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module tlang.compiler.typecheck.resolution;
import tlang.compiler.typecheck.core;
import gogga;
import std.string;
import std.conv : to;
public final class Resolver
/* Associated TypeChecker engine */
private TypeChecker typeChecker;
this(TypeChecker typeChecker)
this.typeChecker = typeChecker;
* Generate the absolute full path of the given Entity
* Params:
* entity = The Entity to generate the full absolute path for
* Returns: The absolute full path
public string generateNameBest(Entity entity)
string absoluteFullPath;
* Search till we get to the top-most Container
* then generate a name relative to that with `generateName(topMostContainer, entity)`
Entity parentingEntity = entity;
parentingEntity = cast(Entity)parentingEntity.parentOf();
if(parentingEntity.parentOf() is null)
absoluteFullPath = generateName(cast(Container)parentingEntity, entity);
return absoluteFullPath;
* Given an Entity generate it's full path relative to a given
* container, this is akin to `generateNameWithin()` in the
* sense that it will fail if the entity prvided is not
* contained by `relativeTo` - returning null
public string generateName(Container relativeTo, Entity entity)
string[] name = generateName_Internal(relativeTo, entity);
string path;
for (ulong i = 0; i < name.length; i++)
path ~= name[name.length - 1 - i];
if (i != name.length - 1)
path ~= ".";
return path;
private string[] generateName_Internal(Container relativeTo, Entity entity)
* TODO: Always make sure this holds
* All objects that implement Container so far
* are also Entities (hence they have a name)
Entity containerEntity = cast(Entity) relativeTo;
* If the Entity and Container are the same then
* just returns its name
if (relativeTo == entity)
return [containerEntity.getName()];
* If the Entity is contained within the Container
else if (isDescendant(relativeTo, entity))
string[] items;
Entity currentEntity = entity;
items ~= currentEntity.getName();
* TODO: Make sure this condition holds
* So far all objects we have being used
* of which are kind-of Containers are also
* and ONLY also kind-of Entity's hence the
* cast should never fail
assert(cast(Entity) currentEntity.parentOf());
currentEntity = cast(Entity)(currentEntity.parentOf());
while (currentEntity != relativeTo);
/* Add the relative to container */
items ~= containerEntity.getName();
return items;
/* If not */
//TODO: technically an assert should be here and the one in isDescdant removed
return null;
* Returns true if Entity e is C or is within
* (contained under c), false otherwise
public bool isDescendant(Container c, Entity e)
* If they are the same
if (c == e)
return true;
* If not, check descendancy
Entity currentEntity = e;
gprintln("c isdecsenat: "~to!(string)(c));
gprintln("currentEntity: "~to!(string)(currentEntity));
gprintln("currentEntity(parent): "~to!(string)(currentEntity.parentOf()));
* TODO: Make sure this condition holds
* So far all objects we have being used
* of which are kind-of Containers are also
* and ONLY also kind-of Entity's hence the
* cast should never fail
assert(cast(Entity) currentEntity.parentOf());
// FIXME: Enable this below whenever we have any sort of crash
// (There is a case where we have it fail on `Variable (Ident: p, Type: int)`)
gprintln("AssertFail Check: "~to!(string)(currentEntity));
currentEntity = cast(Entity)(currentEntity.parentOf());
if (currentEntity == c)
return true;
while (currentEntity);
return false;
public Entity resolveWithin(Container currentContainer, string name)
Statement[] statements = currentContainer.getStatements();
foreach (Statement statement; statements)
/* TODO: Only acuse parser not done yet */
if (statement !is null)
Entity entity = cast(Entity) statement;
if (entity)
if (cmp(entity.getName(), name) == 0)
return entity;
return null;
public Entity resolveUp(Container currentContainer, string name)
// /* If given container is null */
// if(!currentContainer)
// {
// return null;
// }
/* Try find the Entity within the current Contaier */
gprintln("resolveUp("~to!(string)(currentContainer)~", "~name~")");
Entity entity = resolveWithin(currentContainer, name);
/* If we found it return it */
if (entity)
return entity;
/* If we didn't then try go up a container */
* TODO: Make sure this condition holds
* So far all objects we have being used
* of which are kind-of Containers are also
* and ONLY also kind-of Entity's hence the
* cast should never fail
assert(cast(Entity) currentContainer);
Container possibleParent = (cast(Entity) currentContainer).parentOf();
/* Can we go up */
if (possibleParent)
return resolveUp(possibleParent, name);
/* If the current container has no parent container */
gprintln("Simply not found");
return null;
* Resolves dot-paths and non-dot paths
* (both relative to a container)
* Example: Given c=clazz1 and name=clazz1 => result = clazz1
* Example: Given c=clazz1 and name=x (x is within) => result = x
* Example: Given c=clazz1 and name=clazz1.x => result = x
* Example: Given c=clazz1 and name=clazz2.x => result = x
public Entity resolveBest(Container c, string name)
* TODO: Always make sure this holds
* All objects that implement Container so far
* are also Entities (hence they have a name)
Entity containerEntity = cast(Entity) c;
string[] path = split(name, '.');
* If no dot
* Try and find `name` within c
* TODO: WOn't resolve a module
if (path.length == 1)
/* TODO: Add path[0], c.getName()) == modulle */
/* TODO: This is for getting module entity */
/* Check if the name, regardless of container, is root (Module) */
if (cmp(name, typeChecker.getModule().getName()) == 0)
return typeChecker.getModule();
Entity entityWithin = resolveUp(c, name);
/* If `name` was in container `c` or above it */
if (entityWithin)
return entityWithin;
/* If `name` was NOT found within container `c` or above it */
return null;
/* TODO: Add module name check here */
/* If the root is the current container */
if (cmp(path[0], containerEntity.getName()) == 0)
/* If only 1 left then just grab it */
if (path.length == 2)
Entity entityNext = resolveWithin(c, path[1]);
return entityNext;
/* Go deeper */
string newPath = name[indexOf(name, '.') + 1 .. name.length];
Entity entityNext = resolveWithin(c, path[1]);
/* If null then not found */
if (entityNext)
Container containerWithin = cast(Container) entityNext;
if (entityNext)
/* TODO: Technically I could strip new root as we have the container */
/* TODO: The only reason I don't want to do that is the condition */
//newPath = newPath[indexOf(newPath, '.')+1..newPath.length];
return resolveBest(containerWithin, newPath);
return null;
return null;
/* We need to search higher */
/* TODO: Bug is we will never find top container */
/* Check if the name of root is that of Module */
if (cmp(typeChecker.getModule().getName(), path[0]) == 0)
/* Root ourselves relative to the Module */
/* TODO: Don't serch for myModule class and ooga within */
* TODO: Although the above should be impossible when we set usable names
* and make sure module name cannot be sed anywhere
/* TODO: Even if it could be because of this check it would be ignored */
/* TODO: This is what we want, but to avoid confusion we shouldn't allow the use of that name */
return resolveBest(typeChecker.getModule(), name);
Entity entityFound = resolveUp(c, path[0]);
if (entityFound)
Container con = cast(Container) entityFound;
if (con)
return resolveBest(con, name);
return null;
/* TODO: We add module check here */
gprintln("killl me");
return null;