You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

269 lines
8.3 KiB

import { from_string, to_string } from 'libsodium-wrappers-sumo';
import { isArray, isEmpty, isNumber, isPlainObject, isString, toNumber } from 'lodash';
import { StringUtils } from '.';
const e = 'e'; // end of whatever was before
const l = 'l'; // list of values
const i = 'i'; // start of integer
const d = 'd'; // start of dictionary
const colon = ':';
const eCode = e.charCodeAt(0); // end of whatever was before
const lCode = l.charCodeAt(0); // list of values
const iCode = i.charCodeAt(0); // start of integer
const dCode = d.charCodeAt(0); // start of dictionary
const colonCode = colon.charCodeAt(0);
interface BencodeDictType {
[key: string]: BencodeElementType;
type BencodeArrayType = Array<BencodeElementType>;
type BencodeElementType = number | string | BencodeDictType | BencodeArrayType;
const NUMBERS = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'];
export class BDecode {
private readonly content: Uint8Array;
private currentParsingIndex = 0;
private readonly parsedContent: BencodeElementType;
constructor(content: Uint8Array | string) {
this.content = isString(content) ? from_string(content) : content;
this.parsedContent = this.parseContent();
public getParsedContent() {
return this.parsedContent;
* Decode an int from a byte array starting with charCode of `i` and ending with charCode `e`
private parseInt(): number {
if (this.currentParsingIndex >= this.content.length) {
throw new Error('parseInt: out of bounds');
if (this.content[this.currentParsingIndex] !== iCode) {
throw new Error('parseInt: not the start of an int');
this.currentParsingIndex++; // drop `i`
const startIntStr = this.currentParsingIndex; // save the start of the int
const nextEndSeparator = this.content.indexOf(eCode, this.currentParsingIndex);
if (nextEndSeparator === -1) {
throw new Error('parseInt: not an int to be parsed here: no end separator');
const parsed = toNumber(to_string(this.content.slice(startIntStr, nextEndSeparator)));
if (!isFinite(parsed)) {
throw new Error(`parseInt: could not parse number ${parsed}`);
this.currentParsingIndex = nextEndSeparator;
this.currentParsingIndex++; // drop the 'e'
return parsed;
private parseList(): BencodeArrayType {
const parsed: BencodeArrayType = [];
if (this.currentParsingIndex >= this.content.length) {
throw new Error('parseList: out of bounds');
if (this.content[this.currentParsingIndex] !== lCode) {
throw new Error('parseList: not the start of a list');
this.currentParsingIndex++; // drop `l`
while (
this.currentParsingIndex < this.content.length &&
this.content[this.currentParsingIndex] !== eCode
) {
this.currentParsingIndex++; // drop the 'e'
return parsed;
private parseDict() {
const parsed: BencodeDictType = {};
if (this.currentParsingIndex >= this.content.length) {
throw new Error('parseDict: out of bounds');
if (this.content[this.currentParsingIndex] !== dCode) {
throw new Error('parseDict: not the start of a dict');
this.currentParsingIndex++; // drop `d`
while (
this.currentParsingIndex < this.content.length &&
this.content[this.currentParsingIndex] !== eCode
) {
const key = this.parseString();
const value = this.parseBlock();
parsed[key] = value;
this.currentParsingIndex++; // drop the 'e'
return parsed;
* Decode a string element from iterator assumed to have structure `length:data`
private parseString(): string {
if (this.currentParsingIndex >= this.content.length) {
throw new Error('parseString: out of bounds');
// this.currentParsingIndex++;
const separatorIndex = this.content.indexOf(colonCode, this.currentParsingIndex);
if (separatorIndex === -1) {
throw new Error('parseString: cannot parse string without separator');
const strLength = toNumber(
to_string(this.content.slice(this.currentParsingIndex, separatorIndex))
if (!isFinite(strLength)) {
throw new Error('parseString: cannot parse string without length');
if (strLength === 0) {
return '';
if (strLength > this.content.length - separatorIndex - 1) {
throw new Error(
'parseString: length is too long considering what we have left on this string'
const strContent = this.content.slice(separatorIndex + 1, separatorIndex + 1 + strLength);
this.currentParsingIndex = separatorIndex + 1 + strLength;
return StringUtils.decode(strContent, 'utf8');
private parseContent() {
return this.parseBlock();
private parseBlock() {
let parsed: BencodeElementType;
if (this.content.length < this.currentParsingIndex) {
throw new Error('Out of bounds');
if (this.content[this.currentParsingIndex] === lCode) {
parsed = this.parseList();
} else if (this.content[this.currentParsingIndex] === dCode) {
parsed = this.parseDict();
} else if (this.content[this.currentParsingIndex] === iCode) {
parsed = this.parseInt();
} else if (NUMBERS.some(num => this.content[this.currentParsingIndex] === num.charCodeAt(0))) {
parsed = this.parseString();
} else {
throw new Error(
`parseBlock: Could not parse charCode at ${this.currentParsingIndex}: ${
}. Length: ${this.content.length}`
return parsed;
export class BEncode {
private readonly input: BencodeElementType;
private readonly bencodedContent: Uint8Array;
constructor(content: BencodeElementType) {
this.input = content;
this.bencodedContent = this.encodeContent();
public getBencodedContent() {
return this.bencodedContent;
private encodeItem(item: BencodeElementType): Uint8Array {
if (isNumber(item) && isFinite(item)) {
return from_string(`i${item}e`);
if (isNumber(item)) {
throw new Error('encodeItem not finite number');
if (isString(item)) {
const content = new Uint8Array(StringUtils.encode(item, 'utf8'));
const contentLengthLength = `${content.length}`.length;
const toReturn = new Uint8Array(content.length + 1 + contentLengthLength);
toReturn.set([colonCode], contentLengthLength);
toReturn.set(content, contentLengthLength + 1);
return toReturn;
if (isArray(item)) {
let content = new Uint8Array();
for (let index = 0; index < item.length; index++) {
const encodedItem = this.encodeItem(item[index]);
const encodedItemLength = encodedItem.length;
const existingContentLength = content.length;
const newContent = new Uint8Array(existingContentLength + encodedItemLength);
newContent.set(encodedItem, content.length);
content = newContent;
const toReturn = new Uint8Array(content.length + 2);
toReturn.set(content, 1);
toReturn.set([eCode], content.length + 1);
return toReturn;
if (isPlainObject(item)) {
// bencoded objects keys must be sorted lexicographically
const sortedKeys = Object.keys(item).sort();
let content = new Uint8Array();
sortedKeys.forEach(key => {
const value = item[key];
const encodedKey = this.encodeItem(key);
const encodedValue = this.encodeItem(value);
const newContent = new Uint8Array(content.length + encodedKey.length + encodedValue.length);
newContent.set(encodedKey, content.length);
newContent.set(encodedValue, content.length + encodedKey.length);
content = newContent;
const toReturn = new Uint8Array(content.length + 2);
toReturn.set(content, 1);
toReturn.set([eCode], content.length + 1);
return toReturn;
throw new Error(`encodeItem: unknown type to encode ${typeof item}`);
private encodeContent(): Uint8Array {
if (!this.input || (isEmpty(this.input) && !isNumber(this.input))) {
return new Uint8Array();
return this.encodeItem(this.input);