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module compiler.typecheck.core;
import compiler.symbols.check;
import std.conv : to;
import std.string;
import std.stdio;
import gogga;
import compiler.parsing.core;
import compiler.typecheck.resolution;
import compiler.typecheck.exceptions;
import compiler.symbols.typing.core;
* The Parser only makes sure syntax
* is adhered to (and, well, partially)
* as it would allow string+string
* for example
public final class TypeChecker
private Module modulle;
/* The name resolver */
private Resolver resolver;
public Module getModule()
return modulle;
this(Module modulle)
this.modulle = modulle;
resolver = new Resolver(this);
/* TODO: Module check?!?!? */
import compiler.typecheck.visitor;
private VTreeNode root;
* Root of reliance (dependency) tree
private RelianceNode relianceRootNode;
private void initTrees()
root = new VTreeNode(modulle);
/* Create a reliance node with no dependancies for the module */
relianceRootNode = new RelianceNode(modulle);
// private Statement[] visistedStatements;
public void visit(VTreeNode level, Statement statement)
// visistedStatements ~= statement;
level.addChild(new VTreeNode(statement));
public VTreeNode hasVisited(Statement statementInQuestion)
return root.isInTree(statementInQuestion);
* I guess this should be called rather
* when processing assignments but I also
* think we need something like it for
* class initializations first rather than
* variable expressions in assignments
* (which should probably use some other
* function to check that then)
public void dependencyCheck()
/* Check declaration and definition types */
/* TODO: Implement me */
/* TODO: Process class ? vars funcs ?*/
import compiler.typecheck.dependancy;
dependancyGenerate(this, modulle);
string depsString;
foreach(string key; keysOrder)
depsString ~= key~": "~to!(string)(deps[key])~", ";
gprintln("Final deps: "~to!(string)(depsString));
* Given a type as a string this
* returns the actual type
* If not found then null is returned
public Type getType(Container c, string typeString)
Type foundType;
/* Check if the type is built-in */
foundType = getBuiltInType(typeString);
/* If it isn't then check for a type (resolve it) */
foundType = cast(Type)resolver.resolveBest(c, typeString);
return foundType;
private void checkClass(Clazz clazz)
gprintln("Checking class now...");
/* TODO: Get all typed entities */
/* TODO: Check things ithin */
* Checks all TypedEntity(s) (so Variables and Functions)
* such that their types (variable type/return type) are
* valid type names
* This is called on a Container
* TODO: Should we also do expression parsing or rather do another call for that
* mmmmh
// private VTreeNode currentNode;
private void checkTypedEntitiesTypeNames(Container c)
/* This VTreeNode */
VTreeNode thisNode;
if(c == modulle)
thisNode = root;
/* Create a VTreeNode for this Statement */
thisNode = new VTreeNode(cast(Statement)c);
/* Get my parent's VTreeNode */
/* TODO: This parent of, ah we should make functions be containers, like we gonna need that for constutcor processing etc, and fucntions, mutual recursion there too */
Statement cS = cast(Statement)c;
VTreeNode parentNode = hasVisited(cast(Statement)cS.parentOf());
/* TODO: My grand resolver fuuuuck the parent is not in da tree */
/* TODO: Static classes moment */
/* TODO: We should do this recursively rather, because we exit it is fine technically so the tree will be valid */
/* Child-self to parent VTreeNode */
TypedEntity[] typedEntities;
foreach (Statement statement; c.getStatements())
if (statement !is null && cast(TypedEntity) statement)
typedEntities ~= cast(TypedEntity) statement;
/* Attempt to resolve the types of the variables */
foreach(TypedEntity typedEntity; typedEntities)
/* TypedEntity's type */
string typeString = typedEntity.getType();
/* TODO: Resolve type here (either built-in or class type) */
Type type = getType(c, typeString);
/* Make sure type is valid */
Parser.expect("Invalid type \""~typeString~"\"");
gprintln("Type: "~to!(string)(type));
/* TODO: Visit it (mark it as such) */
VTreeNode thisEntity = new VTreeNode(typedEntity);
/* TODO: Check type here */
/* If it is primitive then no further checking */
/* TODO: Mark it as ready-for-reference */
/* TODO: Expression checking */
/* If it is a Class type */
Clazz clazzType = cast(Clazz)type;
/* TODO: Check constructor */
/* TODO: We need to start marking things */
/* TODO: Do actual checks here now */
/* TODO: If the type is of the current class we are in then it is fine? */
if(clazzType == c)
gprintln("Container we are in matches type of TypedEdntity being processed");
/* TODO: In that case mark the entity as fine */
// clazzType.mark();
/* If the type is visited already (good for rwcuasiev case mutal class references) */
else if(hasVisited(clazzType))
/* TODO: This could actually solve the abive too? */
/* This is basically saying the TypedEntity's type is a CLass that has been visited so we can assume it is safe to add */
/* We don't wanna visit it again (as stackoevrflow) from mutaul recursion then */
/* TODO: Also make it fine? mmuutal recusive refernce */
/* TODO: Got it, we NEED a dependency tree, to know chihs is being processed previosuly */
/* TODO: Now check this class and follow it's path */
// /**
// * Get all classes
// */
// Clazz[] classes;
// foreach (Statement statement; c.getStatements())
// {
// if (statement !is null && cast(Clazz) statement)
// {
// classes ~= cast(Clazz) statement;
// }
// }
// /**
// * TODO: Here I am testing on dependeny constrtuction
// * 1. Only for classes
// * 2. Only for their static member (assignment is assumed not to happen)
// */
// foreach(Clazz currentClass; classes)
// {
// gprintln("DependencyConstruction: Class Container found '"~to!(string)(currentClass)~"'");
// /* Mark this as reliant on modulle (then) */
// /* Check recursively */
// checkClass_DepTest(currentClass);
// }
* Dependency encountering
* TODO: Move to own module
// */
// public string[][string] deps;
// public void encounter(string entityName, string dependentOn)
// {
// deps[entityName] ~= dependentOn;
// gprintln("[Encounter] Entity: \""~entityName~"\" set to be dependent on \""~dependentOn~"\"");
// }
// private void checkClass_DepTest(Clazz c)
// {
// /**
// * Get all static entities in class
// */
// Entity[] staticMembers;
// foreach (Statement statement; c.getStatements())
// {
// if (statement !is null && cast(Entity) statement)
// {
// Entity member = cast(Entity)statement;
// if(member.getModifierType() == InitScope.STATIC)
// {
// staticMembers ~= cast(Entity) statement;
// }
// }
// }
// gprintln("Static members: "~to!(string)(staticMembers));
// /**
// * Processes all Class definitions (first, ordered)
// * Fucntions and Variables (TODO: I cannot recall that ordering)
// */
// foreach(Entity staticMember; staticMembers)
// {
// /**
// * Handle static member classes (Class)
// */
// if(cast(Clazz)staticMember)
// {
// /* The class must be dependent on the current class */
// gprintln("fdhjdfshjfd");
// /* Full path of thing depending on something else */
// string dependee = resolver.generateName(modulle, staticMember);
// /* Full path of the thing it is dependent on */
// string dependency = resolver.generateName(modulle, c);
// /* Add this to the dependency list fpr the current dependent staticMemberType */
// encounter(dependee, dependency);
// /* If the static member is a class then apply the logic recursively to it */
// Clazz staticMemberClass = cast(Clazz)staticMember;
// checkTypedEntitiesTypeNames(staticMemberClass);
// }
// /**
// * Handle static member functions/variables (Function/Variable)
// */
// else if(cast(TypedEntity)staticMember)
// {
// /* Typed static member */
// TypedEntity typedStaticMember = cast(TypedEntity)staticMember;
// /* Get the Type of the member */
// Type staticMemberType = getType(c, typedStaticMember.getType());
// /* Full path of thing depending on something else */
// string dependee = resolver.generateName(modulle, typedStaticMember);
// /* Full path of the thing it is dependent on */
// string dependency = resolver.generateName(modulle, staticMemberType);
// /* Add this to the dependency list fpr the current dependent staticMemberType */
// encounter(dependee, dependency);
// }
// else
// {
// assert(false);
// }
// }
// }
/* TODO: TYpeEntity check sepeare */
/* TODO: Parsing within function etc. */
private void checkDefinitionTypes(Container c)
/* Check variables and functions (TypedEntities) declarations */
/* Check class inheritance types */
Clazz[] classes;
foreach (Statement statement; c.getStatements())
if (statement !is null && cast(Clazz) statement)
classes ~= cast(Clazz) statement;
* Begins the type checking process
public void beginCheck()
* Make sure there are no name collisions anywhere
* in the Module with an order of precedence of
* Classes being declared before Functions and
* Functions before Variables
checkContainerCollision(modulle); /* TODO: Rename checkContainerCollision */
/* TODO: Now that everything is defined, no collision */
/* TODO: Do actual type checking and declarations */
private void checkClassInherit(Container c)
/* Get all types (Clazz so far) */
Clazz[] classTypes;
foreach (Statement statement; c.getStatements())
if (statement !is null && cast(Clazz) statement)
classTypes ~= cast(Clazz) statement;
/* Process each Clazz */
foreach (Clazz clazz; classTypes)
/* Get the current class's parent */
string[] parentClasses = clazz.getInherit();
gprintln("Class: " ~ clazz.getName() ~ ": ParentInheritList: " ~ to!(
/* Try resolve all of these */
foreach (string parent; parentClasses)
/* Find the named entity */
Entity namedEntity;
/* Check if the name is rooted */
string[] dotPath = split(parent, '.');
/* Resolve the name */
namedEntity = resolver.resolveBest(c, parent);
/* If the entity exists */
if (namedEntity)
/* Check if it is a Class, if so non-null */
Clazz parentEntity = cast(Clazz) namedEntity;
/* Only inherit from class or (TODO: interfaces) */
if (parentEntity)
/* Make sure it is not myself */
if (parentEntity != clazz)
/* TODO: Add loop checking here */
Parser.expect("Cannot inherit from self");
/* Error */
Parser.expect("Can only inherit from classes");
/* If the entity doesn't exist then it is an error */
Parser.expect("Could not find any entity named " ~ parent);
/* Once processing is done, apply recursively */
foreach (Clazz clazz; classTypes)
private void checkClasses(Container c)
* Make sure no duplicate types (classes) defined
* within same Container
* Now that everything is neat and tidy
* let's check class properties like inheritance
* names
public Resolver getResolver()
return resolver;
* Given a Container `c` this will check all
* members of said Container and make sure
* none of them have a name that conflicts
* with any other member in said Container
* nor uses the same name AS the Container
* itself.
* Errors are printed when a member has a name
* of a previously defined member
* Errors are printed if the memeber shares a
* name with the container
* If the above 2 are false then a last check
* happens to check if the current Entity
* that just passed these checks is itself a
* Container, if not, then we do nothing and
* go onto processing the next Entity that is
* a member of Container `c` (we stay at the
* same level), HOWEVER if so, we then recursively
* call `checkContainer` on said Entity and the
* logic above applies again
private void checkContainerCollision(Container c)
* TODO: Always make sure this holds
* All objects that implement Container so far
* are also Entities (hence they have a name)
Entity containerEntity = cast(Entity)c;
* Get all Entities of the Container with order Clazz, Function, Variable
Entity[] entities = getContainerMembers(c);
gprintln("checkContainer(C): " ~ to!(string)(entities));
foreach (Entity entity; entities)
* Absolute root Container (in other words, the Module)
* can not be used
if(cmp(modulle.getName(), entity.getName()) == 0)
throw new CollidingNameException(this, modulle, entity, c);
* If the current entity's name matches the container then error
else if (cmp(containerEntity.getName(), entity.getName()) == 0)
throw new CollidingNameException(this, containerEntity, entity, c);
* If there are conflicting names within the current container
* (this takes precedence into account based on how `entities`
* is generated)
else if (findPrecedence(c, entity.getName()) != entity)
throw new CollidingNameException(this, findPrecedence(c,
entity.getName()), entity, c);
* Otherwise this Entity is fine
string fullPath = resolver.generateName(modulle, entity);
string containerNameFullPath = resolver.generateName(modulle, containerEntity);
gprintln("Entity \"" ~ fullPath
~ "\" is allowed to be defined within container \""
~ containerNameFullPath ~ "\"");
* Check if this Entity is a Container, if so, then
* apply the same round of checks within it
Container possibleContainerEntity = cast(Container) entity;
if (possibleContainerEntity)
* Returns container members in order of
* Clazz, Function, Variable
private Entity[] getContainerMembers(Container c)
/* Entities */
Entity[] entities;
/* Get all classes */
foreach (Statement statement; c.getStatements())
if (statement !is null && cast(Clazz) statement)
entities ~= cast(Clazz) statement;
/* Get all functions */
foreach (Statement statement; c.getStatements())
if (statement !is null && cast(Function) statement)
entities ~= cast(Function) statement;
/* Get all variables */
foreach (Statement statement; c.getStatements())
if (statement !is null && cast(Variable) statement)
entities ~= cast(Variable) statement;
return entities;
* Finds the first occurring Entity with the provided
* name based on Classes being searched, then Functions
* and lastly Variables
public Entity findPrecedence(Container c, string name)
foreach (Entity entity; getContainerMembers(c))
/* If we find matching entity names */
if (cmp(entity.getName(), name) == 0)
return entity;
return null;
* Starting from a Container c this makes sure
* that all classes defined within that container
* do no clash name wise
* Make this general, so it checks all Entoties
* within container, starting first with classes
* then it should probably mark them, this will
* be so we can then loop through all entities
* including classes, of container c and for
* every entity we come across in c we make
* sure it doesn't have a name of something that
* is marked
private void checkClassNames(Container c)
* TODO: Always make sure this holds
* All objects that implement Container so far
* are also Entities (hence they have a name)
Entity containerEntity = cast(Entity)c;
/* Get all types (Clazz so far) */
Clazz[] classTypes;
foreach (Statement statement; c.getStatements())
if (statement !is null && cast(Clazz) statement)
classTypes ~= cast(Clazz) statement;
/* Declare each type */
foreach (Clazz clazz; classTypes)
// gprintln("Name: "~resolver.generateName(modulle, clazz));
* Check if the first class found with my name is the one being
* processed, if so then it is fine, if not then error, it has
* been used (that identifier) already
* TODO: We cann add a check here to not allow containerName == clazz
* TODO: Call resolveUp as we can then stop class1.class1.class1
* Okay top would resolve first part but class1.class2.class1
* would not be caught by that
* TODO: This will meet inner clazz1 first, we need to do another check
if (resolver.resolveUp(c, clazz.getName()) != clazz)
Parser.expect("Cannot define class \"" ~ resolver.generateName(modulle,
clazz) ~ "\" as one with same name, \"" ~ resolver.generateName(modulle,
resolver.resolveUp(c, clazz.getName())) ~ "\" exists in container \"" ~ resolver.generateName(
modulle, containerEntity) ~ "\"");
/* Get the current container's parent container */
Container parentContainer = containerEntity.parentOf();
/* Don't allow a class to be named after it's container */
// if(!parentContainer)
// {
if (cmp(containerEntity.getName(), clazz.getName()) == 0)
Parser.expect("Class \"" ~ resolver.generateName(modulle,
clazz) ~ "\" cannot be defined within container with same name, \"" ~ resolver.generateName(
modulle, containerEntity) ~ "\"");
/* TODO: Loop througn Container ENtitys here */
/* Make sure that when we call findPrecedence(entity) == current entity */
// }
/* TODO: We allow shaddowing so below is disabled */
/* TODO: We should however use the below for dot-less resolution */
// /* Find the name starting in upper cotainer */
// Entity clazzAbove = resolveUp(parentContainer, clazz.getName());
// if(!clazzAbove)
// {
// }
// else
// {
// Parser.expect("Name in use abpve us, bad"~to!(string)(clazz));
// }
/* If the Container's parent container is Module then we can have
/* TODO: Check that it doesn;t equal any class up the chain */
/* TODO: Exclude Module from this */
// /* Still check if there is something with our name above us */
// Container parentContainer = c.parentOf();
// /* If at this level container we find duplicate */
// if(resolveUp(parentContainer, clazz.getName()))
// {
// Parser.expect("Class with name "~clazz.getName()~" defined in class "~c.getName());
// }
* TODO: Now we should loop through each class and do the same
* so we have all types defined
//gprintln("Defined classes: "~to!(string)(Program.getAllOf(new Clazz(""), cast(Statement[])marked)));
* By now we have confirmed that within the current container
* there are no classes defined with the same name
* We now check each Class recursively, once we are done
* we mark the class entity as "ready" (may be referenced)
foreach (Clazz clazz; classTypes)
gprintln("Check recursive " ~ to!(string)(clazz), DebugType.WARNING);
/* Check the current class's types within */
// checkClassInherit(clazz);
/*Now we should loop through each class */
/* Once outerly everything is defined we can then handle class inheritance names */
/* We can also then handle refereces between classes */
// gprintln("checkTypes: ")
/* Test name resolution */
/* Test name colliding with container name (1/3) [module] */
import std.file;
import std.stdio;
import compiler.lexer;
import compiler.parsing.core;
string sourceFile = "source/tlang/testing/collide_container_module1.t";
File sourceFileFile;; /* TODO: Error handling with ANY file I/O */
ulong fileSize = sourceFileFile.size();
byte[] fileBytes;
fileBytes.length = fileSize;
fileBytes = sourceFileFile.rawRead(fileBytes);
string sourceCode = cast(string) fileBytes;
Lexer currentLexer = new Lexer(sourceCode);
Parser parser = new Parser(currentLexer.getTokens());
Module modulle = parser.parse();
TypeChecker typeChecker = new TypeChecker(modulle);
/* Setup testing variables */
Entity container = typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(typeChecker.getModule, "y");
Entity colliderMember = typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(typeChecker.getModule, "y.y");
/* Perform test */
/* Shouldn't reach here, collision exception MUST occur */
catch (CollidingNameException e)
/* Make sure the member y.y collided with root container (module) y */
assert(e.defined == container);
/* Test name colliding with container name (2/3) [module, nested collider] */
import std.file;
import std.stdio;
import compiler.lexer;
import compiler.parsing.core;
string sourceFile = "source/tlang/testing/collide_container_module2.t";
File sourceFileFile;; /* TODO: Error handling with ANY file I/O */
ulong fileSize = sourceFileFile.size();
byte[] fileBytes;
fileBytes.length = fileSize;
fileBytes = sourceFileFile.rawRead(fileBytes);
string sourceCode = cast(string) fileBytes;
Lexer currentLexer = new Lexer(sourceCode);
Parser parser = new Parser(currentLexer.getTokens());
Module modulle = parser.parse();
TypeChecker typeChecker = new TypeChecker(modulle);
/* Setup testing variables */
Entity container = typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(typeChecker.getModule, "y");
Entity colliderMember = typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(typeChecker.getModule, "y.a.b.c.y");
/* Perform test */
/* Shouldn't reach here, collision exception MUST occur */
catch (CollidingNameException e)
/* Make sure the member y.a.b.c.y collided with root container (module) y */
assert(e.defined == container);
/* Test name colliding with container name (3/3) [container (non-module), nested collider] */
import std.file;
import std.stdio;
import compiler.lexer;
import compiler.parsing.core;
string sourceFile = "source/tlang/testing/collide_container_non_module.t";
File sourceFileFile;; /* TODO: Error handling with ANY file I/O */
ulong fileSize = sourceFileFile.size();
byte[] fileBytes;
fileBytes.length = fileSize;
fileBytes = sourceFileFile.rawRead(fileBytes);
string sourceCode = cast(string) fileBytes;
Lexer currentLexer = new Lexer(sourceCode);
Parser parser = new Parser(currentLexer.getTokens());
Module modulle = parser.parse();
TypeChecker typeChecker = new TypeChecker(modulle);
/* Setup testing variables */
Entity container = typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(typeChecker.getModule, "a.b.c");
Entity colliderMember = typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(typeChecker.getModule, "a.b.c.c");
/* Perform test */
/* Shouldn't reach here, collision exception MUST occur */
catch (CollidingNameException e)
/* Make sure the member a.b.c.c collided with a.b.c container */
assert(e.defined == container);
/* Test name colliding with member */
import std.file;
import std.stdio;
import compiler.lexer;
import compiler.parsing.core;
string sourceFile = "source/tlang/testing/collide_member.t";
File sourceFileFile;; /* TODO: Error handling with ANY file I/O */
ulong fileSize = sourceFileFile.size();
byte[] fileBytes;
fileBytes.length = fileSize;
fileBytes = sourceFileFile.rawRead(fileBytes);
string sourceCode = cast(string) fileBytes;
Lexer currentLexer = new Lexer(sourceCode);
Parser parser = new Parser(currentLexer.getTokens());
Module modulle = parser.parse();
TypeChecker typeChecker = new TypeChecker(modulle);
/* Setup testing variables */
Entity memberFirst = typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(typeChecker.getModule, "a.b");
/* Perform test */
/* Shouldn't reach here, collision exception MUST occur */
catch (CollidingNameException e)
/* Make sure the member a.b.c.c collided with a.b.c container */
assert(e.attempted != memberFirst);
/* Test name colliding with member (check that the member defined is class (precendence test)) */
import std.file;
import std.stdio;
import compiler.lexer;
import compiler.parsing.core;
string sourceFile = "source/tlang/testing/precedence_collision_test.t";
File sourceFileFile;; /* TODO: Error handling with ANY file I/O */
ulong fileSize = sourceFileFile.size();
byte[] fileBytes;
fileBytes.length = fileSize;
fileBytes = sourceFileFile.rawRead(fileBytes);
string sourceCode = cast(string) fileBytes;
Lexer currentLexer = new Lexer(sourceCode);
Parser parser = new Parser(currentLexer.getTokens());
Module modulle = parser.parse();
TypeChecker typeChecker = new TypeChecker(modulle);
/* Setup testing variables */
Entity ourClassA = typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(typeChecker.getModule, "a");
/* Perform test */
/* Shouldn't reach here, collision exception MUST occur */
catch (CollidingNameException e)
/* Make sure the member attempted was Variable and defined was Clazz */
/* Test name colliding with container name (1/2) */
import std.file;
import std.stdio;
import compiler.lexer;
import compiler.parsing.core;
string sourceFile = "source/tlang/testing/collide_container.t";
File sourceFileFile;; /* TODO: Error handling with ANY file I/O */
ulong fileSize = sourceFileFile.size();
byte[] fileBytes;
fileBytes.length = fileSize;
fileBytes = sourceFileFile.rawRead(fileBytes);
string sourceCode = cast(string) fileBytes;
Lexer currentLexer = new Lexer(sourceCode);
Parser parser = new Parser(currentLexer.getTokens());
Module modulle = parser.parse();
TypeChecker typeChecker = new TypeChecker(modulle);
/* Setup testing variables */
Entity container = typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(typeChecker.getModule, "y");
Entity colliderMember = typeChecker.getResolver().resolveBest(typeChecker.getModule, "y.y");
/* Perform test */
/* Shouldn't reach here, collision exception MUST occur */
catch (CollidingNameException e)
/* Make sure the member y.y collided with root container (module) y */
assert(e.defined == container);
/* TODO: Add some unit tests */
import std.file;
import std.stdio;
import compiler.lexer;
import compiler.parsing.core;
// isUnitTest = true;
string sourceFile = "source/tlang/testing/basic1.t";
gprintln("Reading source file '" ~ sourceFile ~ "' ...");
File sourceFileFile;; /* TODO: Error handling with ANY file I/O */
ulong fileSize = sourceFileFile.size();
byte[] fileBytes;
fileBytes.length = fileSize;
fileBytes = sourceFileFile.rawRead(fileBytes);
gprintln("Performing tokenization on '" ~ sourceFile ~ "' ...");
/* TODO: Open source file */
string sourceCode = cast(string) fileBytes;
// string sourceCode = "hello \"world\"|| ";
//string sourceCode = "hello \"world\"||"; /* TODO: Implement this one */
// string sourceCode = "hello;";
Lexer currentLexer = new Lexer(sourceCode);
gprintln("Collected " ~ to!(string)(currentLexer.getTokens()));
gprintln("Parsing tokens...");
Parser parser = new Parser(currentLexer.getTokens());
Module modulle = parser.parse();
gprintln("Type checking and symbol resolution...");
TypeChecker typeChecker = new TypeChecker(modulle);
// catch(CollidingNameException e)
// {
// gprintln(e.msg, DebugType.ERROR);
// //gprintln("Stack trace:\n"~to!(string)(;
// }
catch (TypeCheckerException e)
gprintln(e.msg, DebugType.ERROR);
/* Test first-level resolution */
// assert(cmp(typeChecker.isValidEntity(modulle.getStatements(), "clazz1").getName(), "clazz1")==0);
// /* Test n-level resolution */
// assert(cmp(typeChecker.isValidEntity(modulle.getStatements(), "clazz_2_1.clazz_2_2").getName(), "clazz_2_2")==0);
// assert(cmp(typeChecker.isValidEntity(modulle.getStatements(), "clazz_2_1.clazz_2_2.j").getName(), "j")==0);
// assert(cmp(typeChecker.isValidEntity(modulle.getStatements(), "clazz_2_1.clazz_2_2.clazz_2_2_1").getName(), "clazz_2_2_1")==0);
// assert(cmp(typeChecker.isValidEntity(modulle.getStatements(), "clazz_2_1.clazz_2_2").getName(), "clazz_2_2")==0);
// /* Test invalid access to j treating it as a Container (whilst it is a Variable) */
// assert(typeChecker.isValidEntity(modulle.getStatements(), "clazz_2_1.clazz_2_2.j.p") is null);