSessionCipher(
const cipherTextBuffer = await cipher.encrypt(
return {
envelopeType: SignalService.Envelope.Type.UNIDENTIFIED_SENDER,
cipherText: new Uint8Array(cipherTextBuffer),