module tlang.compiler.codegen.instruction; import std.conv : to; import tlang.compiler.typecheck.dependency.core : Context; import std.string : cmp; import : SymbolType; import tlang.compiler.symbols.check : getCharacter; import gogga; import tlang.compiler.symbols.typing.core : Type; public class Instruction { /* Context for the Instruction (used in emitter for name resolution) */ private Context context; //TODO: Make this private and add a setCOntext protected string addInfo; public override string toString() { return "[Instruction: "":"~addInfo~"]"; } private final string produceToStrEnclose(string addInfo) { return "[Instruction: "":"~addInfo~"]"; } public final Context getContext() { return context; } public final void setContext(Context context) { this.context = context; } } public class FetchInst : Instruction { } public class Value : Instruction { /* The type of the Value this instruction produces */ private Type type; public final void setInstrType(Type type) { this.type = type; } public final Type getInstrType() { return type; } } public class StorageDeclaration : Instruction { } public class ClassStaticInitAllocate : Instruction { this(string className) { addInfo = "classStaticInitAllocate: "~className; } } public class VariableAssignmentInstr : Instruction { /* Name of variable being declared */ public string varName; /*TODO: Might not be needed */ public Value data; this(string varName, Value data) { this.varName = varName; = data; addInfo = "assignTo: "~varName~", valInstr: "~data.toString(); } } public final class VariableDeclaration : StorageDeclaration { /* Name of variable being declared */ public const string varName; /* Length */ public const byte length; /* Type of the variable being declared */ public const Type varType; /* Value-instruction to be assigned */ private Value varAssInstr; //TODO: This must take in type information this(string varName, byte len, Type varType, Value varAssInstr) { this.varName = varName; this.length = len; this.varType = varType; this.varAssInstr = varAssInstr; addInfo = "varName: "~varName; } public Value getAssignmentInstr() { return varAssInstr; } } public final class FetchValueVar : Value { /* Name of variable to fetch from */ public string varName; /* Length */ public byte length; this(string varName, byte len) { this.varName = varName; this.length = len; addInfo = "fetchVarValName: "~varName~", VarLen: "~to!(string)(length); } } /* Used for integers */ public final class LiteralValue : Value { /* Data */ private string data; this(string data, Type type) { = data; this.type = type; addInfo = "Data: "~to!(string)(data)~", Type: "~to!(string)(type); } public string getLiteralValue() { return data; } public override string toString() { return produceToStrEnclose("Data: "~to!(string)(data)~", Type: "~to!(string)(type)); } } public final class LiteralValueFloat : Value { /* Data */ private string data; this(string data, Type type) { = data; this.type = type; addInfo = "Data: "~to!(string)(data)~", Type: "~to!(string)(type); } public string getLiteralValue() { return data; } public override string toString() { return produceToStrEnclose("Data: "~to!(string)(data)~", Type: "~to!(string)(type)); } } /* FIXME: Implement this */ /** * TODO: This should take in: * * 1. The string literal * 2. It should assign it to an interning pool and get the ID (associate one with the string literal if equal/in-the-pool) */ public final class StringLiteral : Value { /* String interning pool */ private static int[string] internmentCamp; private static int rollCount = 0; private string stringLiteral; this(string stringLiteral) { this.stringLiteral = stringLiteral; /* Intern the string */ intern(stringLiteral); addInfo = "StrLit: `"~stringLiteral~"`, InternID: "~to!(string)(intern(stringLiteral)); } public static int intern(string strLit) { /* Search for the string (if it exists return it's pool ID) */ foreach(string curStrLit; internmentCamp.keys()) { if(cmp(strLit, curStrLit) == 0) { return internmentCamp[strLit]; } } /* If not, create a new entry (pool it) and return */ internmentCamp[strLit] = rollCount; rollCount++; /* TODO: Overflow check */ return rollCount-1; } public string getStringLiteral() { return stringLiteral; } } /** * BinOpInstr instruction * * Any sort of Binary Operator */ public class BinOpInstr : Value { public const Value lhs; public const Value rhs; public const SymbolType operator; this(Value lhs, Value rhs, SymbolType operator) { this.lhs = lhs; this.rhs = rhs; this.operator = operator; addInfo = "BinOpType: "~to!(string)(operator)~", LhsValInstr: "~lhs.toString()~", RhsValInstr: "~rhs.toString(); } } /** * UnaryOpInstr instruction * * Any sort of Unary Operator */ public class UnaryOpInstr : Value { private Value exp; private SymbolType operator; this(Value exp, SymbolType operator) { this.exp = exp; this.operator = operator; addInfo = "UnaryOpType: "~to!(string)(operator)~", Instr: "~exp.toString(); } public SymbolType getOperator() { return operator; } public Value getOperand() { return exp; } } /** * 2022 New things * */ //public class CallInstr : Instruction public class CallInstr : Value { } public class FuncCallInstr : CallInstr { /** * This is described in the corresponding AST node * `FunctionCall`. See that. For short, function calls * from within expressions and those as appearing as statements * require a tiny different code gen but for Instructions * their emit also needs a tiny difference */ private bool statementLevel = false; /* Per-argument instrructions */ private Value[] evaluationInstructions; public const string functionName; this(string functionName, ulong argEvalInstrsSize) { this.functionName = functionName; evaluationInstructions.length = argEvalInstrsSize; updateAddInfo(); } /** * FuncCallInstr is built-bit-by-bit so toString information will change */ private void updateAddInfo() { addInfo = "FunctionName: "~functionName ~" EvalInstrs: "~ to!(string)(getEvaluationInstructions()); } public void setEvalInstr(ulong argPos, Value instr) { evaluationInstructions[argPos] = instr; updateAddInfo(); } public Value[] getEvaluationInstructions() { return evaluationInstructions; } /** * Determines whether this function call instruction * is within an expression or a statement itself * * Returns: true if statement-level, false otherwise */ public bool isStatementLevel() { return statementLevel; } /** * Marks this function call instruction as statement * level */ public void markStatementLevel() { statementLevel = true; } } public final class ReturnInstruction : Instruction { private Value returnExprInstr; this(Value returnExprInstr) { this.returnExprInstr = returnExprInstr; } this() { } public Value getReturnExpInstr() { return returnExprInstr; } public bool hasReturnExpInstr() { return returnExprInstr !is null; } } public final class IfStatementInstruction : Instruction { private BranchInstruction[] branchInstructions; this(BranchInstruction[] branchInstructions) { this.branchInstructions = branchInstructions; addInfo = "Branches: "~to!(string)(branchInstructions); } public BranchInstruction[] getBranchInstructions() { return branchInstructions; } } public final class WhileLoopInstruction : Instruction { private BranchInstruction branchInstruction; this(BranchInstruction branchInstruction) { this.branchInstruction = branchInstruction; addInfo = "Branch: "~to!(string)(branchInstruction); } public BranchInstruction getBranchInstruction() { return branchInstruction; } } public final class ForLoopInstruction : Instruction { private Instruction preRunInstruction; private BranchInstruction branchInstruction; private bool hasPostIterate; this(BranchInstruction branchInstruction, Instruction preRunInstruction = null, bool hasPostIterate = false) { this.branchInstruction = branchInstruction; this.preRunInstruction = preRunInstruction; addInfo = (hasPreRunInstruction() ? "PreRun: "~to!(string)(preRunInstruction)~", " : "")~"Branch: "~to!(string)(branchInstruction); this.hasPostIterate = hasPostIterate; } public bool hasPostIterationInstruction() { return hasPostIterate; } public Instruction getPreRunInstruction() { return preRunInstruction; } public bool hasPreRunInstruction() { return !(preRunInstruction is null); } public BranchInstruction getBranchInstruction() { return branchInstruction; } } public final class BranchInstruction : Instruction { private Value branchConditionInstr; private Instruction[] bodyInstructions; this(Value conditionInstr, Instruction[] bodyInstructions) { this.branchConditionInstr = conditionInstr; this.bodyInstructions = bodyInstructions; addInfo = "CondInstr: "~to!(string)(branchConditionInstr)~", BBodyInstrs: "~to!(string)(bodyInstructions); } public bool hasConditionInstr() { return !(branchConditionInstr is null); } public Value getConditionInstr() { return branchConditionInstr; } public Instruction[] getBodyInstructions() { return bodyInstructions; } } public final class PointerDereferenceAssignmentInstruction : Instruction { private Value pointerEvalInstr; private Value assigmnetExprInstr; private ulong derefCount; this(Value pointerEvalInstr, Value assigmnetExprInstr, ulong derefCount) { this.pointerEvalInstr = pointerEvalInstr; this.assigmnetExprInstr = assigmnetExprInstr; this.derefCount = derefCount; } public Value getPointerEvalInstr() { return pointerEvalInstr; } public Value getAssExprInstr() { return assigmnetExprInstr; } public ulong getDerefCount() { return derefCount; } } public final class DiscardInstruction : Instruction { private Value exprInstr; this(Value exprInstr) { this.exprInstr = exprInstr; } public Value getExpressionInstruction() { return exprInstr; } } public final class CastedValueInstruction : Value { /* The uncasted original instruction that must be executed-then-trimmed (casted) */ private Value uncastedValue; /** * Used in code emitting, this is related to * #140. Really just a C+DGen thing. * * Signals that we shouldn't emit any special * casting syntax in the underlying emitter. */ private bool relax; this(Value uncastedValue, Type castToType) { this.uncastedValue = uncastedValue; this.type = castToType; // Relaxing is disabled by default this.relax = false; } public Value getEmbeddedInstruction() { return uncastedValue; } public Type getCastToType() { return type; } public bool isRelaxed() { return relax; } public void setRelax(bool relax) { this.relax = relax; } } public final class ArrayIndexInstruction : Value { /* Index-to instruction */ private Value indexTo; /* The index */ private Value index; this(Value indexTo, Value index) { this.indexTo = indexTo; this.index = index; } public Value getIndexInstr() { return index; } public Value getIndexedToInstr() { return indexTo; } public override string toString() { return "ArrayIndexInstr [IndexTo: "~indexTo.toString()~", Index: "~index.toString()~"]"; } } //TODO: ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction public final class ArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction : Instruction { // TODO: We then need the left hand side array evaluation instruction (a pointer value basically) // private Value arrayPtrEval; // TODO: We then also need a `Value` field for the index expression instruction // private Value index; // NOTE: We now to the above to using an ArrayIndexInstruction private ArrayIndexInstruction arrayPtrEval; // TODO: We then also need another `Value` field for the expression instruction // ... being assigned into the pointer-array private Value assignment; this(ArrayIndexInstruction arrayPtrEval, Value assignment) { this.arrayPtrEval = arrayPtrEval; // this.index = index; this.assignment = assignment; } public ArrayIndexInstruction getArrayPtrEval() { return arrayPtrEval; } public Value getAssignmentInstr() { return assignment; } } // TODO: StackArrayIndexInstruction public final class StackArrayIndexInstruction : Value { /* Index-to instruction */ private Value indexTo; /* The index */ private Value index; this(Value indexTo, Value index) { this.indexTo = indexTo; this.index = index; } public Value getIndexInstr() { return index; } public Value getIndexedToInstr() { return indexTo; } public override string toString() { return "StackArrayIndexInstr [IndexTo: "~indexTo.toString()~", Index: "~index.toString()~"]"; } } // TODO: StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction public final class StackArrayIndexAssignmentInstruction : Instruction { // TODO: We need a `string` field here which is looked up with the // ... associated context of this instruction and refers to the // ... stack-array being index-assigned into private string arrayName; // TODO: We then also need a `Value` field for the index expression instruction private Value index; // TODO: We then also need another `Value` field for the expression instruction // ... being assigned into the stack-array at said index private Value assignment; this(string arrayName, Value index, Value assignment) { this.arrayName = arrayName; this.index = index; this.assignment = assignment; } public string getArrayName() { return arrayName; } public Value getIndexInstr() { return index; } public Value getAssignedValue() { return assignment; } public override string toString() { return "StackArrayASSIGN [name: "~arrayName~", index: "~index.toString()~", Assignment: "~assignment.toString()~"]"; } }