Small docs

- Added code insertion
Tristan B. V. Kildaire 2 months ago
parent 0f3dfcd545
commit a603db0b2b

@ -302,6 +302,7 @@ The second set of methods relate to the resolution facilities made available whi
| `resolveWithin(Container, Predicate!(Entity))` | `Entity` | Performs a horizontal-level search of the given `Container`, returning a found `Entity` when the predicate supplied returns a positive verdict on said entity then we return it. |
| `resolveUp(Container, Predicate!(Entity))` | `Entity` | Performs a horizontal-based search of the given `Container`, returning the first `Entity` found when a positive verdict is returned from having the provided predicate applied to it. If the verdict is `false` then we do not give up immediately but rather recurse up the parental tree searching the container of the current container and applying the same logic. |
| `resolveBest(Container, string)` | `Entity` | This will do a best effort search starting for an entity with the given name. The search will start from the given container and perform a search within it, in the case no such entity is found there then it will recurse upwards, stopping when you reach the program-level. This also handles special cases such as dotted-paths, it can decode them and follow the trail to the intended entity. In the case that the container given is a `Program` then each name must either be solely a module name or a dotted-path beginning with one. In this mode nothing else is accepted, it effectively an absolute downwards (rather than potentially upwards search). |
| `findContainerOfType(TypeInfo_Class, Statement)` | `Container` | Given a type-of `Container` and a starting `Statement` (AST node) this will swim upwards to try and find the first matching parent of which is of the given type (exactly, not kind-of). |
Only the important methods here will be mentioned. Methods pertaining to certain single-item return and predicate generation will not. For those please go examine the source code; see `resolution.d` for those codes.
@ -737,6 +738,75 @@ else
#### How finding a container of a concrete type works
It is sometimes of use to be able to find a _container_ of a _given type_. This is something the other methods do not really consider, for them the _container anchoring point_ and the _name_ are well known. There are however cases whereby one may one want to find a _container_ of a certain type given a starting _statement_ - this is what this method provides.
Taking a look at the method definition below:
Container findContainerOfType
TypeInfo_Class containerType,
Statement startingNode
1. _If_ the `startingNode` _is_ `null` then we return with `null`
2. _If_ the `typeid(startingNode)`, that is the actual type of `startingNode`, is equal to that of the `containerType` then we return the `startingNode` casted to a `Container`. This is a match on first-call with no swimming upwards.
3. _Else_ we find the _parent of_ the `startingNode` and recurse to this method using `findContainerOfType(containerType, cast(Container)startingNode.parentOf())`. This is a case of us finding the starting node's parent, and then re-applying the logic, hence swimming up in hopes we find the match somewhere above.
This is a relatively simple algorithm and the implementation is shown below:
```{.d .numberLines}
"findContainerOfType(TypeInfo_Class, Statement): StmtStart: %s",
"findContainerOfType(TypeInfo_Class, Statement): StmtStart (type): %s",
// If the given AST object is null, return null
if(startingNode is null)
return null;
// If the given AST object's type is of the type given
else if(typeid(startingNode) == containerType)
// Sanity check: You should not be calling
// with a TypeInfo_Class referring to a non-`Container`
return cast(Container)startingNode;
// If not, swim up to the parent
"parent of %s is %s",
return findContainerOfType(containerType, cast(Statement)startingNode.parentOf());
### Worked examples
Given a program with a single module `resolution_test_1` as follows:
