You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

89 lines
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import React from 'react';
import {
} from '../../../../state/ducks/conversations';
import { NotificationBubble } from './notification-bubble/NotificationBubble';
import { ReadableMessage } from './ReadableMessage';
import { arrayContainsUsOnly } from '../../../../models/message';
import { useConversationsUsernameWithQuoteOrFullPubkey } from '../../../../hooks/useParamSelector';
import { assertUnreachable } from '../../../../types/sqlSharedTypes';
// This component is used to display group updates in the conversation view.
const ChangeItemJoined = (added: Array<string>): string => {
if (!added.length) {
throw new Error('Group update add is missing contacts');
const names = useConversationsUsernameWithQuoteOrFullPubkey(added);
const joinKey = added.length > 1 ? 'multipleJoinedTheGroup' : 'joinedTheGroup';
return window.i18n(joinKey, [names.join(', ')]);
const ChangeItemKicked = (kicked: Array<string>): string => {
if (!kicked.length) {
throw new Error('Group update kicked is missing contacts');
const names = useConversationsUsernameWithQuoteOrFullPubkey(kicked);
if (arrayContainsUsOnly(kicked)) {
return window.i18n('youGotKickedFromGroup');
const kickedKey = kicked.length > 1 ? 'multipleKickedFromTheGroup' : 'kickedFromTheGroup';
return window.i18n(kickedKey, [names.join(', ')]);
const ChangeItemLeft = (left: Array<string>): string => {
if (!left.length) {
throw new Error('Group update remove is missing contacts');
const names = useConversationsUsernameWithQuoteOrFullPubkey(left);
if (arrayContainsUsOnly(left)) {
return window.i18n('youLeftTheGroup');
const leftKey = left.length > 1 ? 'multipleLeftTheGroup' : 'leftTheGroup';
return window.i18n(leftKey, [names.join(', ')]);
const ChangeItem = (change: PropsForGroupUpdateType): string => {
const { type } = change;
switch (type) {
case 'name':
return window.i18n('titleIsNow', [change.newName || '']);
case 'add':
return ChangeItemJoined(change.added);
case 'left':
return ChangeItemLeft(change.left);
case 'kicked':
return ChangeItemKicked(change.kicked);
case 'general':
return window.i18n('updatedTheGroup');
assertUnreachable(type, `ChangeItem: Missing case error "${type}"`);
return '';
export const GroupUpdateMessage = (props: PropsForGroupUpdate) => {
const { change, messageId, receivedAt, isUnread } = props;
return (
<NotificationBubble notificationText={ChangeItem(change)} iconType="users" />