
- Removed TODO
- Added some TODO temporary checks that are no-ops for now regarding `-` handling in the `UnaryOpInstr` handler if-branch
parent 561ce505a0
commit 59920286e2

@ -474,8 +474,6 @@ public final class TypeChecker
return false;
// TODO: Add missing coercion for sigend types here
// LiteralValue (integer literal instructions)
else if(cast(LiteralValueFloat)literalInstr)
@ -903,23 +901,46 @@ public final class TypeChecker
/* TODO: I guess any type fr */
// TODO: Note below is a legitimately good question, given a type
// ... <valueType>, what does applying a `-` infront of it (`-<valueType>`)
// ... mean in terms of its type?
// ... Does it remain the same type? We ask because of literal encoding.
// ... I believe the best way forward would be specifically to handle
// ... cases where `cast(LiteralValue)expInstr` is true here - just
// ... as we had the special handling for it in `NumberLiteral` statements
// ... before.
// if(cast(LiteralValue)expInstr)
// {
// LiteralValue literalValue = cast(LiteralValue)expInstr;
// }
if(unaryOperator == SymbolType.SUB)
// TODO: Note below is a legitimately good question, given a type
// ... <valueType>, what does applying a `-` infront of it (`-<valueType>`)
// ... mean in terms of its type?
// ... Does it remain the same type? We ask because of literal encoding.
// ... I believe the best way forward would be specifically to handle
// ... cases where `cast(LiteralValue)expInstr` is true here - just
// ... as we had the special handling for it in `NumberLiteral` statements
// ... before.
LiteralValue literalValue = cast(LiteralValue)expInstr;
string literalValueStr = literalValue.getLiteralValue();
ulong literalValueNumber = to!(ulong)(literalValueStr); // TODO: Add a conv check for overflow
if(literalValueNumber >= 9_223_372_036_854_775_808)
// TODO: I don't think we are meant to be doing the below, atleast for coercive cases
// TODO: make this error nicer
// throw new TypeCheckerException(this, TypeCheckerException.TypecheckError.GENERAL_ERROR, "Cannot represent -"~literalValueStr~" as too big");
// TODO: Check case of literal being 9223372036854775808 or above
// ... and having a `-` infront of it, then disallow
unaryOpType = expType;
// TODO: Remove the below (just for now)
unaryOpType = expType;
// Else just copy the tyoe of the expInstr over
unaryOpType = expType;
// Else just copy the tyoe of the expInstr over
unaryOpType = expType;
/* If pointer dereference */
else if(unaryOperator == SymbolType.STAR)
