You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

416 lines
14 KiB

import { from_hex, to_hex } from 'libsodium-wrappers-sumo';
import { crypto_sign_curve25519_pk_to_ed25519 } from 'curve25519-js';
import { cloneDeep, flatten, isEmpty, isEqual, isString, uniqBy } from 'lodash';
import { getConversationController } from '../../../conversations';
import { LibSodiumWrappers } from '../../../crypto';
import { KeyPrefixType, PubKey } from '../../../types';
import { Data } from '../../../../data/data';
import { combineKeys, generateBlindingFactor } from '../../../utils/SodiumUtils';
import { OpenGroupData } from '../../../../data/opengroups';
import { ConversationModel } from '../../../../models/conversation';
import { UserUtils } from '../../../utils';
import { SogsBlinding } from './sogsBlinding';
import { fromHexToArray } from '../../../utils/String';
import { KNOWN_BLINDED_KEYS_ITEM } from '../../../../data/settings-key';
import { roomHasBlindEnabled } from '../../../../types/sqlSharedTypes';
import { Storage } from '../../../../util/storage';
export type BlindedIdMapping = {
blindedId: string;
serverPublicKey: string;
realSessionId: string;
// for now, we assume we won't find a lot of blinded keys.
// So we can store all of those in a single JSON string in the db.
let cachedKnownMapping: Array<BlindedIdMapping> | null = null;
* This function must only be used for testing
export function TEST_resetCachedBlindedKeys() {
cachedKnownMapping = null;
* This function must only be used for testing
export function TEST_getCachedBlindedKeys() {
return cloneDeep(cachedKnownMapping);
export async function loadKnownBlindedKeys() {
if (cachedKnownMapping !== null) {
throw new Error('loadKnownBlindedKeys must only be called once');
const fromDb = await Data.getItemById(KNOWN_BLINDED_KEYS_ITEM);
if (fromDb && fromDb.value && !isEmpty(fromDb.value)) {
try {
const read = JSON.parse(fromDb.value);
cachedKnownMapping = cachedKnownMapping || [];
read.forEach((elem: any) => {
} catch (e) {
cachedKnownMapping = [];
} else {
cachedKnownMapping = [];
* only exported for testing
export async function writeKnownBlindedKeys() {
if (cachedKnownMapping && cachedKnownMapping.length) {
await Storage.put(KNOWN_BLINDED_KEYS_ITEM, JSON.stringify(cachedKnownMapping));
function assertLoaded(): Array<BlindedIdMapping> {
if (cachedKnownMapping === null) {
throw new Error('loadKnownBlindedKeys must be called on app start');
return cachedKnownMapping;
export function isNonBlindedKey(blindedId: string) {
if (
blindedId.startsWith(KeyPrefixType.unblinded) ||
) {
return true;
return false;
export function getCachedNakedKeyFromBlinded(
blindedId: string,
serverPublicKey: string
): string | undefined {
if (isNonBlindedKey(blindedId)) {
return blindedId;
const found = assertLoaded().find(
m => m.serverPublicKey === serverPublicKey && m.blindedId === blindedId
return found?.realSessionId || undefined;
export async function addCachedBlindedKey({
}: BlindedIdMapping) {
if (isNonBlindedKey(blindedId)) {
throw new Error('blindedId is not a blinded key');
if (!isNonBlindedKey(realSessionId)) {
throw new Error('realSessionId must not be blinded');
const assertLoadedCache = assertLoaded();
const foundIndex = assertLoadedCache.findIndex(
m => m.blindedId === blindedId && serverPublicKey === m.serverPublicKey
if (foundIndex >= 0) {
if (assertLoadedCache[foundIndex].realSessionId !== realSessionId) {
`overriding cached blinded mapping for ${assertLoadedCache[foundIndex].realSessionId} with ${realSessionId} on ${serverPublicKey}`
assertLoadedCache[foundIndex].realSessionId = realSessionId;
await writeKnownBlindedKeys();
assertLoadedCache.push({ blindedId, serverPublicKey, realSessionId });
await writeKnownBlindedKeys();
* Only exported for testing
* Try to match a blindedId with a standardSessionID. This is the only way we have to find that a standard and a blindedID are in fact, the same person.
export function tryMatchBlindWithStandardKey(
standardSessionId: string,
blindedSessionId: string,
serverPubKey: string,
sodium: LibSodiumWrappers
): boolean {
if (!standardSessionId.startsWith(KeyPrefixType.standard)) {
throw new Error('standardKey must be a standard key (starting with 05)');
if (!PubKey.isBlinded(blindedSessionId)) {
throw new Error('blindedKey must be a blinded key (starting with 15 or 25)');
// We don't want to stop iterating even if an error happens while looking for a blind/standard match.
// That's why we catch any errors and return false if it happens.
try {
const sessionIdNoPrefix = PubKey.removePrefixIfNeeded(PubKey.cast(standardSessionId).key);
const blindedIdNoPrefix = PubKey.removePrefixIfNeeded(PubKey.cast(blindedSessionId).key);
const kBytes = generateBlindingFactor(serverPubKey, sodium);
// From the session id (ignoring 05 prefix) we have two possible ed25519 pubkeys; the first is
// the positive(which is what Signal's XEd25519 conversion always uses)
const inbin = from_hex(sessionIdNoPrefix);
// Note: The below method is code we have exposed from the method within the Curve25519-js library
// rather than custom code we have written
const xEd25519Key = crypto_sign_curve25519_pk_to_ed25519(inbin);
// Blind it:
const pk1 = combineKeys(kBytes, xEd25519Key, sodium);
// For the negative, what we're going to get out of the above is simply the negative of pk1, so
// flip the sign bit to get pk2:
const pk2 = cloneDeep(pk1);
// eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise
pk2[31] = pk1[31] ^ 0b1000_0000;
const match =
isEqual(blindedIdNoPrefix, to_hex(pk1)) || isEqual(blindedIdNoPrefix, to_hex(pk2));
if (!match) {
return false;
return true;
} catch (e) {
window.log.warn('Failed to do crypto tryMatchBlindWithStandardKey with ', e.message);
return false;
* This function can be called to trigger a build of the cache.
* This function is expensive depending on the contacts list length of the user
* We only consider the private & approved conversations for mapping.
function findNotCachedBlindingMatch(
blindedId: string,
serverPublicKey: string,
sodium: LibSodiumWrappers
): string | undefined {
if (isNonBlindedKey(blindedId)) {
throw new Error('findNotCachedBlindingMatch blindedId is supposed to be blinded');
// we iterate only over the convos private, approved, and which have an unblinded id.
const foundConvoMatchingBlindedPubkey = getConversationController()
.filter(m => m.isPrivate() && m.isApproved() && !PubKey.isBlinded(
.find(m => {
return tryMatchBlindWithStandardKey(, blindedId, serverPublicKey, sodium);
return foundConvoMatchingBlindedPubkey?.get('id') || undefined;
* This function returns true if the given blindedId matches our own blinded id on any pysogs.
* If the given pubkey is not blinded, it returns true if it is our naked SessionID.
* It can be used to replace mentions with the @You syntax and for the quotes too
export function isUsAnySogsFromCache(blindedOrNakedId: string): boolean {
const usUnblinded = UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache();
if (!PubKey.isBlinded(blindedOrNakedId)) {
return blindedOrNakedId === usUnblinded;
const found = assertLoaded().find(
m => m.blindedId === blindedOrNakedId && m.realSessionId === usUnblinded
return Boolean(found);
* This function returns the cached blindedId for us, given a public conversation.
export function getUsBlindedInThatServer(convo: ConversationModel | string): string | undefined {
if (!convo) {
return undefined;
const convoId = isString(convo) ? convo :;
if (!getConversationController().get(convoId)?.isOpenGroupV2()) {
return undefined;
const room = OpenGroupData.getV2OpenGroupRoom(isString(convo) ? convo :;
if (!room || !roomHasBlindEnabled(room) || !room.serverPublicKey) {
return undefined;
const usNaked = UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache();
const found = assertLoaded().find(
m => m.serverPublicKey === room.serverPublicKey && m.realSessionId === usNaked
return found?.blindedId;
* This function can be called to find all blinded conversations we have with a user given its real sessionID.
* It should be used when we get a message request response, to merge all convos into one.
* This function is quite resource intensive, so do not call it everywhere
function findNotCachedBlindedConvoFromUnblindedKey(
unblindedID: string,
serverPublicKey: string,
sodium: LibSodiumWrappers
): Array<ConversationModel> {
if (PubKey.isBlinded(unblindedID)) {
throw new Error(
'findNotCachedBlindedConvoFromUnblindedKey unblindedID is supposed to be unblinded!'
// we iterate only over the convos private, with a blindedId, and active,
// so the one to which we sent a message already or received one from outside sogs.
const foundConvosForThisServerPk =
.filter(m => m.isPrivate() && PubKey.isBlinded( && m.isActive())
.filter(m => {
return tryMatchBlindWithStandardKey(unblindedID,, serverPublicKey, sodium);
}) || [];
// we should have only one per server, as we gave the serverpubkey and a blindedId is uniq for a serverPk
return foundConvosForThisServerPk;
* Look for a cached match of that blindedId and that serverPubkey.
* This function is expensive and should only be run on some very specific case. You shouldn't need to add any other calls to this function in the app
* @param blindedId the blindedId to look for
* @param serverPubKey the serverPubkey on which this blindedId is found
* @param sodium the sodium instance
* @returns the conversationId of the naked private convo found, matching that blindedId on that serverPubkey
export async function findCachedBlindedMatchOrLookItUp(
blindedId: string,
serverPubKey: string,
sodium: LibSodiumWrappers
): Promise<string | undefined> {
if (!PubKey.isBlinded(blindedId)) {
return blindedId;
const found = getCachedNakedKeyFromBlinded(blindedId, serverPubKey);
if (found) {
return found;
const realSessionIdFound = findNotCachedBlindingMatch(blindedId, serverPubKey, sodium);
if (realSessionIdFound) {
await addCachedBlindedKey({
realSessionId: realSessionIdFound,
serverPublicKey: serverPubKey,
return realSessionIdFound;
return undefined;
* When we sent a message to a sogs with blinded enable, we need to store the message with the sender being our blinded pubkey.
* We store that mapping <ourKey, serverPk, blindedKey> in the same cache, so we can map our own messages synced easily.
* This function just find if there is such a mapping already cached, but won't try to update the cache to find one.
export function findCachedBlindedIdFromUnblinded(
unblindedId: string,
serverPubKey: string
): string | undefined {
if (PubKey.isBlinded(unblindedId)) {
throw new Error('findCachedBlindedIdFromUnblinded needs an unblindedID');
const found = assertLoaded().find(
m => m.serverPublicKey === serverPubKey && m.realSessionId === unblindedId
return found?.blindedId || undefined;
* This function can be used to generate our blindedId for a sogs requiring it, and cache it.
export async function findCachedOurBlindedPubkeyOrLookItUp(
serverPubKey: string,
sodium: LibSodiumWrappers
): Promise<string> {
const ourNakedSessionID = UserUtils.getOurPubKeyStrFromCache();
if (PubKey.isBlinded(ourNakedSessionID)) {
throw new Error('findCachedBlindedIdFromUnblindedOrLookItUp needs a unblindedID');
let found = findCachedBlindedIdFromUnblinded(ourNakedSessionID, serverPubKey);
if (found) {
return found;
const signingKeys = await UserUtils.getUserED25519KeyPairBytes();
// just to make sure the mapping was not added during last line call
if (!signingKeys) {
throw new Error('addSingleOutgoingMessage: getUserED25519KeyPairBytes returned nothing');
const blindedPubkeyForThisSogs = SogsBlinding.getBlindedPubKey(
found = findCachedBlindedIdFromUnblinded(ourNakedSessionID, serverPubKey);
if (found) {
return found;
await addCachedBlindedKey({
blindedId: blindedPubkeyForThisSogs,
serverPublicKey: serverPubKey,
realSessionId: ourNakedSessionID,
return blindedPubkeyForThisSogs;
export function getCachedNakedKeyFromBlindedNoServerPubkey(blindedId: string): string | undefined {
if (isNonBlindedKey(blindedId)) {
return blindedId;
const found = assertLoaded().find(m => m.blindedId === blindedId);
return found?.realSessionId || undefined;
* Can be used when we get an unblinded message to check if this is actually a reply to any of the conversation we were having with a blinded id, on any sogs
* @param unblindedId the blindedId of that user
* @param sodium passed so we can make this function not async
export function findCachedBlindedMatchOrLookupOnAllServers(
unblindedId: string,
sodium: LibSodiumWrappers
): Array<ConversationModel> {
if (PubKey.isBlinded(unblindedId)) {
throw new Error('findCachedBlindedMatchOrLookupOnAllServers needs an unblindedId');
const allServerPubkeys = OpenGroupData.getAllOpengroupsServerPubkeys();
let matchingServerPubkeyWithThatBlindedId = flatten( => {
return findNotCachedBlindedConvoFromUnblindedKey(unblindedId, serverPk, sodium);
matchingServerPubkeyWithThatBlindedId =
uniqBy(matchingServerPubkeyWithThatBlindedId, m => || [];
return matchingServerPubkeyWithThatBlindedId;