Merge branch 'loops' into vardec_varass_dependency

commit edc81ee651

@ -271,6 +271,74 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
return emit;
* While loops (WhileLoopInstruction)
* TODO: Add do-while check
else if(cast(WhileLoopInstruction)instruction)
WhileLoopInstruction whileLoopInstr = cast(WhileLoopInstruction)instruction;
BranchInstruction branchInstr = whileLoopInstr.getBranchInstruction();
Value conditionInstr = branchInstr.getConditionInstr();
Instruction[] bodyInstructions = branchInstr.getBodyInstructions();
string emit;
/* Generate the `while(<expr>)` and opening curly brace */
emit = "while("~transform(conditionInstr)~")\n";
/* Transform each body statement */
foreach(Instruction curBodyInstr; bodyInstructions)
/* Closing curly brace */
return emit;
* For loops (ForLoopInstruction)
else if(cast(ForLoopInstruction)instruction)
ForLoopInstruction forLoopInstr = cast(ForLoopInstruction)instruction;
BranchInstruction branchInstruction = forLoopInstr.getBranchInstruction();
Value conditionInstr = branchInstruction.getConditionInstr();
Instruction[] bodyInstructions = branchInstruction.getBodyInstructions();
string emit = "for(";
// Emit potential pre-run instruction
emit ~= forLoopInstr.hasPreRunInstruction() ? transform(forLoopInstr.getPreRunInstruction()) : ";";
// Condition
emit ~= transform(conditionInstr)~";";
// NOTE: We are leaving the post-iteration blank due to us including it in the body
// TODO: We can hoist bodyInstructions[$] maybe if we want to generate it as C-for-loops
// if(forLoopInstr.hasPostIterationInstruction())
emit ~= ")\n";
// Open curly (begin body)
/* Transform each body statement */
foreach(Instruction curBodyInstr; bodyInstructions)
// Close curly (body end)
return emit;
return "<TODO: Base emit: "~to!(string)(instruction)~">";
@ -451,17 +519,49 @@ public final class DCodeEmitter : CodeEmitter
//TODO: Implement me
// Test for `simple_functions.t` (function call testing)
if(cmp(typeChecker.getModule().getName(), "simple_functions") == 0)
// NOTE: Remove this printf
// NOTE: The below is testing code and should be removed
int main()
assert(t_7b6d477c5859059f16bc9da72fc8cc3b == 22);
printf("k: %u\n", t_7b6d477c5859059f16bc9da72fc8cc3b);
assert(t_7b6d477c5859059f16bc9da72fc8cc3b == 72);
printf("k: %u\n", t_7b6d477c5859059f16bc9da72fc8cc3b);
return 0;
else if(cmp(typeChecker.getModule().getName(), "simple_while") == 0)
int main()
int result = function(3);
printf("result: %d\n", result);
assert(result == 3);
return 0;
else if(cmp(typeChecker.getModule().getName(), "simple_for_loops") == 0)
int main()
int result = function(3);
printf("result: %d\n", result);
assert(result == 3);
return 0;

@ -318,6 +318,60 @@ public final class IfStatementInstruction : Instruction
public final class WhileLoopInstruction : Instruction
private BranchInstruction branchInstruction;
this(BranchInstruction branchInstruction)
this.branchInstruction = branchInstruction;
addInfo = "Branch: "~to!(string)(branchInstruction);
public BranchInstruction getBranchInstruction()
return branchInstruction;
public final class ForLoopInstruction : Instruction
private Instruction preRunInstruction;
private BranchInstruction branchInstruction;
private bool hasPostIterate;
this(BranchInstruction branchInstruction, Instruction preRunInstruction = null, bool hasPostIterate = false)
this.branchInstruction = branchInstruction;
this.preRunInstruction = preRunInstruction;
addInfo = (hasPreRunInstruction() ? "PreRun: "~to!(string)(preRunInstruction)~", " : "")~"Branch: "~to!(string)(branchInstruction);
this.hasPostIterate = hasPostIterate;
public bool hasPostIterationInstruction()
return hasPostIterate;
public Instruction getPreRunInstruction()
return preRunInstruction;
public bool hasPreRunInstruction()
return !(preRunInstruction is null);
public BranchInstruction getBranchInstruction()
return branchInstruction;
public final class BranchInstruction : Instruction
private Value branchConditionInstr;

@ -217,15 +217,19 @@ public final class Parser
/* Create the if statement with the branches */
ifStmt = new IfStatement(branches);
/* Parent the branches to the IfStatement */
parentToContainer(ifStmt, cast(Statement[])branches);
return ifStmt;
private void parseWhile()
private WhileLoop parseWhile()
gprintln("parseWhile(): Enter", DebugType.WARNING);
Expression branchCondition;
Statement[] branchBody;
/* Pop off the `while` */
@ -234,22 +238,154 @@ public final class Parser
/* Parse an expression (for the condition) */
branchCondition = parseExpression();
expect(SymbolType.RBRACE, getCurrentToken());
/* Openening { */
/* Opening { */
expect(SymbolType.OCURLY, getCurrentToken());
/* Parse the while' statement's body AND expect a closing curly */
branchBody = parseBody();
expect(SymbolType.CCURLY, getCurrentToken());
/* Create a Branch node coupling the condition and body statements */
Branch branch = new Branch(branchCondition, branchBody);
/* Parent the branchBody to the branch */
parentToContainer(branch, branchBody);
/* Create the while loop with the single branch */
WhileLoop whileLoop = new WhileLoop(branch);
/* Parent the branch to the WhileLoop */
parentToContainer(whileLoop, [branch]);
gprintln("parseWhile(): Leave", DebugType.WARNING);
return whileLoop;
public VariableAssignmentStdAlone parseAssignment()
private WhileLoop parseDoWhile()
gprintln("parseDoWhile(): Enter", DebugType.WARNING);
Expression branchCondition;
Statement[] branchBody;
/* Pop off the `do` */
/* Expect an opening curly `{` */
expect(SymbolType.OCURLY, getCurrentToken());
/* Parse the do-while statement's body AND expect a closing curly */
branchBody = parseBody();
expect(SymbolType.CCURLY, getCurrentToken());
/* Expect a `while` */
expect(SymbolType.WHILE, getCurrentToken());
/* Expect an opening brace `(` */
expect(SymbolType.LBRACE, getCurrentToken());
/* Parse the condition */
branchCondition = parseExpression();
expect(SymbolType.RBRACE, getCurrentToken());
/* Expect a semicolon */
expect(SymbolType.SEMICOLON, getCurrentToken());
/* Create a Branch node coupling the condition and body statements */
Branch branch = new Branch(branchCondition, branchBody);
/* Parent the branchBody to the branch */
parentToContainer(branch, branchBody);
/* Create the while loop with the single branch and marked as a do-while loop */
WhileLoop whileLoop = new WhileLoop(branch, true);
/* Parent the branch to the WhileLoop */
parentToContainer(whileLoop, [branch]);
gprintln("parseDoWhile(): Leave", DebugType.WARNING);
return whileLoop;
// TODO: Finish implementing this
// TODO: We need to properly parent and build stuff
// TODO: We ASSUME there is always pre-run, condition and post-iteration
public ForLoop parseFor()
gprintln("parseFor(): Enter", DebugType.WARNING);
Expression branchCondition;
Statement[] branchBody;
/* Pop of the token `for` */
/* Expect an opening smooth brace `(` */
expect(SymbolType.LBRACE, getCurrentToken());
/* Expect a single Statement */
// TODO: Make optional, add parser lookahead check
Statement preRunStatement = parseStatement();
/* Expect an expression */
// TODO: Make optional, add parser lookahead check
branchCondition = parseExpression();
/* Expect a semi-colon, then move on */
expect(SymbolType.SEMICOLON, getCurrentToken());
/* Expect a post-iteration statement with `)` as terminator */
// TODO: Make optional, add parser lookahead check
Statement postIterationStatement = parseStatement(SymbolType.RBRACE);
/* Expect an opening curly `{` and parse the body */
expect(SymbolType.OCURLY, getCurrentToken());
branchBody = parseBody();
/* Expect a closing curly and move on */
expect(SymbolType.CCURLY, getCurrentToken());
gprintln("Yo: "~getCurrentToken().toString());
/* Create the Branch coupling the body statements (+post iteration statement) and condition */
Branch forBranch = new Branch(branchCondition, branchBody~postIterationStatement);
/* Create the for loop */
ForLoop forLoop = new ForLoop(forBranch, preRunStatement);
// TODO: Set `forLoop.hasPostIterate`
/* Parent the pre-run statement to its for loop */
parentToContainer(forLoop, [preRunStatement]);
/* Parent the body of the branch (body statements + post iteration statement) */
parentToContainer(forBranch, branchBody~postIterationStatement);
/* Parent the Branch to its for loop */
parentToContainer(forLoop, [forBranch]);
gprintln("parseFor(): Leave", DebugType.WARNING);
return forLoop;
public VariableAssignmentStdAlone parseAssignment(SymbolType terminatingSymbol = SymbolType.SEMICOLON)
/* Generated Assignment statement */
VariableAssignmentStdAlone assignment;
@ -267,15 +403,18 @@ public final class Parser
assignment = new VariableAssignmentStdAlone(identifier, assignmentExpression);
/* TODO: Support for (a=1)? */
/* Expect a semicolon */
expect(SymbolType.SEMICOLON, getCurrentToken());
/* Expect a the terminating symbol */
// expect(SymbolType.SEMICOLON, getCurrentToken());
expect(terminatingSymbol, getCurrentToken());
/* Move off terminating symbol */
return assignment;
public Statement parseName()
public Statement parseName(SymbolType terminatingSymbol = SymbolType.SEMICOLON)
Statement ret;
@ -309,7 +448,7 @@ public final class Parser
else if(type == SymbolType.ASSIGN)
ret = parseAssignment();
ret = parseAssignment(terminatingSymbol);
/* Any other case */
@ -500,50 +639,9 @@ public final class Parser
gprintln("parseBody(): SymbolType=" ~ to!(string)(symbol));
/* If it is a type */
if (symbol == SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE)
/* Might be a function, might be a variable, or assignment */
statements ~= parseName();
/* If it is an accessor */
else if (isAccessor(tok))
statements ~= parseAccessor();
/* If it is a modifier */
else if(isModifier(tok))
statements ~= parseInitScope();
/* If it is a branch */
else if (symbol == SymbolType.IF)
statements ~= parseIf();
/* If it is a while loop */
else if (symbol == SymbolType.WHILE)
/* If it is a function call (further inspection needed) */
else if (symbol == SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE)
/* Function calls can have dotted identifiers */
/* If it is closing the body `}` */
else if (symbol == SymbolType.CCURLY)
// gprintln("Error");
// nextToken();
gprintln("parseBody(): Exiting body by }", DebugType.WARNING);
closedBeforeExit = true;
/* If it is a class definition */
else if (symbol == SymbolType.CLASS)
if(symbol == SymbolType.CLASS)
/* Parse the class and add its statements */
statements ~= parseClass();
@ -554,18 +652,17 @@ public final class Parser
/* Parse the struct and add it to the statements */
statements ~= parseStruct();
/* If it is the return keyword */
//TODO: We should add a flag to prevent return being used in generla bodies? or wait we have a non parseBiody already
else if(symbol == SymbolType.RETURN)
/* If it is closing the body `}` */
else if(symbol == SymbolType.CCURLY)
/* Parse the return statement */
statements ~= parseReturn();
gprintln("parseBody(): Exiting body by }", DebugType.WARNING);
closedBeforeExit = true;
/* Error out */
expect("parseBody(): Unknown symbol: " ~ getCurrentToken()
statements ~= parseStatement();
@ -1423,21 +1520,77 @@ public final class Parser
private void parseStatement()
// TODO: This ic currently dead code and ought to be used/implemented
private Statement parseStatement(SymbolType terminatingSymbol = SymbolType.SEMICOLON)
gprintln("parseStatement(): Enter", DebugType.WARNING);
/* TODO: Implement parse statement */
/* Get the token */
Token tok = getCurrentToken();
SymbolType symbol = getSymbolType(tok);
* TODO: We should remove the `;` from parseFuncCall
* And rather do the following here:
* 1. parseFuncCall()
* 2. expect(;)
gprintln("parseStatement(): SymbolType=" ~ to!(string)(symbol));
Statement statement;
/* If it is a type */
if(symbol == SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE)
/* Might be a function, might be a variable, or assignment */
statement = parseName(terminatingSymbol);
/* If it is an accessor */
else if(isAccessor(tok))
statement = parseAccessor();
/* If it is a modifier */
else if(isModifier(tok))
statement = parseInitScope();
/* If it is a branch */
else if(symbol == SymbolType.IF)
statement = parseIf();
/* If it is a while loop */
else if(symbol == SymbolType.WHILE)
statement = parseWhile();
/* If it is a do-while loop */
else if(symbol == SymbolType.DO)
statement = parseDoWhile();
/* If it is a for loop */
else if(symbol == SymbolType.FOR)
statement = parseFor();
/* If it is a function call (further inspection needed) */
else if(symbol == SymbolType.IDENT_TYPE)
/* Function calls can have dotted identifiers */
/* If it is the return keyword */
//TODO: We should add a flag to prevent return being used in generla bodies? or wait we have a non parseBiody already
else if(symbol == SymbolType.RETURN)
/* Parse the return statement */
statement = parseReturn();
/* Error out */
expect("parseStatement(): Unknown symbol: " ~ getCurrentToken().getToken());
gprintln("parseStatement(): Leave", DebugType.WARNING);
return statement;
private FunctionCall parseFuncCall()
@ -1614,75 +1767,9 @@ public final class Parser
// unittest
// {
// /* TODO: Add some unit tests */
// import std.file;
// import std.stdio;
// import compiler.lexer;
// isUnitTest = true;
// string sourceFile = "source/tlang/testing/basic1.t";
// File sourceFileFile;
//; /* TODO: Error handling with ANY file I/O */
// ulong fileSize = sourceFileFile.size();
// byte[] fileBytes;
// fileBytes.length = fileSize;
// fileBytes = sourceFileFile.rawRead(fileBytes);
// sourceFileFile.close();
// /* TODO: Open source file */
// string sourceCode = cast(string)fileBytes;
// // string sourceCode = "hello \"world\"|| ";
// //string sourceCode = "hello \"world\"||"; /* TODO: Implement this one */
// // string sourceCode = "hello;";
// Lexer currentLexer = new Lexer(sourceCode);
// assert(currentLexer.performLex());
// Parser parser = new Parser(currentLexer.getTokens());
// parser.parse();
// }
/* TODO: Add some unit tests */
import std.file;
import std.stdio;
import compiler.lexer;
isUnitTest = true;
// string sourceFile = "source/tlang/testing/basic1.t";
// File sourceFileFile;
//; /* TODO: Error handling with ANY file I/O */
// ulong fileSize = sourceFileFile.size();
// byte[] fileBytes;
// fileBytes.length = fileSize;
// fileBytes = sourceFileFile.rawRead(fileBytes);
// sourceFileFile.close();
// /* TODO: Open source file */
// string sourceCode = cast(string)fileBytes;
// // string sourceCode = "hello \"world\"|| ";
// //string sourceCode = "hello \"world\"||"; /* TODO: Implement this one */
// // string sourceCode = "hello;";
// Lexer currentLexer = new Lexer(sourceCode);
// assert(currentLexer.performLex());
// Parser parser = new Parser(currentLexer.getTokens());
// parser.parse();
* Basic Module test case
@ -1690,23 +1777,10 @@ unittest
import std.stdio;
import compiler.lexer;
string sourceFile = "source/tlang/testing/simple1_module_positive.t";
File sourceFileFile;; /* TODO: Error handling with ANY file I/O */
ulong fileSize = sourceFileFile.size();
byte[] fileBytes;
fileBytes.length = fileSize;
fileBytes = sourceFileFile.rawRead(fileBytes);
string sourceCode = `
module myModule;
/* TODO: Open source file */
string sourceCode = cast(string)fileBytes;
// string sourceCode = "hello \"world\"|| ";
//string sourceCode = "hello \"world\"||"; /* TODO: Implement this one */
// string sourceCode = "hello;";
Lexer currentLexer = new Lexer(sourceCode);
@ -1735,20 +1809,28 @@ unittest
import compiler.lexer;
import compiler.typecheck.core;
string sourceFile = "source/tlang/testing/simple2_name_recognition.t";
File sourceFileFile;; /* TODO: Error handling with ANY file I/O */
ulong fileSize = sourceFileFile.size();
byte[] fileBytes;
fileBytes.length = fileSize;
fileBytes = sourceFileFile.rawRead(fileBytes);
string sourceCode = `
module myModule;
class myClass1
class myClass1_1
int entity;
class myClass2
int inner;
class myClass2
int outer;
/* TODO: Open source file */
string sourceCode = cast(string)fileBytes;
Lexer currentLexer = new Lexer(sourceCode);
@ -1875,4 +1957,417 @@ unittest
* Function definition test case
import std.stdio;
import compiler.lexer;
import compiler.typecheck.core;
string sourceCode = `
module parser_function_def;
int myFunction(int i, int j)
int k = i + j;
return k+1;
Lexer currentLexer = new Lexer(sourceCode);
Parser parser = new Parser(currentLexer.getTokens());
Module modulle = parser.parse();
/* Module name must be parser_while */
assert(cmp(modulle.getName(), "parser_function_def")==0);
TypeChecker tc = new TypeChecker(modulle);
/* Find the function named `myFunction` */
Entity func = tc.getResolver().resolveBest(modulle, "myFunction");
assert(cast(Function)func); // Ensure it is a Funciton
/* Get the function's body */
Container funcContainer = cast(Container)func;
Statement[] functionStatements = funcContainer.getStatements();
// Two parameters, 1 local and a return
assert(functionStatements.length == 4);
/* First statement should be a variable (param) */
VariableParameter varPar1 = cast(VariableParameter)functionStatements[0];
assert(cmp(varPar1.getName(), "i") == 0);
/* Second statement should be a variable (param) */
VariableParameter varPar2 = cast(VariableParameter)functionStatements[1];
assert(cmp(varPar2.getName(), "j") == 0);
/* ThirdFirst statement should be a variable (local) */
Variable varLocal = cast(Variable)functionStatements[2];
assert(cmp(varLocal.getName(), "k") == 0);
/* Last statement should be a return */
catch(TError e)
* While loop test case (nested)
import std.stdio;
import compiler.lexer;
import compiler.typecheck.core;
string sourceCode = `
module parser_while;
void function()
int i = 0;
int p = i;
int f;
Lexer currentLexer = new Lexer(sourceCode);
Parser parser = new Parser(currentLexer.getTokens());
Module modulle = parser.parse();
/* Module name must be parser_while */
assert(cmp(modulle.getName(), "parser_while")==0);
TypeChecker tc = new TypeChecker(modulle);
/* Find the function named `function` */
Entity func = tc.getResolver().resolveBest(modulle, "function");
assert(cast(Function)func); // Ensure it is a Funciton
/* Get the function's body */
Container funcContainer = cast(Container)func;
Statement[] functionStatements = funcContainer.getStatements();
assert(functionStatements.length == 2);
/* Find the while loop within the function's body */
WhileLoop potentialWhileLoop;
foreach(Statement curStatement; functionStatements)
potentialWhileLoop = cast(WhileLoop)curStatement;
/* This must pass if we found the while loop */
/* Grab the branch of the while loop */
Branch whileBranch = potentialWhileLoop.getBranch();
/* Ensure that we have one statement in this branch's body and that it is a Variable and next is a while loop */
Statement[] whileBranchStatements = whileBranch.getStatements();
assert(whileBranchStatements.length == 2);
/* The inner while loop also has a similiar structure, only one variable */
WhileLoop innerLoop = cast(WhileLoop)whileBranchStatements[1];
Branch innerWhileBranch = innerLoop.getBranch();
Statement[] innerWhileBranchStatements = innerWhileBranch.getStatements();
assert(innerWhileBranchStatements.length == 1);
catch(TError e)
* Do-while loop tests (TODO: Add this)
* For loop tests (TODO: Add this)
* While loop test case (nested)
import std.stdio;
import compiler.lexer;
import compiler.typecheck.core;
string sourceCode = `
module parser_for;
void function()
int i = 0;
for(int idx = i; idx < i; idx=idx+1)
i = i + 1;
for(int idxInner = idx; idxInner < idx; idxInner = idxInner +1)
Lexer currentLexer = new Lexer(sourceCode);
Parser parser = new Parser(currentLexer.getTokens());
Module modulle = parser.parse();
/* Module name must be parser_while */
assert(cmp(modulle.getName(), "parser_for")==0);
TypeChecker tc = new TypeChecker(modulle);
/* Find the function named `function` */
Entity func = tc.getResolver().resolveBest(modulle, "function");
assert(cast(Function)func); // Ensure it is a Funciton
/* Get the function's body */
Container funcContainer = cast(Container)func;
Statement[] functionStatements = funcContainer.getStatements();
assert(functionStatements.length == 2);
/* First statement should be a variable declaration */
/* Next statement should be a for loop */
ForLoop outerLoop = cast(ForLoop)functionStatements[1];
/* Get the body of the for-loop which should be [preRun, Branch] */
Statement[] outerLoopBody = outerLoop.getStatements();
assert(outerLoopBody.length == 2);
/* We should have a preRun Statement */
/* The first should be the [preRun, ] which should be a Variable (declaration) */
Variable preRunVarDec = cast(Variable)(outerLoopBody[0]);
/* Next up is the branch */
Branch outerLoopBranch = cast(Branch)outerLoopBody[1];
/* The branch should have a condition */
Expression outerLoopBranchCondition = outerLoopBranch.getCondition();
/* The branch should have a body made up of [varAssStdAlone, forLoop, postIteration] */
Statement[] outerLoopBranchBody = outerLoopBranch.getStatements();
assert(outerLoopBranchBody.length == 3);
/* Check for [varAssStdAlone, ] */
VariableAssignmentStdAlone outerLoopBranchBodyStmt1 = cast(VariableAssignmentStdAlone)outerLoopBranchBody[0];
/* Check for [, forLoop, ] */
ForLoop innerLoop = cast(ForLoop)outerLoopBranchBody[1];
/* Check for [, postIteration] */
VariableAssignmentStdAlone outerLoopBranchBodyStmt3 = cast(VariableAssignmentStdAlone)outerLoopBranchBody[2];
// /* The outer loop should have a Variable as pre-run Statement */
// Statement preRunStatement = outerLoop.getPreLoopStatement();
// assert(preRunStatement);
// assert(cast(Variable)preRunStatement);
// /* The outer loop should have a variable assignment as the post-iteration statement */
// Statement postIrerationStatement = outerLoop.getPreIterationStatement();
// assert(postIrerationStatement);
// assert(cast(VariableAssignmentStdAlone)postIrerationStatement);
// /* Extract the statements of the body of the outer loop */
// Branch outerLoopBranch = outerLoop.getBranch();
// assert(outerLoopBranch);
// Statement[] outerLoopBody = outerLoopBranch.getStatements();
// assert(outerLoopBody.length == 2);
// /* First statement is a VarAssStdAlone */
// assert(cast(VariableAssignmentStdAlone)outerLoopBody[0]);
// /* Second statement is a for loop */
// ForLoop innerLoop = cast(ForLoop)outerLoopBody[1];
// assert(innerLoop);
// /* The inner loop should have a Variable as pre-run Statement */
// Statement innerPreRunStatement = innerLoop.getPreLoopStatement();
// assert(innerPreRunStatement);
// assert(cast(Variable)innerPreRunStatement);
// /* The inner loop should have a variable assignment as the post-iteration statement */
// Statement innerPostIrerationStatement = outerLoop.getPreIterationStatement();
// assert(innerPostIrerationStatement);
// assert(cast(VariableAssignmentStdAlone)innerPostIrerationStatement);
// /* Extract the statements of the body of the inner loop */
// Branch innerLoopBranch = innerLoop.getBranch();
// assert(innerLoopBranch);
// Statement[] innerLoopBody = innerLoopBranch.getStatements();
// assert(innerLoopBody.length == 0);
catch(TError e)
* If statement tests
import std.stdio;
import compiler.lexer;
import compiler.typecheck.core;
string sourceCode = `
module parser_if;
void function()
int i = 0;
int p = -i;
else if(i)
int p = 3+(i*9);
else if(i)
Lexer currentLexer = new Lexer(sourceCode);
Parser parser = new Parser(currentLexer.getTokens());
Module modulle = parser.parse();
/* Module name must be parser_while */
assert(cmp(modulle.getName(), "parser_if")==0);
TypeChecker tc = new TypeChecker(modulle);
/* Find the function named `function` */
Entity func = tc.getResolver().resolveBest(modulle, "function");
assert(cast(Function)func); // Ensure it is a Funciton
/* Get the function's body */
Container funcContainer = cast(Container)func;
Statement[] functionStatements = funcContainer.getStatements();
assert(functionStatements.length == 2);
/* Second statement is an if statemnet */
IfStatement ifStatement = cast(IfStatement)functionStatements[1];
/* Extract the branches (should be 4) */
Branch[] ifStatementBranches = ifStatement.getBranches();
assert(ifStatementBranches.length == 4);
/* First branch should have one statement which is a variable declaration */
Statement[] firstBranchBody = ifStatementBranches[0].getStatements();
assert(firstBranchBody.length == 1);
/* Second branch should have one statement which is a variable declaration */
Statement[] secondBranchBody = ifStatementBranches[1].getStatements();
assert(secondBranchBody.length == 1);
/* Third branch should have no statements */
Statement[] thirdBranchBody = ifStatementBranches[2].getStatements();
assert(thirdBranchBody.length == 0);
/* Forth branch should have no statements */
Statement[] fourthBranchBody = ifStatementBranches[3].getStatements();
assert(fourthBranchBody.length == 0);
// TODO: @Tristan Add this
catch(TError e)

@ -501,6 +501,10 @@ public string getCharacter(SymbolType symbolIn)
return "==";
else if(symbolIn == SymbolType.SMALLER_THAN)
return "<";
gprintln("getCharacter: No back-mapping for "~to!(string)(symbolIn), DebugType.ERROR);

@ -153,10 +153,14 @@ public class Assignment : Statement
/* Declared variables, defined classes and fucntions */
* Entity
* Declared variables, defined classes and functions
public class Entity : Statement
/* Accesor type */
/* Accessor type */
private AccessorType accessorType = AccessorType.PUBLIC;
/* Function/Modifier type */
@ -194,16 +198,6 @@ public class Entity : Statement
return name;
private Entity[] deps;
public Entity[] getDeps()
return deps;
public void addDep(Entity entity)
deps ~= entity;
/* TODO: DO we need intermediary class, TypedEntity */
@ -533,6 +527,12 @@ public final class FunctionCall : Call
* ReturnStmt
* Represents a return statement with an expression
* to be returned
public final class ReturnStmt : Statement
// The Expression being returned
@ -554,6 +554,9 @@ public final class ReturnStmt : Statement
* IfStatement
* Represents an if statement with branches of code
* and conditions per each
public final class IfStatement : Entity, Container
@ -597,6 +600,161 @@ public final class IfStatement : Entity, Container
* WhileLoop
* Represents a while loop with conditional code
public final class WhileLoop : Entity, Container
private Branch branch;
private static ulong whileStmtContainerRollingNameCounter = 0;
public const bool isDoWhile;
* Creates a new While Loop parser node, optionally specifying
* if this is to be interpreted (in-post) as a while-loop
* or do-while loop
* Params:
* branch = The <code>Branch</code> that makes up this while
* loop
* isDoWhile = If <code>true</code> then interpret this as a
* do-while loop, however if <code>false</code>
* then a while-loop (default optional value)
this(Branch branch, bool isDoWhile = false)
this.branch = branch;
this.isDoWhile = isDoWhile;
weight = 2;
public Branch getBranch()
return branch;
public override void addStatement(Statement statement)
// You should only be adding one branch to a while loop
assert(branch is null);
branch = cast(Branch)statement;
public override void addStatements(Statement[] statements)
// Only one Branch in the given input list
assert(statements.length == 1);
// You should only be adding one branch to a while loop
assert(branch is null);
branch = (cast(Branch[])statements)[0];
public override Statement[] getStatements()
return cast(Statement[])[branch];
public override string toString()
return "WhileLoop";
public final class ForLoop : Entity, Container
private Statement preLoopStatement;
private Branch branch;
private bool hasPostIterate;
private static ulong forStmtContainerRollingNameCounter = 0;
* Creates a new For Loop parser node
* Params:
* preLoopStatement = The <code>Statement</code> to run before
* beginning the first iteration
* branch = The <code>Branch</code> that makes up this for
* loop
this(Branch branch, Statement preLoopStatement = null, bool hasPostIterate = false)
this.preLoopStatement = preLoopStatement;
this.branch = branch;
this.hasPostIterate = hasPostIterate;
weight = 2;
public bool hasPostIterateStatement()
return hasPostIterate;
public bool hasPreRunStatement()
return !(preLoopStatement is null);
public Branch getBranch()
return branch;
public Statement getPreRunStatement()
return preLoopStatement;
public override void addStatement(Statement statement)
// You should only be adding one branch to a for loop
assert(branch is null);
branch = cast(Branch)statement;
public override void addStatements(Statement[] statements)
// Only one Branch in the given input list
assert(statements.length == 1);
// You should only be adding one branch to a for loop
assert(branch is null);
branch = (cast(Branch[])statements)[0];
public override Statement[] getStatements()
// If there is a pre-run statement then prepend it
return cast(Statement[])[preLoopStatement, branch];
// If not, then just the Branch container
return cast(Statement[])[branch];
public override string toString()
return "ForLoop";
* Branch
@ -613,6 +771,15 @@ public final class Branch : Entity, Container
private static ulong branchContainerRollingNameCounter = 0;
* Creates a new Branch which will couple a condition
* as an instance of <code>Expression</code> and a body
* of <code>Statement</code>(s) apart of it
* Params:
* condition = The condition as an <code>Expression</code>
* branch = The body of <code>Statement</code>(s) making up the branch
this(Expression condition, Statement[] branch)
@ -620,7 +787,6 @@ public final class Branch : Entity, Container
this.branchCondition = condition;
this.branchBody = branch;
@ -634,18 +800,22 @@ public final class Branch : Entity, Container
return !(branchCondition is null);
* Returns the condition of the branch
* Returns: The condition as an instance of <code>Expression</code>
public Expression getCondition()
return branchCondition;
public Statement[] getBody()
return branchBody;
public override void addStatement(Statement statement)
branchBody ~= statement;

@ -955,7 +955,7 @@ public final class TypeChecker
// TODO: Reverse the list to be in the correct order (it was computed backwards)
// Reverse the list to be in the correct order (it was computed backwards)
@ -971,6 +971,103 @@ public final class TypeChecker
* While loop (WhileLoop)
else if(cast(WhileLoop)statement)
WhileLoop whileLoop = cast(WhileLoop)statement;
// FIXME: Do-while loops are still being considered in terms of dependency construction
gprintln("Still looking at dependency construction in this thing (do while loops )");
Branch branch = whileLoop.getBranch();
/* The condition `Value` instruction should be on the stack */
Value valueInstrCondition = cast(Value)popInstr();
/* Process the body of the while-loop with tail-popping followed by a reverse */
Instruction[] bodyInstructions;
ulong bodyLen = branch.getBody().length;
ulong bodyIdx = 0;
while(bodyIdx < bodyLen)
Instruction bodyInstr = tailPopInstr();
// Reverse the list to be in the correct order (it was computed backwards)
// Create a branch instruction coupling the condition instruction + body instructions (in corrected order)
BranchInstruction branchInstr = new BranchInstruction(valueInstrCondition, bodyInstructions);
* Code gen
* 1. Create the WhileLoopInstruction containing the BranchInstruction
* 2. Set the context
* 3. Add the instruction
WhileLoopInstruction whileLoopInstruction = new WhileLoopInstruction(branchInstr);
whileLoopInstruction.context = whileLoop.getContext();
* For loop (ForLoop)
else if(cast(ForLoop)statement)
ForLoop forLoop = cast(ForLoop)statement;
/* Pop-off the Value-instruction for the condition */
Value valueInstrCondition = cast(Value)popInstr();
/* Calculate the number of instructions representing the body to tailPopInstr() */
ulong bodyTailPopNumber = forLoop.getBranch().getStatements().length;
gprintln("bodyTailPopNumber: "~to!(string)(bodyTailPopNumber));
/* Pop off the body instructions, then reverse final list */
Instruction[] bodyInstructions;
for(ulong idx = 0; idx < bodyTailPopNumber; idx++)
bodyInstructions ~= tailPopInstr();
bodyInstructions = reverse(bodyInstructions);
// Create a branch instruction coupling the condition instruction + body instructions (in corrected order)
BranchInstruction branchInstr = new BranchInstruction(valueInstrCondition, bodyInstructions);
/* If there is a pre-run instruction */
Instruction preRunInstruction;
preRunInstruction = tailPopInstr();
* Code gen
* 1. Create the ForLoopInstruction containing the BranchInstruction and
* preRunInstruction
* 2. Set the context
* 3. Add the instruction
ForLoopInstruction forLoopInstruction = new ForLoopInstruction(branchInstr, preRunInstruction);
forLoopInstruction.context = forLoop.context;
/* Branch */
else if(cast(Branch)statement)

@ -1134,6 +1134,362 @@ public class DNodeGenerator
return newDNode;
// TODO: Work in progress
private DNode generalStatement(Container c, Context context, Statement entity)
// /* Pool the container as `node` */
// Entity namedContainer = cast(Entity)c;
// assert(namedContainer);
// DNode node = pool(namedContainer);
* Variable paremeters (for functions)
VariableParameter varParamDec = cast(VariableParameter)entity;
// Set context
// Pool and mark as visited
// NOTE: I guess for now use VariableDNode as that is what is used in expressionPass
// with the poolT! constrcutor, doing otherwise causes a cast failure and hence
// null: /git/tlang/tlang/issues/52#issuecomment-325
DNode dnode = poolT!(VariableNode, Variable)(varParamDec);
return null;
* Variable declarations
else if(cast(Variable)entity)
/* Get the Variable and information */
Variable variable = cast(Variable)entity;
/* TODO: 25Oct new */
// Context d = new Context( cast(Container)modulle, InitScope.STATIC);
/* TODO: Above 25oct new */
Type variableType = tc.getType(c, variable.getType());
assert(variableType); /* TODO: Handle invalid variable type */
DNode variableDNode = poolT!(StaticVariableDeclaration, Variable)(variable);
writeln("VarType: "~to!(string)(variableType));
/* Basic type */
/* Do nothing */
/* Class-type */
else if(cast(Clazz)variableType)
writeln("Literally hello");
/* Get the static class dependency */
ClassStaticNode classDependency = classPassStatic(cast(Clazz)variableType);
/* Make this variable declaration depend on static initalization of the class */
/* Struct-type */
else if(cast(Struct)variableType)
/* Anything else */
/* This should never happen */
/* Set as visited */
/* If there is an assignment attached to this */
/* Extract the assignment */
VariableAssignment varAssign = variable.getAssignment();
/* Set the Context of the assignment to the current context */
/* Pool the assignment to get a DNode */
DNode expressionNode = expressionPass(varAssign.getExpression(), context);
/* This assignment depends on an expression being evaluated */
VariableAssignmentNode varAssignNode = new VariableAssignmentNode(this, varAssign);
/* The variable declaration is dependant on the assignment */
/* The current container is dependent on this variable declaration */
// node.needs(variableDNode);
return variableDNode;
* Variable asignments
else if(cast(VariableAssignmentStdAlone)entity)
VariableAssignmentStdAlone vAsStdAl = cast(VariableAssignmentStdAlone)entity;
/* TODO: CHeck avriable name even */
gprintln("YEAST ENJOYER");
// FIXME: The below assert fails for function definitions trying to refer to global values
// as a reoslveBest (up) is needed. We should firstly check if within fails, if so,
// resolveBest, if that fails, then it is an error (see #46)
assert(tc.getResolver().resolveBest(c, vAsStdAl.getVariableName()));
gprintln("YEAST ENJOYER");
Variable variable = cast(Variable)tc.getResolver().resolveBest(c, vAsStdAl.getVariableName());
/* Pool the variable */
DNode varDecDNode = pool(variable);
/* TODO: Make sure a DNode exists (implying it's been declared already) */
/* Pool varass stdalone */
DNode vStdAlDNode = pool(vAsStdAl);
// node.needs(vStdAlDNode);
DNode expression = expressionPass(vAsStdAl.getExpression(), context);
return vStdAlDNode;
Parser.expect("Cannot reference variable "~vAsStdAl.getVariableName()~" which exists but has not been declared yet");
return null;
* Function definitions
else if(cast(Function)entity)
// /* Grab the function */
Function func = cast(Function)entity;
/* Add funtion definition */
addFunctionDef(tc, func);
return null;
* Return statement
else if(cast(ReturnStmt)entity)
ReturnStmt returnStatement = cast(ReturnStmt)entity;
DNode returnStatementDNode = pool(returnStatement);
/* Process the return expression */
Expression returnExpression = returnStatement.getReturnExpression();
DNode returnExpressionDNode = expressionPass(returnExpression, context);
/* Make return depend on the return expression */
/* Make this container depend on this return statement */
// node.needs(returnStatementDNode);
return returnStatementDNode;
* If statements
else if(cast(IfStatement)entity)
IfStatement ifStatement = cast(IfStatement)entity;
DNode ifStatementDNode = pool(ifStatement);
/* Add each branch as a dependency */
foreach(Branch branch; ifStatement.getBranches())
DNode branchDNode = pool(branch);
// Set context of branch (it is parented by the IfStmt)
// NOTE: This is dead code as the above is done by Parser and
// we need not set context here, only matters at the generalPass
// call later (context being passed in) as a starting point
branch.setContext(new Context(ifStatement, context.initScope));
// Extract the potential branch condition
Expression branchCondition = branch.getCondition();
// Check if this branch has a condition
if(!(branchCondition is null))
// We use container of IfStmt and nt IfStmt otself as nothing can really be
// contained in it that the condition expression would be able to lookup
DNode branchConditionDNode = expressionPass(branchCondition, context);
gprintln("branch parentOf(): "~to!(string)(branch.parentOf()));
gprintln("branch generalPass(context="~to!(string)(context.getContainer())~")");
// When generalPass()'ing a branch's body we don't want to pass in `context`
// as that is containing the branch container and hence we skip anything IN the
// branch container
// NOTE: Check initScope
Context branchContext = new Context(branch, context.initScope);
DNode branchStatementsDNode = generalPass(branch, branchContext);
/* Make the if statement depend on this branch */
/* Make this container depend on this if statement */
// node.needs(ifStatementDNode);
return ifStatementDNode;
* While loops
else if(cast(WhileLoop)entity)
WhileLoop whileLoopStmt = cast(WhileLoop)entity;
DNode whileLoopDNode = pool(whileLoopStmt);
// Extract the branch (body Statement[] + condition)
Branch whileBranch = whileLoopStmt.getBranch();
DNode branchDNode = pool(whileBranch);
gprintln("Branch: "~to!(string)(whileBranch));
// If this is a while-loop
// Extract the condition
Expression branchCondition = whileBranch.getCondition();
// Pass the expression
DNode branchConditionDNode = expressionPass(branchCondition, context);
// Make the branch dependent on this expression's evaluation
// Now pass over the statements in the branch's body
Context branchContext = new Context(whileBranch, InitScope.STATIC);
DNode branchBodyDNode = generalPass(whileBranch, branchContext);
// Finally make the branchDNode depend on the body dnode (above)
// If this is a do-while loop
// TODO: I don't think we really need to reverse this?
// Logically we should, but the typechecker will add this things in the correct order anyways?
// We need to look into this!
// Our nodes at the back will always be placed at the back, and the expression will end ip upfront
// i think it is a problem oif maybe other expressions are left on the stack but is that ever a problem
//now with the statement <-> instruction mapping (like will that ever even occur?)
// Pass over the statements in the branch's body
Context branchContext = new Context(whileBranch, InitScope.STATIC);
DNode branchBodyDNode = generalPass(whileBranch, branchContext);
// Make the branchDNode depend on the body dnode (above)
// Extract the condition
Expression branchCondition = whileBranch.getCondition();
// Pass the expression
DNode branchConditionDNode = expressionPass(branchCondition, context);
// Make the branch dependent on this expression's evaluation
/* Make the while-loop/do-while loop depend on the branchDNode */
/* Make the node of this generalPass we are in depend on the whileLoop's DNode */
// node.needs(whileLoopDNode);
return whileLoopDNode;
* For loops
else if(cast(ForLoop)entity)
ForLoop forLoop = cast(ForLoop)entity;
DNode forLoopDNode = pool(forLoop);
// Check for a pre-run statement
Statement preRunStatement = forLoop.getPreRunStatement();
DNode preRunStatementDNode = generalStatement(c, context, preRunStatement);
// Get the branch
Branch forLoopBranch = forLoop.getBranch();
Expression forLoopCondition = forLoopBranch.getCondition();
// TODO: The below context won't work until we make the `preLoopStatement` (and maybe `postIterationStatement`??)
// a part of the body of the for-loop (see issue #78)
// Pass over the condition expression
DNode forLoopConditionDNode = expressionPass(forLoopCondition, new Context(forLoop, InitScope.STATIC));
// TODO: What we need here now is effectively the equivalent of the Parser's `parseStatement()`
// (i.e. for a single statement), so this body of code should be `generalStatement(Container, Context, Statement)`
// and should be called within this loop
// We want to generalPass the Branch Container and the context if within the Branch container
DNode branchDNode = generalPass(forLoopBranch, new Context(forLoopBranch, InitScope.STATIC));
return forLoopDNode;
return null;
* Performs a general pass over the Statement(s) in the given container
* and with the given Context
* Params:
* c = the Container on which to pass through all of its elements
* context = the Context to use for the pass
* Returns: a DNode for the Container c
private DNode generalPass(Container c, Context context)
Entity namedContainer = cast(Entity)c;
@ -1189,218 +1545,16 @@ public class DNodeGenerator
// continue;
// }
* Variable paremeters (for functions)
VariableParameter varParamDec = cast(VariableParameter)entity;
// Set context
// Pool and mark as visited
// NOTE: I guess for now use VariableDNode as that is what is used in expressionPass
// with the poolT! constrcutor, doing otherwise causes a cast failure and hence
// null: /git/tlang/tlang/issues/52#issuecomment-325
DNode dnode = poolT!(VariableNode, Variable)(varParamDec);
* Variable declarations
else if(cast(Variable)entity)
/* Get the Variable and information */
Variable variable = cast(Variable)entity;
/* TODO: 25Oct new */
// Context d = new Context( cast(Container)modulle, InitScope.STATIC);
/* TODO: Above 25oct new */
Type variableType = tc.getType(c, variable.getType());
assert(variableType); /* TODO: Handle invalid variable type */
DNode variableDNode = poolT!(StaticVariableDeclaration, Variable)(variable);
writeln("VarType: "~to!(string)(variableType));
/* Basic type */
/* Do nothing */
/* Class-type */
else if(cast(Clazz)variableType)
writeln("Literally hello");
/* Get the static class dependency */
ClassStaticNode classDependency = classPassStatic(cast(Clazz)variableType);
/* Make this variable declaration depend on static initalization of the class */
/* Struct-type */
else if(cast(Struct)variableType)
/* Anything else */
/* This should never happen */
/* Set as visited */
/* If there is an assignment attached to this */
/* Extract the assignment */
VariableAssignment varAssign = variable.getAssignment();
/* Set the Context of the assignment to the current context */
/* Pool the assignment to get a DNode */
DNode expressionNode = expressionPass(varAssign.getExpression(), context);
/* This assignment depends on an expression being evaluated */
VariableAssignmentNode varAssignNode = new VariableAssignmentNode(this, varAssign);
/* The variable declaration is dependant on the assignment */
/* The current container is dependent on this variable declaration */
* Variable asignments
else if(cast(VariableAssignmentStdAlone)entity)
VariableAssignmentStdAlone vAsStdAl = cast(VariableAssignmentStdAlone)entity;
/* TODO: CHeck avriable name even */
gprintln("YEAST ENJOYER");
// FIXME: The below assert fails for function definitions trying to refer to global values
// as a reoslveBest (up) is needed. We should firstly check if within fails, if so,
// resolveBest, if that fails, then it is an error (see #46)
assert(tc.getResolver().resolveBest(c, vAsStdAl.getVariableName()));
gprintln("YEAST ENJOYER");
Variable variable = cast(Variable)tc.getResolver().resolveBest(c, vAsStdAl.getVariableName());
/* Pool the variable */
DNode varDecDNode = pool(variable);
/* TODO: Make sure a DNode exists (implying it's been declared already) */
/* Pool varass stdalone */
DNode vStdAlDNode = pool(vAsStdAl);
DNode expression = expressionPass(vAsStdAl.getExpression(), context);
Parser.expect("Cannot reference variable "~vAsStdAl.getVariableName()~" which exists but has not been declared yet");
* Function definitions
else if(cast(Function)entity)
DNode statementDNode = generalStatement(c, context, entity);
if(statementDNode is null)
// /* Grab the function */
Function func = cast(Function)entity;
/* Add funtion definition */
addFunctionDef(tc, func);
gprintln("Not adding dependency '"~to!(string)(statementDNode)~"' as it is null");
* Return statement
else if(cast(ReturnStmt)entity)
ReturnStmt returnStatement = cast(ReturnStmt)entity;
DNode returnStatementDNode = pool(returnStatement);
/* Process the return expression */
Expression returnExpression = returnStatement.getReturnExpression();
DNode returnExpressionDNode = expressionPass(returnExpression, context);
/* Make return depend on the return expression */
/* Make this container depend on this return statement */
* If statements
else if(cast(IfStatement)entity)
IfStatement ifStatement = cast(IfStatement)entity;
DNode ifStatementDNode = pool(ifStatement);
/* Add each branch as a dependency */
foreach(Branch branch; ifStatement.getBranches())
DNode branchDNode = pool(branch);
// Set context of branch (it is parented by the IfStmt)
// NOTE: This is dead code as the above is done by Parser and
// we need not set context here, only matters at the generalPass
// call later (context being passed in) as a starting point
branch.setContext(new Context(ifStatement, context.initScope));
// Extract the potential branch condition
Expression branchCondition = branch.getCondition();
// Check if this branch has a condition
if(!(branchCondition is null))
// We use container of IfStmt and nt IfStmt otself as nothing can really be
// contained in it that the condition expression would be able to lookup
DNode branchConditionDNode = expressionPass(branchCondition, context);
gprintln("branch parentOf(): "~to!(string)(branch.parentOf()));
gprintln("branch generalPass(context="~to!(string)(context.getContainer())~")");
// When generalPass()'ing a branch's body we don't want to pass in `context`
// as that is containing the branch container and hence we skip anything IN the
// branch container
// NOTE: Check initScope
Context branchContext = new Context(branch, context.initScope);
DNode branchStatementsDNode = generalPass(branch, branchContext);
/* Make the if statement depend on this branch */
/* Make this container depend on this if statement */
return node;

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
module simple_do_while;
int function(int i)
int test = 2;
i = i - 1;
test = test + i;
return test;

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
module simple_for_loops;
int function(int i)
int test = 0;
for(int idx = 0; idx < i; idx=idx+1)
test = test + 1;
return test;

@ -1,11 +1,20 @@
module simple_while;
int main()
int function(int i)
int j = 0;
while(j < 10)
int test = 0;
j = j + 1;
int p = 1;
int f = 2;
f = p+f;
i = i - 1;
test = i + test;
int j = 2;
return test;